Factor: Effort and Shape of Canoers. ... How long does it take to go 10 miles at 40 mph? so a town 20 miles from the end closes at 4:00. I ride my bike 5 days a week, to and from my school. I have no idea how long it should take to bicycle that amount of time. Anonymous. Or does it take you longer but you cycle because it's cheaper and more enjoyable. OHM Quest – This high-end commuter electric bike starts at $3,399 with a stated minimum range of 60 miles and a maximum range of 120 miles! I used to work someplace which did not have showers. On any kayak trip over an hour, you’re not going to maintain a steady pace of 2 to 2.5 knots for 5 hours straight! This calculator will calculate how many hours, minutes, and seconds it will take to drive to a destination. Each of the pass through towns has a closing time, that’s when the bike shops pull out, most of the vendors close up and the last sag wagon pickup. 0 0. Sometimes I take longer, it just depends. In 2003, Mars made its closest approach to Earth in almost 60,000 years. It can certainly be done in under an hour, but it helps if you are fit and have a good quality bike. I usually ride my bike 2 miles every day and it takes me 10-20 minutes including stop lights and pedestrians. An experienced cyclist might be able to ride 20 miles in an hour, meaning they can ride for one mile in just three minutes. 1 decade ago. Go to Hawaii and take the downhill bike ride of Haleakala Volcano National Park in Maui Hawaii. When I first cycled over 50 miles, it was the hardest day of exercise I’d ever done. Keep this in mind for time. And to cover more ground, it would take a lot of riding before you can get used to biking. A good cyclist who can maintain 20mph (pretty fast) in 42 minutes. Google Maps will easily tell you that – in my area – to travel 20 miles by bicycle will take you 1 hour and 48 minutes. Cycling more than 10 miles. But if you're in decent shape you could probably do 10 miles … But let’s say you were to bike from SF to LA. Yep, Half an hour sounds about right to me!. The length of time it will take you to travel a mile while inline skating depends on the speed you're able to maintain. Canoeing speed also depends on the effort that paddlers put into canoeing and how physically in shape they are. The reason on why they are quicker is because they can pedal faster as a result of their experience. How long would it take to bike 500 miles? 2 Answers Deepak G. Jul 25, 2016 How much time does it take to ride your bicycle 20 miles? How Long It Might Take an Experienced Cyclist to Bike a Mile? It takes 15 minutes to go 10 miles at 40 miles per hour. ... How long would it take to bicycle 45 miles at an average speed of 15 miles per hour? Not sure on average speed it does depend on the time of day but I cycle down the canal for the vast majority of my ride. Because paddling 10 miles is not an easy thing. Relevance. I don't currently have a commuting bicycle--just a beach cruiser--so I don't know what a reasonable speed is to estimate. I used to bike 15 miles to the train. I live in the country, so the terrain is really hilly. So say you put 5 newtons into your pedals at each down stroke and you have a gear ratio of 2:1, the torque that is applied should be converted to 10 meters per second which would put you in the position to ride your bicycle 1.7 miles in approximately 12.6364 minutes. 15 Answers. A world class cyclist on a time trial bike can cover 14 miles in half an hour (28mph). So while, yeah, the 40 mile one-way ride would have been a bit much, 15 was definitely doable. With a maximum assisted speed of 20 mph, a long-distance commute will take a bit longer than with an ebike with a 28 mph max assist speed. 3 hours Bicycle will travel 15 miles in 1 hour or 1 mile in 1/15 hour or 45 miles in(1/15)(45) hours or 45/15 hours or 3 hours. If you are a beginner, a long trip will take you longer. I almost always make it to school in 10 minutes or less, but it is never much less than 10 … Biggest problem is your hands get tired from using the brakes. What about you guys / girls. When I turned 41, I weighed about 250lbs and decided to take up cycling as a way to lose weight. ... Hydration is important on longer rides, so take a drink every 10-15 minutes. It is 40 miles on the bike ride route, or 25 miles by road x. How long does it take to bike 10 Km? It took me a little over 45 minutes (moving speed). The longer you ride and the more you train, the faster you'll get. Does your bike need a service? Please enter the distance (miles) and the speed (mph) below, and then press "Time to Drive". Answer Save. Using the average numbers above, here’s how long a hypothetical 4,000 mile bike ride would take. I intended to pace myself and spend one night on the trail, goal being to test new gear. The 8-week couch-to-30-miles training plan. A 10 mile kayak adventure will require about 5 hours to complete. For the more experienced bikers, on the other hand, they can do it in less than 30 minutes. For example: If Naismith’s rule calculated it would take you 3 hours to complete a hike and you are insanely fit, then you could adjust that it would only take you 1.5 hours. If you travel at 8 mph, it will take you 7.5 minutes to travel a mile. The time it takes you to cycle 10 miles will give you an indicator of how long it’ll take you to cycle other distances. This type of biker often experiences strains and fatigue, which affects their stamina. I had to push the bike for over 4 miles … 16 minutes 32 seconds. Favourite answer. For instance, if you travel at 20 miles per hour, you would reach 10 miles in a half hour. Answer Save. My brother (14) goes about the same and my mom (40's) takes nearly double the time. I took out my trusty 35-lb hybrid bike and rode it 10 miles. It's all downhill. A trail ride over relatively untechnical doubletrack would probably take about 1.5 hrs. how long does it normally take to bike 10 Km casually... like to work and places. The amount of time it takes you to cycle 20 miles depends on your health, the type of bike you have, the route you’re riding and the environmental conditions. A trail ride over technical singletrack would take about 2 yrs or so. On easily ridden roads, a pack of racers could do it in 7-8 minutes. *Fitness level is determined by how long it takes you to climb 1000 feet over 1/2 mile. If you have practice, you might finish those 10 miles in less than 3 hours. Now, you want to know how long it will take to drive to your destination. 6 Answers. Riding 17-20 miles on a road bike is a pretty short ride, even in the heat. In an urban/suburban setting, think multimodal. How Long Does it Take to Kayak 10 Miles? Do you cycle because it takes less time than driving / PT. 4 years ago. We currently live about a 1.5 miles from my wife's job, so she rides her bike most days and I drive the 15 minute commute. Lv 7. onlyme Mr G. Lv 5. :D. How Long Does It Take to Bike 10 Miles. The average commuter rides about 10-12 mph depending of course on terrain and other factors. The fun thing I would do, on occasion, was bike the 40 miles to work and take the train back. I ride a mountain bike and carry a back pack too. It depends on your speed. So what does it take to be ‘capable’ of averaging 200 watts for 112 miles?…of course, no stopping included…when I say ‘capable’, ultimately, the balance between bike and run may determine a different final race goal. The climb into the pass started decently, rode everything in the first 10 miles. The amount of time it takes to travel 10 miles on a bicycle depends on the speed you're traveling.You can use a mileage calculator or simply divide the number 10 by your speed to get your result in hours.