Registered office: Kempton Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6LL. We inspire and empower organisations, government, communities and individuals with the knowledge and tools to create positive, lasting change at a national and local level. Increasingly, as we cut down more trees, woodland and other habitats, wildlife simply has nowhere else to go. Report diseased, dying or dangerous tree form, Tree uprooted but held up by another tree or building, Large branch has broken off or is hanging off the tree, Major deadwood is present where if it were to fall could cause injury to people or damage to property, Tree is considered to be in a dead/dying condition. The following relates to trees on council land only and is included in our Tree and Woodland Policy (PDF, 194kb). Check out our useful resources. The build up of algae to fences, paths or other structures. A TPO is a written order created by a local planning authority such as a borough, district or unitary council or national park. Report a problem with a Council tree. You must make arrangements to arrange for the disposal of any resulting branches. We will also deal with trees situated within the public highway, adjacent to the road or on roadside verges. All local councils have what’s called a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), which outlines rules for tree maintenance and removal. A planning authority may make a TPO if it appears to them to be: 1. A tree with signs of disease, age or damage may not necessarily be a danger, however. Woodland is home to a wealth of wildlife. Generally, people love trees and enjoy being surrounded by them, so good-sized trees in your garden will likely boost the financial value of your property too. Required in the interests of amenity; and/or 2. that a tree, group of trees or woodlands are of significance to the overall area. A tree that has grown with a lean does not in itself make it dangerous; a tree will develop fatter growth rings on one side to it more stable. As council trees are inspected so frequently, it is not normal for a tree to become immediately dangerous once it dies and our established work programmes will deal with tree removal work. Our gardens have become a refuge for much of our wildlife as farmland no longer offers the resources they need. a tree has aphids or honeydew is falling onto cars or property (we don't deal with this problem) a tree is touching or damaging overhead wires: contact BT (Openreach) instead; a tree is obscuring a street light: report it as a faulty streetlight instead; tree roots are making a pavement or road surface uneven: report it is as a road or … Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) protect selected trees and woodlands if their removal would have a significant impact on the local environment and its enjoyment by the public. If you want to carry out work on any tree, or trees, covered by TPO you must make an application to the council. It is an offence to carry out work to such trees without the consent of Fife Council first. (under 'Show Map Categories' and 'Planning Information - General' pleas… Inspected at least every 4 years or as part of normal routine visits. If you do not have online access please call our Worcester City Advisors on 01905 722233 option 4. There are a variety of potential nuisances associated with trees, most of which are minor or seasonal which may be considered to be social problems associated with living near to trees. If you are reporting a dangerous tree, you will need to substantiate why you believe it is a public danger and there must be a justifiable reason for works to be carried out on a tree such as a recognised defect as specified below under "Evidence of dangerous/potentially dangerous trees". The Council will not fell or prune Council owned trees solely to alleviate problems caused by natural and /or seasonal phenomena. 294344) and in Scotland (No. We are only responsible for trees on land owned or managed by us: gardens of council homes; communal areas of council homes or flats; parks; woodlands; cemeteries ; For problems with trees … var addy_text9e9fb2337b42c8478315044ab9813dfe = 'planning' + '@' + 'worcester' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'uk';document.getElementById('cloak9e9fb2337b42c8478315044ab9813dfe').innerHTML += ''+addy_text9e9fb2337b42c8478315044ab9813dfe+'<\/a>'; Complete an application form from our website, The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, WR1 2EY - Directions to Council Offices, GOV.UK - For more Government Services and information. Pruning trees often fails to improve reception and once pruned re-growth occurs quite quickly. When trees are felled without strong reason we all lose out on these many benefits. The Council's dead a… Head to the Arboricultural Association to find approved tree advisors and surgeons that could help. You can find out if the tree has a TPO by contacting the tree officer at your local council. Take action Help us champion trees, whether that’s by donating to support our work, becoming a volunteer Tree … These normally come about as conditions attached to the granting of planning applications. close to main public areas, busy parks and public open spaces, work yards, buildings, roads, car parks, major footpaths, picnic areas etc. This email address is being protected from spambots. A non-profit-making company limited by guarantee. Tree Inspections. The different categories of protection afforded to trees entails different requirements: Protected trees under tree preservation orders. Notices Our reception and offices are closed to visitors and a lot of our staff are homeworking. However, they are not regarded as a ‘nuisance' in the legal sense and a tree owner has no obligation to clear them. If the tree does not have a TPO and is not in a Conservation Area then you do not require permission to fell a tree if it is in your garden. We have single trees and tree packs to meet your needs, from wildlife to woodfuel. Garden and street trees are desirable and can drive up property values. We advocate keeping all trees wherever possible, but we appreciate this isn't always possible, perhaps due to safety issues or damage to property. Inspected every 12-18 months summer (to assess foliar condition) and winter. Current legal advice is that as the obstruction will only have occurred gradually and such a case would be difficult to prove. GB520 6111 04. If it’s a veteran or ancient tree we may be able to help, as trees of special age receive some protection under planning policy. But most wildlife require corridors, such as hedgerows or green space, to reach and find new areas where they can survive. Before you tell us about a tree problem on council owned or managed land, check below to see when we prune trees and remove them. Remember to always get a quality assured tree surgeon to carry out any major works to your tree to ensure the tree is not damaged or made unsightly, and to ensure the works carried out actually solve the problem! For further information on trees, hedges and other landscape queries, please submit an Enquiry Form. Not all work to be carried out on protected trees is required to follow the normal procedures for a Tree Preservation Order and Conservation Areas. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Following an initial inspection trees are managed within the programmed as follows: Risk Zone . However, taking down a tree should always be considered as the last resort as it will have implications for both people and wildlife. Trees moving in the ground . It is a criminal offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or wilfully destroy a tree protected by a TPO, or to cause or permit such actions, without the authority’s permission. Tree is obstructing a public highway or pubic right of way and no clear sight line is available at traffic junctions, road signs etc. It is an offence to cut down, uproot, prune, damage or destroy protected tree(s) without the Local Authority's permission. Requesting tree work. If a tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or is within a conservation area then that Common Law right is removed and you will need to apply to the council with the owners consent to carry out any works. other footpaths, woodland paths or bridle ways in regular use but not intensive public use, quieter areas of parks and public places. document.getElementById('cloak9e9fb2337b42c8478315044ab9813dfe').innerHTML = ''; You can buy trees to plant in your garden from our online shop. The Council’s arboriculturalists decide a species is inappropriate for its setting. We can still help with your enquiry, contact us by email or phone and report issues using our online forms. Here’s some guidance on the rules around felling trees in your garden and alternatives you can try before reaching for the axe. The removal of hedgerows is legally subject to notification to the Council. Woodland Trust (Enterprises) Limited, registered in England (No. They absorb carbon emissions, stabilise soils and reduce flooding by storing water. The Council will not fell or prune trees considered too big/too tall for this reason alone. Many people seem to believe that when you take away a species’ home they will simply find somewhere new to live. 1. Perhaps the serenity you get from your garden won’t be quite the same without its trees. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. A tree taller than a house or a broad spreading tree does not in itself make it a dangerous tree. For further advice on the Hedgerow Regulations contact the Customer Services - Place team. Discover our recent challenges and successes and how you can help. This causes mass declines in their numbers. Delivery is free. A tree swaying in the wind, does not in itself make it a dangerous tree, trees will naturally sway in the wind; the pliability in the branches is a natural mechanism that helps prevent fracture. You could also put up bird boxes and feeders in your garden to help the wildlife that might now be at a loss without that tree. Whilst a right to light may exist, there has been no reported decision of any case to date having succeeded in respect of a loss of light caused by trees. We offer support to communities fighting to protect their trees. maintaining or enhancing the tree population; facilitating the removal of dangerous or potentially hazardous trees; promoting biodiversity and conservation of the tree and woodland eco-system ; conserving veteran trees with significant ecological, historical and amenity value; establishing a tree population with a balanced … Planning permission will override TPOs if it is necessary for a tree with a TPO to be removed for the development to go ahead. The Woodland Trust and Woodland Trust Nature Detectives logos are registered trademarks. In fact, many species depend almost entirely on trees for shelter, safety, food and for reproduction. When we see or spend time around trees, often without us realising, they help us feel happier, less aggressive, less stressed and make us more productive. If you see a fallen tree or branch, or you are worried that a council-owned tree is blocking a road or footpath, you can report this to us by completing our report a problem with a council-owned tree form. If your enquiry relates to woodlands we own, rather than trees, there is further information on our forest and woodland managementpage. Trees will sway in the wind … Quickly and easily check now for yourself… A TPO is a written order created by a local planning authority such as a borough, district or unitary council or national park. The principal effect of protection is to prohibit the cutting down, uprooting, lopping, trimming, wilful damage or destruction of the tree without the consent of the council; the cutting of roots also requires the council's consent. The trees near our homes also provide oxygen, reduce air pollution, and provide shade from the sun and shelter from harsh weather. The Council will not fell or prune trees for reasons of light. Outside of gardens, you might require a felling licence from the Forestry Commission. This prevents the tree being cut down or tampered with whilst the council can investigate further. Services. Talk to a tree advisor or consultant for advice on how to best manage a tree that might have become problematic. Trees offer so many benefits to both people and wildlife so the loss of any tree will have negative impacts, even if they're not immediately obvious to us day to day. The City Council inspects its trees on a regular basis through a rolling programme of tree inspections that prioritises trees within high risk areas where there is potentially most risk to people and property. If you do plan to cut down your tree, please consider whether the above options will solve the issue before opting to fell it. Removal or destruction of trees and woodland is protected through a Tree Preservation Order. In these cases, please report an issue with a council-maintained tree. Over 70 species found in the UK, from all the native trees to the common non-natives. VAT No. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. Tree Removal Sometimes it is necessary to remove trees that are dead, dying or have significant structural weaknesses. Failing that, regional officers for the Forestry Commission may also be able to help advise you on the best way forward. Sometimes, despite our reservations, felling a tree might be the best option. Garden trees offer vital food and shelter for wildlife. We'll investigate as an emergency if a: tree is torn out of the ground; tree or branch is blocking the road or pavement; Please contact us or call 01294 310000 for any of the emergencies … Worcester City Council attaches great importance to the contribution that trees make to our environment and recognises that trees are an important conservation and amenity resource to the City but they can also present hazards to the public if they are not managed properly. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) can be placed on trees by the local authority to protect them for public enjoyment. Interference can often be reduced by relocation of aerials / dishes. If the original tree grew too big, consider planting smaller tree species in its place that won’t cause the same problems in the future. The obstruction will only have occurred gradually and such a case would be difficult to prove or only lightly.... Felling need not be the best way forward submit it to the public highway, adjacent the. Or entire woodlands current legal advice is that trees block light from properties and gardens! Work to such trees without the consent of Fife council tree removal first carbon net zero by 2050 in. And woodland Trust nature Detectives logos are registered trademarks that might have become a refuge much! Hedgerows is legally subject to notification to the road or on roadside verges tree should always be considered as last... 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