Copyright © 2016 by HarperCollins Publishers. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. Random. 4. consecrate - … Define Consecrate by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. Search consecrate and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. "consecrate" (use) definition: to give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause. Mit Reverso greifen Sie auf ein Definitions -und Synonymwörterbuch auf Englisch zu, für consecrate and Tausende von anderen Wörtern. Consecrate definition, to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building. Nglish: Translation of consecrate for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of consecrate for Arabic Speakers. When a person is consecrated, they are officially declared to be a … 1. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. crates 1. Synonyms & Antonyms of consecrate Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Find more ways to say consecration, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … consecrate (v. Some common synonyms of consecrate are dedicate, devote, and hallow. It differs from a blessing in that it is irre There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. Definition: dedicate to a deity by a vow. Modern marriages do not need to be sanctified to be valid. While the synonyms dedicate and consecrate are close in meaning, dedicate implies solemn and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose. Embalm and consecrate are semantically related In some cases you can use "Embalm" instead a verb "Consecrate". All rights reserved. In some situations, the words hallow and consecrate are roughly equivalent. Find more similar words at! Learn more. Definition: give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause. Synonym Discussion of consecrate. Did You Know? 1. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. To declare or set apart as sacred: consecrate a church. Quick definitions from WordNet (consecrate) verb: render holy by means of religious rites verb: appoint to a clerical posts verb: dedicate to a deity by a vow verb: give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause ("Consecrate your life to the church") adjective: solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose ("A life consecrated to science") Definition to make or declare sacred or for religious use The church was consecrated in 1234. Definition: dedicate to a deity by a vow. to apply or dedicate (one's time, money, or effort) to a particular purpose. CONSECRATE; CONSECRATION. the spoil of the nations shall be dedicated to the service of Yahweh ( Micah 4:13 ). What does consecrating expression mean? Have you ever wondered about these lines? Top synonyms for consecrate (other words for consecrate) are dedicate, hallow and sanctify. What are synonyms for consecrate? This is the British English definition of consecrate.View American English definition of consecrate.. Change your default dictionary to American English. 1. render holy by means of religious rites 2. dedicate to a deity by a vow 3. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause "She committed herself to the work of God" "give one's talents to a good cause" "consecrate your life to the church" 4. appoint to a clerical posts "he was ordained in the Church" What is the definition of consecrate? (Entry 2 of 2). What is the meaning of consecrate? To sanctify (bread and wine) for Eucharistic use through a ritual regarded by some Christian churches as effecting … the spoil of the nations shall be dedicated to the service of Yahweh . The word "sinister" is Latin for "left," because left-handed people were often thought of as suspicious, evil, or demonic. 2. 2. Definition: solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose. Antonyms for consecrated. consecrate - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. All Free. Visual thesaurus for consecrate Synonyms for sanctify in Free Thesaurus. Definition of consecrate. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? How do you use consecrate in a sentence? consecrate a church to the worship of God. Die Definition von consecrate in Wordow Wörterbuch ist als: weihen. In the Old Testament: In the Old Testament for several Hebrew words of different meanings: (1) charam: "I will consecrate (the Revised Version (British and American) "devote") their gain unto the Lord," i.e. consecrate a church to the worship of God When can dedicate be used instead of consecrate? In the Old Testament for several Hebrew words of different meanings: (1) charam: "I will consecrate (the Revised Version (British and American) "devote") their gain unto the Lord," i.e. set apart or worthy of veneration by association with God, Post more words for consecrate to Facebook, Share more words for consecrate on Twitter. Synonyms (Cognitive Synonyms) For "Consecrate" There are 88 synonyms available. ( Exodus 28:3) 1. render holy by means of religious rites 2. dedicate to a deity by a vow 3. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause "She committed herself to the work of God" "give one's talents to a good cause" "consecrate your life to the church" 4. appoint to a clerical posts "he was ordained in the Church" Consecration (religion, spiritualism, and occult) Meaning to make sacred, it is an act by which the profane is dedicated to the gods. Consecrate definition, to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building. to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building. The secr part of consecrate comes from the Latin sacer "sacred." Synonyms for consecrated in Free Thesaurus. Synonyms for consecrate include sanctify, hallow, bless, ordain, anoint, beatify, dedicate, exalt, sacralize and canonise. Top synonyms for consecrate (other words for consecrate) are dedicate, hallow and sanctify. DICTIONARIES. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. The ordination of a new bishop is also called a consecration. Learn more. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. Use of Champagne is an expensive French white wine with bubbles in. Similar words: give, dedicate, consecrate, devote, commit. Nearby Words: consecrated , consecration , consecrating Synonym Definition; Apotheosis: the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god) Beatify To make, or declare to be, sacred; to appropriate to sacred uses; to set apart, dedicate, or devote, to the service or worship of God; as, to consecrate a church; to give (one's self) unreservedly, as to the service of God. Meaning of consecrate for the defined word. Read our series of blogs to find out more. Consecrate. Something that has been consecrated has been made holy and is able to be used for religious…. Desecrate is an antonym for consecrate in hold in high religious regard topic. Meaning of consecrate. consecrated phrase. To sanctify (bread and wine) for Eucharistic use through a ritual regarded by some Christian churches as effecting … More 300 Consecrate synonyms. consecrate / synonyms. However, hallow, often differing little from dedicate or consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution of intrinsic sanctity. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … Antonyms for consecrate. Full list of synonyms for Consecrate is here. Synonyms: vow, consecrate. (consecrates 3rd person present) (consecrating present participle) (consecrated past tense & past participle) When a building, place, or object is consecrated, it is officially declared to be holy. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). See more. to make (something) an object of honor or veneration; hallow: a custom consecrated by time. consecrate, bless, hallow, sanctify-- (render holy by means of religious rites) Antonym of desecrate (Sense 2) => desecrate, unhallow, deconsecrate-- (remove the consecration from a person or an object) Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb consecrate 4 senses of consecrate … Use of How to use consecrate in a sentence. Consecrate verb – To make holy through prayers or ritual. THESAURUS. ‘We consecrate this day, which now falls on the last Monday in May, to remember our fellow Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice.’ ‘And we try to find meaning, make sense, create buildings with solid foundations, consecrate seminars to resolve some dilemmas of our time, including terrorism, nihilism, jealousy and hate.’ This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. crates 1. What are another words for Consecrate? To regard as set apart or separate. consecrating definition: 1. present participle of consecrate 2. to officially make something holy and able to be used for…. Consecrate synonyms and Consecrate antonyms. Did You Know? Ergänzen Sie die Liste von im Englisch Thesaurus Wörterbuch enthaltenen Synonymen für consecrate. verb topics consecrate -verb See definition in Dictionary make something holy with religious ceremony. Delivered to your inbox! What is the meaning of consecrate? And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's garments to CONSECRATE him, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. ... Synonyms: dedicate, devote, commit, give. How do you use consecrate in a sentence? The meanings of devote and consecrate largely overlap; however, devote is likely to imply compelling motives and often attachment to an objective. Consecrate synonyms and Consecrate antonyms. Antonyms for consecration. 3. consecrate - dedicate to a deity by a vow. consecrate (v. To declare or set apart as sacred: consecrate a church. Consecrate definition: When a building, place, or object is consecrated , it is officially declared to be holy.... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples While all these words mean "to set apart for a special and often higher end," consecrate stresses investment with a solemn or sacred quality. Usage: She committed herself to the work of God; give one's talents to a good cause; consecrate your life to the church. consecrate definition in English dictionary, consecrate meaning, synonyms, see also 'consecrative',consecrator',considerate',consecration'. Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers. Consecrate and Desecrate are antonymous, they have opposite meaning. These are cognitive relationship words which is to say they have a similar meaning, mean the same thing, or have close definition and relationship to consecrate. What is the definition of consecrate? powered by carambola A pangram is one sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet, for example: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Christianity a. Dedicate, sanctify, devote. What made you want to look up consecrate? The book includes a collection of stories, poems and the odd folk, On the horizon they could see vast fields of. Top synonym for consecrate (another word for consecrate) is sanctify. Another word for consecration. Jump to navigation Jump to search. We found great thesaurus synonyms, antonyms and definitions for consecrate at SYNONYMS . Consecrate . Consecrate verb – To keep or intend for a special purpose. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Christianity a. See more. Consecrate definition is - dedicated to a sacred purpose. consecrate | definition: appoint to a clerical posts | synonyms: invest, ordinate, vest, order, enthrone, ordain| antonyms: divest, hide, buy, conserve, inactivity battlegrounds hallowed by the blood of patriots. -crat•ed, -crat•ing, —v.t. Synonyms for consecration in Free Thesaurus. “Consecrate.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Cherchez consecrate et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais de Reverso. Usage: She committed herself to the work of God; give one's talents to a good cause; consecrate … Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth. to set (something) apart as scared or for a religious purpose | Find out synonym, UK and US meaning of consecrate. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. consecrate. (v.t.) Synonyms: vow. 2. Consecration definition, the act of consecrating; dedication to the service and worship of a deity. to officially make something holy and suitable to be used for religious ceremonies: The church was completed and consecrated in the 1890s. (v.) To dedicate or set apart as sacred. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? What are synonyms for consecration? is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. All Free. consecrated definition: 1. Consecrate definition, to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building. Ordination of bishops. Main entry: consecrate, consecrated, dedicated. Grammatisch, dieses wort "consecrate" ist ein adjektive. Usage example: plans to consecrate the altar in the new church with great ceremony. Definition: give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause. Definition of consecrated in the Idioms Dictionary. Usage: a life consecrated to science; the consecrated chapel; a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II. 2. Find definitions for: con•se•crate. Consecrate synonyms. Similar words: give, dedicate, consecrate, devote, commit. 8 words related to consecration: allegiance, commitment, loyalty, dedication, sanctification, faith, religion, religious belief. Related terms for 'consecrate': anoint, bless, blessing, celebrant, ceremony, circumcise, circumcision, confession, contemplation, deify, devotional "Consecration" is used in the Catholic Church as the setting apart for the service of God of both persons and objects. Wie man das Wort consecrate zu definieren? Definition and synonyms of consecrate from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. He's making a quiz, and checking it twice... Test your knowledge of the words of the year. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. What does consecrated expression mean? 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Consecrate and Desecrate Opposite meaning words. See more. Learn a new word every day. He decided to devote the rest of his life to music. crates 1. Consecrate synonyms. crates 1. See more. ‘We consecrate this day, which now falls on the last Monday in May, to remember our fellow Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice.’ ‘And we try to find meaning, make sense, create buildings with solid foundations, consecrate seminars to resolve some dilemmas of our time, including terrorism, nihilism, jealousy and hate.’ Show Definitions . Definitions for (adj) consecrate. trans.). Definition of consecrating in the Idioms Dictionary. You need to consecrate a building to turn it into a church, but you can also consecrate a week in New York City to the pursuit of the perfect bagel. Her brother had been ordained as a priest. Synonyms: vow, consecrate. Top synonym for consecrate (another word for consecrate) is sanctify. It is often drunk to celebrate something. To declare or set apart as sacred: consecrate a church. consecrate Consecrate means to make holy or to dedicate to a higher purpose. Some common synonyms of consecrate are dedicate, devote, and hallow. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Out more of a deity by a vow and able to be sanctified to be used for religious use and. Compelling motives and often attachment to an objective can dedicate be used for religious… Wörterbuch ist als weihen! ” thesaurus, children 's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth loyalty,,. -Verb see definition in English dictionary, consecrate meaning, synonyms, discussion and more blessing in that it irre! Consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution of intrinsic sanctity some of the English definition … we found thesaurus. 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