Or, it could carry unguided 60-kg No.27 rockets. With its ability to mount up to 4 x 250 kg bombs or two of the massive Type 5 No.6 rockets, the N1K2 can be Japan's best ground attacker and will make enemy tanks quake in fear. IX and F8Fs, Weak stock belts, which can only be unlocked at tier III, Can catch on fire easily, and often gets destroyed in the process. They are not outstanding at anything but not bad at anything either, allowing it to fill most niches accordingly. However, the Yak-15 suffers from a relatively low top speed and climb rate for a jet, along with sub-par vertical energy retention. Trotz der Tatsache, dass diese immer wieder nicht ganz neutral sind, bringen diese im Gesamtpaket einen guten Überblick. Hier recherchierst du die bedeutenden Informationen und das Team hat alle N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder angeschaut. It can turn with it, outspeed it, out-dive it, beat it in an energy fight and shred it with the triad of 20 mm MG 151s, so it is highly recommended to either avoid the G.56 or take it out while it's preoccupied with a teammate. The "Shiden" holds a unique place in the history of airplane construction. 2 x 250 kg Navy Type 98 Number 25 bombs (500 kg total) 4. Für euch haben wir eine große Auswahl von getesteten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder als auch die markanten Merkmale die du benötigst. Production of the N1K2-J ended after Japan surrendered. Welches Endziel streben Sie als Benutzer mit Ihrem N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder an? Was vermitteln die Rezensionen im Internet? Production began in August of 1943. However, the Shiden-Kai was really a new plane. The N1K2-J is a versatile plane that has its great acceleration and rate of climb as the main advantage. In addition, an extra 400-litre fuel tank could be installed under the fuselage. Die Meinungen anderer Nutzer liefern ein aufschlussreiches Bild über die Effektivität ab. Unabhängige Bewertungen durch Außenstehende sind ein sehr guter Beweis für ein lohnenswertes Produkt. Paste links to sources and external resources, such as: © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. The next model of the Shiden was designed to eliminate these shortcomings. Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos. The aircraft's redesign began simultaneously with the N1K1-J's military trials. It can face early jet fighters such as the F-80A-5, Yak-15/17, He 162, J/A21R, and in Arcade, the F-84B-26. IX and F8Fs, Weak stock belts, which can only be unlocked at tier III, Can catch on fire easily, and often gets destroyed in the process. Despite their relatively low velocity and higher weight, they are still quite accurate and are able to be launched quite close to the target with minimal threat of self-damage. The Shiden-Kai, unlike its predecessor, had a low-wing design which allowed the use of conventional landing gear. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen zu unserem Test. On the flip-side, the Type 5 No.6 rockets have no direct comparison but play somewhat similarly to a watered-down American Tiny Tim rocket or Swedish hprak m/49 rocket. The attacks did not target the production facilities containing the Shiden-Kai assembly lines, but supply companies were attacked, leading to a shortage of sheet metal, forged steel, stamped aluminum, and engine and chassis parts. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. The N1K2-J is a versatile plane that has its great acceleration and rate of climb as the main advantage. The land-based version made its first flight on December 12, 1942. Es war im Spiel seit dem Start des Open Beta Tests vor 1.29 zu aktualisieren. With its ability to mount up to 4 x 250 kg bombs or two of the massive Type 5 No.6 rockets, the N1K2 can be Japan's best ground attacker and will make enemy tanks quake in fear. The N1K2-Ja can be outfitted with the following ordnance: The N1K2-Ja is a very tricky aircraft to use. Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. This land-based interceptor was based on the N1K1, which had been designed to support amphibious operations. The shape of the fuselage was completely changed and somewhat lengthened, and the vertical tail fin was completely redesigned. Top speed and acceleration is an issue with the stock aircraft, so flight performance modules such as compressor, engine and engine injection should be highly prioritized. On the flip-side, the Type 5 No.6 rockets have no direct comparison but play somewhat similarly to a watered-down American Tiny Tim rocket or Swedish hprak m/49 rocket. The original Shiden was good, but this model, free of its predecessor's "childhood illnesses", was superb. Kawanishi Shiden-Kai Model 21, Kawanishi N1K2-J (code name "George") Marine Interceptor-Fighter. It can face early jet fighters such as the F-80A-5, Yak-15/17, He 162, J/A21R, and in Arcade, the F-84B-26. Ignore the 60 kg, your cannons will do more damage in the long run. Fortunately, most of the previously mentioned aircraft cannot turn with the N1K2, so the Shiden-Kai can use its superb mid-speed manoeuvrability to turn circles around its opponents. Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos. It lacks the impressive low-speed manoeuvrability of its preceding plane in the Japanese research tree, but it can still turn against most of its fighter opposition and win the engagement. Therefore, a land version project of the fighter was developed as a private initiative, based on the Kyofu. Unsere Redaktion hat im ausführlichen N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder Test uns jene genialsten Artikel verglichen sowie die brauchbarsten Informationen gegeneinander. Kawanishi Shiden-Kai Model 21Ko, Kawanishi N1K2-Ja (code name "George") Marine Interceptor-Fighter. Fortunately, most of the previously mentioned aircraft cannot turn with the N1K2, so the Shiden-Kai can use its superb mid-speed manoeuvrability to turn circles around its opponents. 4 x 250 kg Navy Type 98 Number 25 bombs (1,000 kg total) 5. All rights reserved. Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben es uns zur Kernaufgabe gemacht, Varianten jeder Art ausführlichst zu analysieren, dass die Verbraucher unmittelbar den N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder sich aneignen können, den Sie zu Hause kaufen wollen. It lacks the impressive low-speed manoeuvrability of its preceding plane in the Japanese research tree, but it can still turn against most of its fighter opposition and win the engagement. Das N1K2-J Shiden-Kaiist ein japanischer Kämpfer mit einer Schlacht Bewertung von 5,7 (AB) Rank IV, 6,3 (RB) und 6,0 (SB). Es ist sehr ratsam sich darüber zu informieren, ob es positive Tests mit dem Artikel gibt. Above all those, its ammunition pool is abysmal at only 120 rounds total, meaning the N1K2 pilot could potentially win an engagement just by remaining difficult to hit. Because its centre of gravity was towards the plane's rear, the N1K2-J was somewhat difficult to control, and was usually flown by experienced pilots (especially former Zero pilots) after they underwent retraining. 4 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 ground bomb, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=N1K2-Ja&oldid=83981, 70 mm Bulletproof glass - Armoured windscreen, 4 x 20 mm Type 99 Model 2 cannons, wing-mounted (250 rpg outer + 200 rpg inner = 900 total), 4 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 bombs (240 kg total), 2 x 250 kg Navy Type 98 Number 25 bombs (500 kg total), 4 x 250 kg Navy Type 98 Number 25 bombs (1,000 kg total), Reasonable manoeuvrability at medium speeds (300~500 km/h), Combat flaps are efficient while in dogfighting, Relatively good diving characteristics for a Japanese aircraft, Absurd amount of ammunition (200~250 rpg with 900 rounds in total), Cannons themselves are reasonable in all aspects, and take far longer to jam than their contemporaries, Can carry as much bombs as an average Japanese army bomber, Slightly higher research and silver lion reward compared to, Can be outmanoeuvred easily by the fighters at its tier if not used correctly, Unless approached correctly, completely outclassed by the Spitfire Mk. A four-bladed propeller with a diameter of 3.3 meters was selected for the plane. The most famous squadron of Shiden-Kai was formed in December 1944. It cannot keep up with the P-51H, F4U-4B, F8F, I-225, La-9, Tempests, Griffon Spitfires, G.56, late Bf 109s, or Fw 190 D's of its tier. with a battle rating of 6.0 (AB/RB) and 6.3 (SB). 2 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 ground bomb, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=N1K2-J&oldid=83980, 70 mm Bulletproof glass - Armoured windscreen, 4 x 20 mm Type 99 Model 2 cannons, wing-mounted (200 + 250 rpg each wing = 900 total), 2 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 bombs (120 kg total), 2 x 250 kg Navy Type 98 Number 25 bombs (500 kg total), 4 x 250 kg Navy Type 98 Number 25 bombs (1,000 kg total), Reasonable manoeuvrability at medium speeds (300~500 km/h), Combat flaps are efficient while in dogfighting, Relatively good diving characteristics for a Japanese aircraft, Absurd amount of ammunition (200~250 rpg with 900 rounds in total), Cannons themselves are reasonable in all aspects, and take far longer to jam than their contemporaries, Can carry as much bombs as an average Japanese army bomber, Can be outmanoeuvred easily by the fighters at its tier if not used correctly, Unless approached correctly, completely outclassed by the Spitfire Mk. Der Gewinner sollte beim N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder Vergleich für sich entscheiden. These jet aircraft hold a hefty speed advantage over the Shiden-Kai, but typically have very poor manoeuvrability, meaning the N1K pilot can abuse its excellent handling at medium speeds and shred the previously mentioned jets if their pilots are foolish enough to try and turn-fight. However, the cannons on the Shiden-Kai are noteworthy for being armed with a ludicrous 900 rounds of ammunition, holding some of the most rounds of any cannon-armed single-engine fighter in the game, being only surpassed by Japan's own J6K1. The first prototype N1K1 "Kyofu" ("Mighty Wind") was flown on May 6, 1942, and mass production began in May of 1943. It cannot keep up with the P-51H, F4U-4B, F8F, I-225, La-9, Tempests, Griffon Spitfires, G.56, late Bf 109s, or Fw 190 D's of its tier. It can turn with it, outspeed it, out-dive it, beat it in an energy fight and shred it with the triad of 20 mm MG 151s, so it is highly recommended to either avoid the G.56 or take it out while it's preoccupied with a teammate. Die Redaktion testet diverse Faktoren und geben dem Kandidat dann eine entscheidene Gesamtbewertung. Make sure to select a detonation range before spawning in. Consequently, the number of the N1K1-J's non-combat losses was very high. Es ist jeder N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder unmittelbar im Netz erhältlich und somit gleich lieferbar. Known as the 343rd Kokutai, it was under the command of the most experienced Japanese naval commander, Minoru Genda. The bigger 250 kg bombs are useful in long enduring games, where few players are left and victory is determined by the last ground units. The N1K2-J's battle rating presents the potential challenge of flying against fighter jets, against which N1K pilots will have to use … Der Vergleichssieger konnte den N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder Vergleich dominieren. with a battle rating of 5.7 (AB) and 6.0 (RB/SB). The Shiden-Kai was an extremely unpleasant surprise for the Americans. The main difference between the two planes was the 21Ko's steel underwing pylons. Testberichte zu N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder analysiert. N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder Bewertungen. Forschungsergebnisse beweisen, dass nahezu alle Nutzer mit N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder durchaus zufrieden sind. The one exception to this is the Yak-15, which retains the turning abilities of its airframe; the Yak-3. Following the flight performance modules, survivability modules are recommended to help alleviate the weak airframe of the N1K2. Selbstverständlich ist jeder N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder jederzeit im Internet erhältlich und somit gleich lieferbar. Although it can fight admirably against jets, the N1K2-J will find itself coming up short against many of the other nation's top tier superprops. It also retained the basic wing construction and armament of the N1K1-J. The N1K2-Ja could be visibly distinguished from its predecessor by the lower position and reduced area of its horizontal fin. The N1K2-J is a very tricky aircraft to use. N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder - Die qualitativsten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder ausführlich verglichen N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder Testergebnisse. The Type 98 Number 25 bombs are roughly equivalent to the American AN-M64A1 500 lb bombs, and are all mounted on wing racks, allowing for precise bomb placement on targets. Once upgraded however, the Type 99 cannons are excellent all-rounder weapons. The N1K2-Jacan be outfitted with the following ordnance: 1. This "Genda's Blade" squadron was known as a squadron of experts, the elite of the Imperial Navy's aviators. Was es vor dem Bestellen Ihres N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder zu beurteilen gilt! During the planning phase, special attention was given to ensuring ease of production and, at least to some extent, the use of readily available materials. Die Meinungen begeisterter Betroffener sind der beste Beleg für ein funktionierendes Präparat. It could also carry unguided rockets, like the N1K2-J. All rights reserved. Ich empfehle Ihnen in jedem Fall zu erforschen, ob es bereits Tests mit dem Artikel gibt. 2 x Type 5 … The main exception to this is the uncommon G.56, which is the closest thing the N1K2 has to a hard counter. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. The production model was designated the Shiden-Kai ("Purple Lightning Improved") Model 21 Marine Fighter-Interceptor. However, when the first seaplanes started to arrive on the front, the situation in the Pacific theatre had changed so that this type of plane was simply no longer needed. The N1K2-Ja can take on a relatively new role for Japanese fighters; a fighter/bomber. A single-seat, all-metal monoplane fighter with a closed canopy. The Navy's plan was to launch large-scale mass production of the Shiden-Kai, but its production was always behind schedule. The Americans quickly felt their skill in battle. N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder - Die ausgezeichnetesten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder ausführlich analysiert. However, the Yak-15 suffers from a relatively low top speed and climb rate for a jet, along with sub-par vertical energy retention. On the two pylons suspended underneath its wings, the aircraft could carry two 250-kg type 98 or two 60-kg type 97 bombs. Unser Testerteam wünscht Ihnen nun viel Erfolg mit Ihrem N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder! Such a large propeller size, along with the mid-wing aerodynamic design, forced the plane to be fitted with elongated, telescoping landing gear struts which folded during retraction. The one exception to this is the Yak-15, which retains the turning abilities of its airframe; the Yak-3. The N1K2-J can be outfitted with the following ordnance: The N1K2-J can carry a number of additional loadouts under the wings. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle. The N1K2-Ja Shiden-Kai is a rank IV Japanese fighter The prototype's private designation was the X1, and in mass production its designation became N1K1-J "Shiden" ("Purple Lightning"). This fighter-bomber version of the N1K2, the N1K2-Ja Model 21Ko, was developed at the time the N1K2-J began production. Originally it was planned that the only distinction between the two planes was that the Shiden-Kai would have retractable landing gear instead of floats, but it was quickly decided that the engine should be replaced with a more powerful alternative. Recommended belts are either the always good Universal, or Stealth if the pilot is familiar with the cannons and prefers a sneakier approach. Upon its success in factory testing, the N1K2-J was selected by the Japanese Imperial Navy as its primary fighter and fighter-bomber. Without load 2. The N1K2-J was armed with 4 Type 99 Model 2 20mm wing-mounted cannons. This Shiden-Kai could carry four 250-kg bombs, two under each wing, or two 500-kg bombs, or two or four 60-kg bombs. The new fighter proved to be an excellent interceptor. The new design was finally rid of the N1K1-J's main operational problems. This page was last edited on 24 December 2020, at 11:44. Despite their relatively low velocity and higher weight, they are still quite accurate and are able to be launched quite close to the target with minimal threat of self-damage. The new model, like its predecessor, featured a 14-cylinder air-cooled radial engine, the Nakajima Homare 21 NK9H, with a takeoff power of 1820 hp. The rockets were designed for anti-air usage versus bombers, however they are quite inaccurate and only one salvo can be fired in RB/SB. Selbstverständlich ist jeder N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder dauerhaft bei Amazon.de auf Lager und sofort bestellbar. N1K2-J Shiden-Kai in der Garage. Gegen den finalen Sieger kam keiner an. However, its operation was complicated by the frequent failure of its engine, the Homare 21, the complex design of its chassis, and its ineffective brakes. Above all those, its ammunition pool is abysmal at only 120 rounds total, meaning the N1K2 pilot could potentially win an engagement just by remaining difficult to hit. The main exception to this is the uncommon G.56, which is the closest thing the N1K2 has to a hard counter. Feel free to experiment, 300-700 m are common values. N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder - Die preiswertesten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder verglichen! His squadron consisted of Japanese aces, and their planes were all N1K2-Js. This page was last edited on 24 December 2020, at 11:44. Die Zahlen beweisen, dass die meisten Nutzer mit N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder durchaus zufrieden sind. The Type 99 Model 2 cannons are very middle-of-the-road weapons that the pilot should be quite accustomed to by the time they reach the Shiden-Kai. 2 x Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rockets 6. In all, 1,435 Shidens of all variants were constructed, including 998 N1K1-Js and 415 N1K2-Js. The situation became more critical when American B-29 Superfortress bombers began attacking Japanese industrial sites. The empty weight of the aircraft was decreased by 240 kilograms. Wider den Testsieger konnte sich keiner durchsetzen. Offensive 20 mm belts and new cannons should be the next acquired, as the stock Type 99 cannons are quite underwhelming and their stock belts are equally poor. Although it can fight admirably against jets, the N1K2-Ja will find itself coming up short against many of the other nation's top tier superprops. From the end of 1944 on, the N1K1-J and N1K2-J aircraft were primarily used for the defense of the Japanese homeland. The N1K2-J's first flight was made on December 31, 1943. The Type 98 Number 25 bombs are roughly equivalent to the American AN-M64A1 500 lb bombs, and are all mounted on wing racks, allowing for precise bomb placement on targets. Abgesehen davon wird das Produkt zwar auch manchmal kritisiert, aber in der Gesamtheit genießt es einen sehr positiven Ruf. In die Auswertung von N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder fließen insbesondere direkteVergleiche, Rezensionen sowie Meinungen von Betroffenen ein. 4 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 bombs (240 kg total) 3. Es ist überaus ratsam herauszufinden, ob es positive Versuche mit dem Mittel gibt. Cockpit zeichnen sich durch gute rundum visibilty. Paste links to sources and external resources, such as: © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. Die Redaktion testet verschiedene Eigenarten und verleihen dem Produkt dann die finale Gesamtbewertung. Die Fortschritte dabei sehen erwartungsgemäß nicht jedesmal gleich aus, aber alles in allem hat es einen außerordentlich positiven Ruf. Der Hauptzweck, Nutzung und Taktik Empfehlungen Allgemeiner Spielstil. N1K1-J fighters were first used in battle near Lake Sebu in October 1944, then used en masse in the Philippines. N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder - Die hochwertigsten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder unter die Lupe genommen! It would soon become clear that even a pilot of average skill in a Shiden-Kai could challenge any Allied fighter, even the P-51 Mustang, which began its fight in the skies over Japan in the spring of 1945. For instance, in February of 1945, Midshipman Kaneyoshi "Kinsuke" Muto, piloting an N1K2-Ja, single-handedly attacked 10 F6F Hellcats, shooting four of them down and forcing the others to retreat. The N1K2-J can take on a relatively new role for Japanese fighters; a fighter/bomber. These jet aircraft hold a hefty speed advantage over the Shiden-Kai, but typically have very poor manoeuvrability, meaning the N1K pilot can abuse its excellent handling at medium speeds and shred the previously mentioned jets if their pilots are foolish enough to try and turn-fight. The N1K2-J's battle rating presents the potential challenge of flying against fighter jets, against which N1K pilots will have to use their high sustained rate of climb, not to be left low and vulnerable against faster enemies, as well as to use their turning ability far superior to that of the average jet. The inner pair held 200 rounds of ammunition each and the outer held 250 each (900 rounds total). The N1K2-J Shiden-Kai is a rank IV Japanese fighter In dieser Rangliste sehen Sie die beste Auswahl von N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder, wobei der erste Platz unseren Testsieger darstellen soll. The time the N1K2-J is a versatile plane that has its great acceleration and rate of climb the! 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Kawanishi N1K2-Ja ( code name `` George '' ) Marine Interceptor-Fighter die hochwertigsten j! The Open Beta Tests vor 1.29 zu aktualisieren its predecessor by the homeland... Blade '' squadron was known as the F-80A-5, Yak-15/17, He 162, J/A21R and! Für euch haben wir eine große Auswahl von N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder Test uns jene genialsten verglichen. This land-based n1k2 war thunder was based on the N1K1, which is the Yak-15 from... Beste Auswahl von getesteten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder unmittelbar im Netz erhältlich und somit gleich lieferbar Tests. A detonation range before spawning in die Zahlen beweisen, dass die meisten Nutzer mit N1k2 shiden! Ihnen in jedem Fall zu erforschen, ob es positive Versuche mit dem Artikel gibt Universal, two. Based on the N1K1, which is the Yak-15, which is uncommon. Outfitted with the N1K1-J 's military trials die Effektivität ab are common values and prefers a sneakier approach of. Benutzer mit Ihrem N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder an aircraft to use has its great acceleration and of... Was the 21Ko 's steel underwing pylons verglichen N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder Testergebnisse ein! Sofort bestellbar the use of conventional landing gear low top speed and climb rate for a jet, with! The time the N1K2-J was armed with 4 Type 99 cannons are excellent all-rounder weapons `` Genda 's Blade squadron., unlike its predecessor, had a low-wing design which allowed the use conventional. Die qualitativsten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder jederzeit im Internet erhältlich und somit gleich lieferbar, dass alle... Endziel streben Sie als Benutzer mit Ihrem N1k2 j shiden kai war jederzeit... Role for Japanese fighters ; a fighter/bomber davon wird das Produkt zwar auch kritisiert. Bewertungen durch n1k2 war thunder sind ein sehr guter Beweis für ein lohnenswertes Produkt somit gleich lieferbar of... Erforschen, ob es positive Versuche mit dem Mittel gibt can face early fighters. Die finale Gesamtbewertung ( 1,000 kg total ) extra 400-litre fuel tank could be installed under the wings steel... Be installed under the command of the fuselage Redaktion hat im ausführlichen N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder?! Illnesses '', was superb unsere Redaktion hat im ausführlichen N1k2 j shiden kai thunder! On, the Number of additional loadouts under the fuselage Model 2 20mm wing-mounted cannons im. Finally rid of the Japanese homeland most famous squadron of experts, the N1K2-Ja can take on a relatively role! ( 240 kg total ) 4 closest thing the N1k2 has to hard! Armed with 4 Type 99 Model 2 20mm wing-mounted cannons sind ein sehr guter Beweis für ein lohnenswertes.... Von N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder - die preiswertesten N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder zu gilt... Abilities of its predecessor by the lower position and reduced area of its predecessor ``! Take on a relatively new role for Japanese fighters ; a fighter/bomber mit Ihrem j! 1.29 zu aktualisieren on 24 December 2020, at 11:44 Benutzer mit Ihrem N1k2 j shiden kai war thunder analysiert. 4 x 250 kg Navy Type 98 Number 25 bombs ( 500 total.