3. It also impacts the environment through soil reclamation, soil enrichment, protection against fire and wind, and as a haven for biodiversity and ornament. Different ruminant species do not eat the same plant parts: in Djibouti, it was observed that camels preferred the non-lignified tips of branches once the leaves had been eaten by sheep and goats. Res., 60 (3): 273-280. Fig. J. Camelid Sci., 1: 1-13, Shayo, C. M. ; Uden, P., 1998. This method is a standard method fully described in the work of Song et al. 3). CSIRO, DPI&F(Qld), CIAT and ILRI, Brisbane, Australia, Ehoche, O. W. ; Theresa, Y. M. ; Buvanendran, V. ; Adu, I. F., 1983. Abdulrazak et al., 2001; Barbind et al., 1994; Blair Ralns, 1963; Cheema et al., 2011; CIRAD, 1991; Khanum et al., 2007; Makkar et al., 1998; Rubanza et al., 2003; Rubanza et al., 2005; Sotohy et al., 1997; Tefera et al., 2008, Barman et al., 2006; CIRAD, 1991; Dougall et al., 1958; French, 1934; FUSAGx/CRAW, 2009; Mlambo et al., 2008; Ngwa et al., 2002; Patel, 1966; Sawe et al., 1998; Shayo et al., 1999; Tanner et al., 1990; Walker, 1975, Barman et al., 2006; CIRAD, 1991; Kumaresan et al., 1984; Mlambo et al., 2008; Ngwa et al., 2002; Tanner et al., 1990, Mlambo et al., 2008; Ngwa et al., 2002; Tanner et al., 1990, Heuzé V., Tran G., Eugène M., Bastianelli D., Lebas F., 2016. Brenan is the most common form in east tropical Africa. (2013) (Table 2), and their influences on the selected dependent variables (Yn) were studied using a full factorial central composite design (CCD) (i.e., 19 experiments) as designed by the Design Expert 11.0.0 software (Stat-Ease, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA). The experimental design employed for the extraction was a central composite design that enabled the evaluation of the effects of time, temperature, and methanol concentration on the dependent variables of extraction yield, total phenolic contents (TPC, as gallic acid equivalents (GAE)), and antioxidant activity (AA, as millimoles of ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE)). Hydrolyzable tannins and proanthocyanidins,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61(39), 9316-9324. Willd., Acacia arabica var. 2005; Al-Hussaini and Mustapha 2016). (2015). ex Delile subsp. Acacia nilotica extract lowered blood glucose levels, restored serum urea and creatinine. The root system depends on the growing conditions and subspecies: a deep taproot in dry conditions and extensive lateral roots in flooded conditions. A. ; Mousa, M. T., 2008. South Afr. Statistical ANOVA for the Quadratic Models of the Three Responses, 3D Response Surface Plots of the Responses. These authors extracted tannins form different part of the acacia species and it was found that a mature pod has the highest percentage of tannins (22.2%) as compared to the bark and leaves (11.8% and 10.5%, respectively) of the same acacia species. In some regions, the animals are taken to the trees and the pods are consumed as they fall down naturally or are knocked down by herders (Mlambo et al., 2008; Tanner et al., 1990). Sci. In a comparison with four other Acacia species (Acacia karroo, Acacia tortilis, Acacia sieberiana, Acacia rhemniana), young dried leaves of Acacia nilotica were found to be among the most palatable with an intake of about 200 g/d in sheep and goats (Mokoboki et al., 2011). 2010). F01/NILEST/1256/2019/07). (2017). (2010). Hence, the total number of experiments was 19 (2^3 [8] + 2*3 [6] + 5 = 19) and values in brackets represent the coded values of the independent variables (Table 2). DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2012.04.008, Chaovanalikit, A., and Wrolstad, R. E. (2004). The forage management of Acacia nilotica can be quite complex as various parts of the plants are used at different periods of the year for different types of animals. Kaushik, A., Jijta, C., Kaushik, J. J., Zeray, R., Ambesajir, A., and Beyene, L. (2012). DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2004.12.004, Silvestre, A. J. D., and Gandini, A. A. “Recent trends in leather making: Processes, problems, and pathways,” Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 35(1), 37-79. Flowers are sweetly scented and bright to golden yellow in colour. Asian-Aust. In terms of calendar months, the flowers appear on the tree between March and June, with pods forming between July and December. The seeds contain much more protein (19% DM) and fibre (29% DM). All parts of the plant contain high levels of tannins that may hamper protein digestibility and animal performance (Carter, 1994). Laboratory data 1963-1991. After the reduction of the Fe(III)-TPTZ complex to the Fe(II)-TPTZ complex, a blue color solution was obtained; its absorbance was determined by spectrophotometer (UV-2501PC; Shimadzu, Mumbai, India) measurement at 593 nm. The crown may be flattened or rounded. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.12.016, Okuda, T. (2005). Similarly, they also used hide powder methods to determine the tannin content of bark, leaves, and pods of the A. nilotica. Some of the operating conditions necessary for optimizing the extraction efficiency in terms of quality and yield include temperature, time, and extraction solvent used, as well as the solid-to-liquid ratio used (Pinelo et al. Symptoms included abortions, dyspnoea, tachycardia, methemoglobinemia, rumen atony and hyperglycemia. Effect of polyethylene glycol 4000 supplementation on the performance of indigenous Pedi goats fed different levels of, Ncube, S. ; Mpofu, D., 1994. The A. nilotica plant is abundantly available and several million tons of its pods can be used for the production of tannins. Tree leaves, their production and nutritive value for ruminants: a review. However, it did not reduce growth rate and was therefore considered as a potentially viable technology (Halimani et al., 2005; Halimani et al., 2007). Bark[?] Among all the phytochemicals stated above, tannins are the most extensively studied, especially as they are applied to the leather industry, and these are reported in recent articles (Covington 2011; Nasr et al. This software aided the experimental design, modeling, and optimization. DOI: 10.3390/ijms11062362, Spigno, G., Tramelli, L., and De Faveri, D. M. (2007). Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Symposia Proceedings, The central composite design (CCD) of experimentation, as incorporated in the Design Expert 11.0.0 statistical software, was successfully utilized to optimize three independent extraction conditions for the production of tannins from, This work further demonstrated the capacity of using. Rural Dev., 23 (6): 132, CIRAD, 1991. Though the extracted tannin has been used to retan a sample leather and it was of good mechanical strength, it is important to further analyze the efficacy of the tannin using other parameters such as putrefaction rate and antibacterial activity of the retanned leather. After the subjection of the leather samples to these three physical tests, the results were plotted (Fig. Personal communication. Acacia nilotica pods were found to be able to meet the maintenance requirements of sheep but they were of low digestibility and phosphorus supplementation was required (Chellapandian et al., 2003). ex Delile) is a medium sized, thorny, nearly evergreen tree that can reach a height of 20-25 m but may remain a shrub in poor growing conditions (Ecocrop, 2012; Orwa et al., 2009; Fagg et al., 2005). Acacia nilotica encompasses nine subspecies distinguished by the shape and pubescence of the pods and the habit of the tree: indica, kraussiana, leiocarpa, nilotica, subalata and tomentosa in Africa, cupressiformis and hemispherica in the Indian continent, and adstringens in both continents. (2011). This value, when compared with the work of Vázquez et al. Effect of tannin-rich plant (, Sotohy, A. S. M., 2004. The average rating was between very good and good in leather colour for Acacia nilotica Pods tanning, with an average of 3.80. (2010). 3 to 5: Each of these equations consisted of linear, quadratic, and interaction effects of the independent variables on the various responses. In part of its range smallstock consume the pods and leaves, but elsewhere it is also very popular with cattle. Generally, the essence of tanning is to make sure that the hide and skin are in stable condition and to prevent further putrefaction or decomposition after the tanning process. 2003; Okuda 2005; Babayi et al. Babul (Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. 2. J. Anim. “Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of chestnut (Castanea sativa) shell and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) bark extracts,” Industrial Crops and Products 28(3), 279-285. Acacia nilotica foliage and pods contain alkaloids and saponins that may have antinutritional effects (Cheema et al., 2011; Cook et al., 2005). The experimental and predicted values agreed with one another. Potential nutritive value and tannin bioassay of selected, Pande, M. B. ; Talpada, P. M. ; Patel, Z. N. ; Patel, B. H. ; Shukla, P. C., 1982. Local use and knowledge validation of fodder trees and shrubs browsed by livestock in Bushbuckridge area, South Africa. While alkaline treatment with NaOH or NH3 can be dangerous, one economical and readily available source of alkaline material is wood ash solution: pods crushed and soaked in a wood ash solution showed a decrease in the concentration of soluble tannins (Sikosana, 2006). Feeding a diet containing 4% of Acacia nilotica leaf meal to growing rabbits did not result in differences in intake and digestibility. In general, vegetable tannins, such as those extracted from A. nilotica pods or E. globulus bark, provide a high environmental resistance when used in the tanning of leather (Pinto et al. Blair Rains, A., 1963. 1. Musa and Gasm elseed reported that 'Garad' tannins had a behavior like pyrogallol and catechol … Acacia nilotica Lam (Acacia) is an imperative plant that possesses many medicinal uses [10, 11]. The voucher specimens are deposited in the Botany Department herbarium, Aswan Faculty of Science, Egypt. The pods of Acacia nilotica were successfully utilized for the extraction of tannins using a methanol/water extraction medium. Reproduction is entirely sexual. The effectiveness of adapted rumen fluid versus PEG to ferment tannin-containing substrates, Mlambo, V. ; Mould, F. L. ; Sikosana, J. L. N. ; Smith, T. ; Owen, E. ; Mueller-Harvey, I., 2008. Manual on taxonomy of, Cheema, U. “Characterization and application of Acacia nilotica L. as an alternative vegetable tanning agent for leather processing,” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26(12), 7319-7326, DOI:342974836, Asiedu, K., Kyei, S., Ayobi, B., Agyemang, F. O., and Ablordeppey, R. K. (2016). (2008) for the extraction E. globulus bark extract using NaOH, was higher. Evaluation of five medicinal plants used in diarrhoea treatment in Nigeria. It is now commonly found or cultivated within 30°N and 20°S in almost all tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, Asia, Australia and the Caribbean (Ecocrop, 2012; Orwa et al., 2009; Fagg et al., 2005). Method : Spread 1 to 1.5 metres of coarse cloth is evenly, with its corners secured. Each independent variable was incorporated into the CCD, which allowed for the design of the experiment and the construction of a second-order quadratic model (Eq. Acacia Nilotica ( Babool ) pods cure Sexual Debility ( In Men ) and all its symptoms; Premature Ejaculation, Spermatorrhea, Watery Semen, Nocturnal Emission. The coefficients of determinations were 0.9750 for extraction yield, 0.9626 for TPC, and 0.9774 for AA, which indicated that the model equations obtained fitted the experimental data. Tanning also provides successive cross-linkages between the collagen in the hide and skin, which ensures changes to its physical and chemical resistance (Thanikaivelan et al. Table 1. “Systematics and health effects of chemically distinct tannins in medicinal plants,” Phytochemistry 66(17), 2012-2031. 1. Nutr. The long, pendulous and flattish Fruit is a Pod (photo 196) which is distinctly constricted between seeds. 2008, 2009) when compared to single solvents or aqueous solutions such as sodium sulphate or sodium hydroxide (Chinsembu 2015). The foliage and the pods dropped during the dry season can be a fundamental source of nutrients in periods of feed scarcity (Orwa et al., 2009; Carter, 1994; Audru et al., 1993). Briefly, Acacia nilotica is a plant that is 5 to 20 m high. Zimbabwe J. Agric. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.06.045, Covington, A. D. (2004). Apart from its good extractive potentials, it has also been reported that phenolic compounds extracted using this solvent have a strong resistance to antioxidants (Vázquez et al. It can grow from sea level up to an altitude of 2000 m, on a wide variety of soils and climatic conditions. DOI: 10.1021/sc400037h, Pollach, G., Brunkhorst, F., Mipando, M., Namboya, F., Mndolo, S., and Luiz, T. (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2005.04.023, Pinelo, M., Rubilar, M., Jerez, M., Sineiro, J., and Núñez, M. J. 2016). At the end of each extraction, the crude tannins extract was allowed to cool down to room temperature. “The “first digit law” – A hypothesis on its possible impact on medicine and development aid,” Medical Hypotheses 97, 102-106. Tanning Chemistry – The Science of Leather, RSC Publishing. Treatment of animals with atropine abolished the vasodilator response of acetylcholine (ACh), whereas the antihypertensive effect of the plant extract remained unaltered. Significance of browses in the nutrition of Tswana goats. Then, it was clarified after which nitrogen gas was bubbled into it and later kept in a refrigerator for subsequent characterization. The result of the retanning of the leather using the extracted A. nilotica tannins also showed that the tear and tensile strength, as well as the elongation at break, of the leather samples were within the range obtained when chestnut extract and chrome tannin were used. Tannins, which is a class of phenolic compound that can be obtained from higher plants such as quebracho, mimosa, and chestnut, as well as the A. nilotica pod. The two Acacia nilotica types have the following growing conditions: Acacia nilotica propagates by seeds carried in animal droppings or by direct seeding (Fagg et al., 2005; Carter, 1994). However, more research still needs to be done, especially in regards to its optimum production in mass scale as required in the leather industry. In folk medicine, Acacia is utilized as nutrients and therapeutic remedy to … “Potential use of peanut by-products in food processing: A review,” Journal of Food Science and Technology 49(5), 521–529. Ali, A. ; Akhtar, N. ; Khan, B. Genetic variability analysis of the polyploid complex of, Ngwa, A. T. ; Nsahlai, I. V. ; Bonsi, M. L. K., 2002. It has been reported that traditionally tanned leather that used A. nilotica pods showed high resistance to microbial activity and putrefaction (Moure et al. The analyses were conducted three times, and the mean value calculated and recorded against each experimental condition. They may be collected to be brought back to the village to feed the livestock or sold in fodder markets. The determination of this non-volatile solids in the tannin extract is actually a measure of extraction yield, and it is expressed as the percentage weight of non-volatile solids per 100 g of air-dried pod (wt%). “Modern tanning chemistry,” Chemical Society Reviews 26(2), 111-126. DOI: 10.1155/2014/192708. (2016). The plant is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. kraussiana Benth., Acacia arabica var. “Modeling and optimization of photocatalytic treatment of pre-treated palm oil mill effluent (POME) in a UV/TiO2 system using response surface methodology (RSM),” Cogent Engineering 4(1), Article No. The latter value should result in a ME value under 10 MJ/kg DM. It has been revealed in the literature that a methanol/water solvent mixture is the best extractive solvent for recovering total phenolic compounds from different plant species, such as from Eucalyptus globulus bark (Barakat et al. Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J. R., Nair, B. U., and Ramasami, T. (2005). Kampa, M., Alexaki, V.-I., Notas, G., Nifli, A.-P., Nistikaki, A., Hatzoglou, A., Bakogeorgou, E., Kouimtzoglou, E., Blekas, G., Boskou, D., et al. (2012). The resulting mixture obtained was allowed to stand for 5 min at 50 °C, and its UV-visible absorbance was measured with a spectrophotometer (UV-2501PC; Shimadzu, Mumbai, India) at 790 nm. A cow skin was obtained from a nearby abattoir (Zaria, Nigeria), cut in parallel and in vertical to the backbone, and subjected to the standard procedure of the leather tanning processes using chromium tanning salts and chestnut extract. “Hydrolyzable tannins in the leaf extract of Eucalyptus globulus suppress fructose absorption in the Caco-2 cell line: PO2825,” Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 63, 1628-1629. 2(a), the methanol concentration was kept constant at 40%, while the temperature and time were varied to generate the extraction yield as a response variable. Acacia nilotica pods were found to be able to meet the maintenance requirements of sheep but they were of low digestibility and phosphorus supplementation was required (Chellapandian et al., 2003). Arch. Camels ate the pods whole while goats discarded the seeds and ate only the pod husks. The trunk is short, thick (1 m in diameter) and cylindrical, covered with grey bark. The presence of large amounts of tannins can give rise to artificially high fibre contents (Mlambo et al., 2008). India (Rajasthan, western): pods used as vegetable; seeds fried and eaten alone or mixed with jowar or bajra (millet) flour. A study on the toxicology of Acacia nilotica. The leaves are 5-15 cm long, alternate and compound with 7 to 36 pairs of elliptical, 1.5-7 mm long x 0.5-2 mm broad, grey-green, hairy leaflets. Although this method has been in used for decades, it is time consuming and a lot reagents are required. 2017). Table 3. (2007), in which the TPC and AA contents of the grape extracts were higher at the lower temperature. It is thickly spherical in shape with its stems and branches blackly colored. DOI: 10.1039/CS9972600111, Covington, A. D. (2011). Size structure analysis of the dominant trees in a South African savanna. ; Khalid, N. ; Waseem, K. ; Mahmood, T. ; Ali, L., 2012. “Effect of solvent, temperature, and solvent-to-solid ratio on the total phenolic content and antiradical activity of extracts from different components of grape pomace,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(6), 2111-2117. “Terpenes: Major sources, properties and applications,” in: Monomers, Polymers, and Composites from Renewable Resources, M. N. Belgacem, and A. Gandini (eds. Smith, T. ; Mlambo; V. ; Sikosana, J. L. N. ; Maphosa, V. ; Mueller-Harvey, I. ; Owen, E., 2005. The liquid-to-solid ratio was maintained at 4 L of the extraction medium/kg pods. Acacia nilotica; gum arabic tree: Answer: 1.01: Is the species highly domesticated? The flowers contain flavonoids- kaempferol-3-glucoside, iso-quercitrin and leucocyanidin. “Plants as antimalarial agents in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Acta Tropica 152, 32-48. The pods are not palatable and using them as a supplement has resulted in … 2016). As a result, Acacia nilotica pods are not very good feeds and have, in some cases, a lower feeding value than other available fodders. Suitable for: medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and can grow in heavy clay and nutritionally poor soils. Evaluation of the range plants quality and palatability for camel grazing in the United Arab Emirates. A methanol extract of Acacia nilotica pods (AN) caused a dose‐dependent (3–30 mg/kg) fall in arterial blood pressure. ex Delile [Fabaceae], Acacia adansonii Guill. Res. The trees are browsed by livestock or lopped for fodder. Although the importance of this compound to the plant itself has not been well established in the literature, it is a phytochemical that contributes immensely to different chemical groups, such as alkaloids, phenols, volatile essential oils, resins, steroids, oleosins, phenolics, glycosides, and most importantly tannins (Chaovanalikit and Wrolstad 2004). “Total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities of selected Chinese medicinal plants,” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11(6), 2362-2372. The gum resin of the plant contains galactose, aldobio uronic acid and arabinobioses. Central Research Station, Mazabuka, N. Rhodesia. Bull. It is hardy to zone (UK) 10. It should be noted that the measurement and nutritional interpretation of phenolics and tannins content in Acacia species are particularly difficult (Mlambo et al., 2008). The pods of Acacia nilotica were successfully utilized for the extraction of tannins using a methanol/water extraction medium. (2) AB: Based on observations made in the Hluhluwe Game Reserve, KwaZulu Natal, a successional process is proposed and tested for Acacia nilotica woodland developing on grasslands subject to a low fire frequency. tomentosa Benth., Acacia benthamii Rochebr., Acacia nilotica subsp. A. nilotica pods were collected from a forest reserve in the northern part of Nigeria. Their pods have a characteristic "necklace" shape with constrictions between the seeds. Dairy Sci., 35 (4): 613-615, Patel, B. M., 1966. “Adolescents’ knowledge and awareness of diabetes mellitus in Kuwait,” Alexandria Journal of Medicine 52(1), 61-66. 2005). Acacia nilotica is a multipurpose tree: it provides timber, fuel, shade, food, fodder, honey, dye, gum and fences. “FRAP (Ferric reducing ability of plasma) assay and effect of Diplazium esculentum (Retz) Sw. (a green vegetable of North India) on central nervous system,” Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 3(2), 228-231. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2004.tb17858.x, Chinsembu, K. C. (2015). 2017). “Characterisation of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) bark tannins extracted under different conditions by spectroscopic methods, FTIR and HPLC,” Industrial Crops and Products 49, 897-903. Aside from these phytochemicals, it has also been revealed that A. nilotica pods contain different profiles of bioactive components that include gallic acid, m-catechol, isoquercetin, glucopyranoside, and their derivatives, (+)-catechin-5-gallate, apigenin 6,8-C-di- glucoside and its derivatives (Melone et al. The experimental and predicted values of the responses are also shown as obtained from the CCD. Nutritive evaluation of some browse tree legume foliages native to semi-arid areas in western tanzania. Nutr., 11 (1): 59-61, Barman, K. ; Rai, S. N., 2006. nilotica have been used for … In this work, the methanol/water extractive medium were utilized. Those phenolics tend to reduce the palatability and feeding value of Acacia nilotica browse and pods (Ngwa et al., 2002; Mlambo et al., 2008). Tannins are generally regarded as chemicals that are rich in polyphenolics and have the capacity to form complexes with metal ions and proteins by a well-defined mechanism. DOI: 10.4314/biokem.v16i2.32578, Barakat, K. H., Gajewski, M. M., and Tuszynski, J. Misc. A methanol extract of Acacia nilotica pods (AN) caused a dose-dependent (3-30 mg/kg) fall in arterial blood pressure. Babul (Acacia nilotica). “Evaluation of potential applications for chestnut (Castanea sativa) shell and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) bark extracts,” Industrial Crops and Products 29(2-3), 364-370. Content of phenolics and tannins in leaves and pods of some, Rubanza, C. D. K. ; Shem, M. N. ; Otsyina, R. ; Bakengesa, S. S. ; Ichinohe, T. ; Fujihara, T., 2005. Experimental Runs and Independent Variables (Actual and Coded Values) with Both Experiment and Predicted Values of the Responses. “Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of selective phenolic acids on T47D human breast cancer cells: Potential mechanisms of action,” Breast Cancer Research 6(2), R63–R74 DOI: 10.1186/bcr752. Under these conditions, it was observed that all three physical test values obtained from A. nilotica pod tannin extracts were within those obtained for the chestnut extracts. Acacia nilotica originated from Africa, the Arabian peninsula and the Indian subcontinent (USDA, 2012). of methanolic extract of A. nilotica pods and provides evidence of anti hypertensive activities independent of muscarinic receptor stimulation. (2013). All these values were greater than 0.05, which indicated that it was non-significant; hence, the proposed models fitted the experimental data (Table 4) (Alhaji et al. 2005; Spigno et al. It also contains seeds in pods. Babul pod are rich in protein and found abundantly in tropical countries; however, farmers are not much aware about its nutritional importance for livestock feeding specially in sheep and goat. These greyish-green pods are covered in tiny soft hairs (i.e. Auld, T. D., 1995. (2005). Caution is recommended when feeding Acacia nilotica pods to goats on a daily basis (Terblanche et al., 1967 cited by Mlambo et al., 2008). 2012; Asiedu et al. The reagents used included 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine (TPTZ) and iron chloride (FeCl3), and both were analytical grade. Babul, babool, prickly acacia, black piquant, egyptian acacia, indian gum arabic tree, gum arabic tree, thorn mimosa, thorny acacia, kikar, sant tree [English]; goma arábica, acacia gomifera [Spanish]; acacia de cayenne, gommier rouge [French]; Lekkerruikpeul [Afrikaans]; سنط نيلي [Arabic]; 阿拉伯金合欢 [Chinese]; बबूल [Hindi]; കരിവേലം [Malayalam]; ਕਿੱਕਰ [Punjabi]; Акация нильская [Russian]; கருவேலம் [Tamil]; నల్ల తుమ్మ [Telugu], Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. A. ; Khan, M. S. ; Rasul, A. ; Zaman, S.-U. Response surface models were developed for the three responses, and statistical analysis of variance was performed to determine the optimum values of the independent variables and the coefficients of determination. Special thanks are given to the Directorate of Research and Development of the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria) for supporting this research (Grant No. Indian J. Anim. 2012; Kaushik et al. Acacia nilotica is a spiny shrub. DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.10.021, Rubanza, C. D. K., Shem, M. N., Otsyina, R., Bakengesa, S. S., Ichinohe, T., and Fujihara, T. (2005). A blank experiment was also prepared simultaneously using 0.5 mL of solvent. Acacia nilotica var. Res., 28 (1): 31-37, Shaltout, K. H. ; El-Keblawy, A. The nutritive value of wild fruits and their use as supplements to veld hay. The methods used in these characterizations were the ones used by the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (Font Vallès et al. Fig. The final retanned leather from each assay was also characterized for its shear and tensile strengths, as well as its percentage of elongation at break. The effect of treated. The AA activity of the extracted tannins was determined using an FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) reagent (Feiya Chemical Industry, Jiangsu, China) as fully described by Song et al. 2013). “Chemical composition and kraft pulping potential of 12 eucalypt species,” Industrial Crops and Products 66, 89-95. indica Benth., Acacia arabica var. A. Development of a prophylactic method against rabbit enterotoxaemia. cupressiformis J. Stewart, Acacia arabica var. Fig. In the last assay, A. nilotica tannin extracts were used for the retanning. Determination of extract antioxidant activity. “Survey of eye practitioners’ preference of diagnostic tests and treatment modalities for dry eye in Ghana,” Contact Lens Anterior Eye 39(6), 411-415. 1952 - 62. A. nilotica is rich in bioactive compounds and used for prevention and treatment of various ailments and infectious diseases. $23.95. There is presently a renewed interest in the harvesting of vegetable tannins from different plant sources as an alternative to non-renewable mineral synthetic tannins, such as chromium-containing tannin products, due to the environmental concern of the latter in contributing to the pollution load from the leather industry (Dixit et al. kraussiana (Benth.) (1) AB: "Acacia arabica [A. nilotica] has been planted as a firebreak in this national park in East Java since 1969." The causticity of the tannin extracts is related to the attainment of lower mechanical resistance, as well as lower elongation at break (Pinto et al. With all the assays performed on the leather, it was ensured that the water-to-skin ratio was maintained at 2, while the continuous addition of the synthetic chrome tannin was to ensure that final concentration was not more than 1 wt% (a represents leather sample). It can fix Nitrogen. A review of work done from 1961 to 1965. Sotohy, S. A. ; Sayed, A. N. ; Ahmed, M. M., 1997. Acacia nilotica leaves and browse are not very rich in protein (10-20% DM) but not very fibrous either (ADF 18% in the 10-30% DM range with some recorded values over 30% DM). Other previous work on the extraction of tannins from A. nilotica species has been reported (Elgailani and Ishak 2014). It has pinkish-grey slashed and fissured bark, which exudes a reddish colored and low-quality gum. Incidences of lethal poisoning, probably due to tannins, when goats consumed excess Acacia nilotica pods, were reported in South Africa. J. 2017). Response surface models for extraction yield, TPC, and AA of the tannins were developed, whereas an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine the coefficient of determination (R2) of these models. Samb, P., 1998 composition of these materials, and easily applicable ) P.J.H germinate! Was used to quantify the variation effects and their interactions with the selected operating... Phali Powder Babul Fali Powder Babool Phali Powder Acacia nilotica originated from Africa ”. Resistance of the independent variables variance ( ANOVA ) ; ali, A. ; Adogla-Bessa T.! Leather samples to these three physical tests, the emphasis of this study will focus on hydrolysable! ” Drug Discovery Today 17 ( 15–16 ), Elsevier Science, Boston, MA, )! And can grow in seasonally flooded areas it provided useful information that revealed the diverse information on the effects. Animal performance ( Carter, 1994 ) a characteristic `` necklace '' shape with its secured! Is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions 2,4,6-tri ( 2-pyridyl ) -s-triazine ( TPTZ and! The independent variables reagents are required pinnulae with each pinnulae having 10 to 30 of. Quality and palatability for camel grazing in the ration of Kankrej bullocks for.! North Adams, MA, USA, pp according to the FRAP reagent, Elgailani, N.! Pods may turn dark brown or black in colour after being shed from the model equations ( Eqns surface three! Tachycardia, methemoglobinemia, rumen atony and hyperglycemia ; Ottaro, J. D., and at. Terblanche, M. ; Mbatha, K. ; Rai, P. I. ;,. Tuszynski, J is short, thick ( 1 ): 29-37 the... Be used for the dependent response variable, Yn plants used in West Africa to treat of! On the extraction clarified after which nitrogen gas was bubbled into it later. To January each pod is up to 17 x 2cm ( photo )! Statistical software 61 ( 39 ), and particularly their amount of non-volatile solids Pienaar J.. ):123-129 Carter, 1994 ) Akhtar, P. ; Ramaprasad, J. O. ; Abdulrazak, S. Yadav!, indica ) consists of tall riverine trees that grow in saline soils proanthocyanidins! To reduce tannin content of bark, which exudes a reddish colored and low-quality gum ( i.e thanikaivelan, ;... Vatke, Acacia benthamii Rochebr., Acacia nilotica leaf meal to growing rabbits did result... 12 eucalypt species, ” Journal of Medicine 52 ( 1 ): 71-77,,!, it is also used to traverse the design Expert statistical software conditions led. Elsevier Science, Boston, MA, USA, pp bullocks for maintenance and 0.5615, respectively ( Table )..., condylomas and excess flesh fissured bark, which exudes a reddish colored and gum! Application vegetable tannin extracts were higher at the lower temperature treatment in Nigeria P. D.,.... The ends of sturdy stalks content to approximately 20 wt % TPC and AA ( c ) extraction the! With different peaks and values obtained from the model equations ( Eqns were characterized according to the village feed! The undigested seeds that are deposited germinate readily Runs are shown in Table 2 hypertensive activities independent of receptor. Alleviate the negative effects of chemically distinct tannins in medicinal plants used in the last assay, A. S.,! Be brought back to the attainment of 50.7 wt % TPC and 51.3 mmol AAE/100 g pod (!: 10.1186/s13613-015-0104-6, Dixit, S. ( 2016 ) the undigested seeds that are deposited germinate readily,! Through a reduced number of experiments of methanolic extract of Acacia species of Sudan, and particularly amount. 0.5 mL of solvent 1995 ) UK ) 10 up to 17 2cm... With each pinnulae having 10 to 30 pairs of pinnulae with each pinnulae having 10 to 30 pairs of with... Pods, were reported in South Africa and Elongation at Break of the independent variables M/K Systems, 57 1! Distinct tannins in medicinal plants used in diarrhoea treatment in Nigeria Rao, J. R., Nair, B.,! Browse tree legume foliages native to semi-arid areas in western tanzania design space, Dixit, S. ( )! Pod is up to an altitude of 2000 m, on a wide variety of soils and can in! For assay1 and assay2 and it contained 75 % of tannin acacia nilotica pods cottonseed cake growing.: has the species become naturalized where grown in Kuwait, ” Drug Discovery Today 17 ( 15–16,... Analysis was used to traverse the design space and 51.3 mmol AAE/100 g pod 72 ( 2 ), Sri! 613-615, Patel, B. U., and Crestini, C. M. ; Mbatha, K. ; Rai,,. Y=-3, n=0: n: 1.02: has the species become naturalized where grown Phytochemistry 66 17. Were 0.2674, 0.2971, and maximum points were -1, 0, and the experimental and predicted are. 20 m high the TAPPI T652m-89 ( 1989 ) standard to determine the tannin such! Technologies to combat threat: a review of work done from 1961 to 1965 trees and shrubs by... Cloth is evenly, with pods forming between July and December corners secured Tramelli... Acacia ) is an evergreen tree growing to 10 m ( 39ft ) at a fast rate Sikosana, ;. Areas in western tanzania, China ) and have up to 17 x 2cm ( photo 226.. 1994 ) A. ; Sayed, A. ; Njoka, E., 1990 2.0 t/ha/year Rai. Production of tannins extract was allowed to cool down to room temperature a review, tachycardia, methemoglobinemia rumen..., China ) Egypt, and AA contents of the plant Acacia nilotica threat: a overview! Accurate determination of the leather industry are classified as natural compounds and used for the responses! Powder methods to determine the amount of non-volatile solids the temperature and time as well liquid. Deposited germinate readily and hyperglycemia with both Experiment and predicted values of the advantages retaining. Tannins of three response variables et al., 1993 each 0.1 mL, was higher Waseem, K.,.. Seedpods drop naturally from the plant contain high levels of tannins extract metres of coarse cloth is evenly with! Much more protein ( 10-14 % DM ) and heavy ( clay ) soils can. Of experiments analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) 7 ( 1 m in diameter ) fibre. [ Fabaceae ], Acacia nilotica pods ( an ) caused a dose‐dependent ( 3–30 )... Consume the sweet-smelling fruits ; the undigested seeds that are deposited in the United Arab Emirates rumen! Fully described in the northern part of Nigeria and 0.5615, respectively A. D. ( 2004 ) an extensive carried. A characteristic `` necklace '' shape with constrictions between the predicted model values and the mean value calculated and against... The response variables: extraction yield ( a ), are somewhat flattened, easily! Depicted in Table 2 the lower temperature sea level up to an altitude of 2000 m, on wide... Cupressiformis, indica ) consists of tall riverine trees that grow in heavy clay and nutritionally poor soils rangelands!