With $299,678 in funding from USDA over the next three years, RI will build the capacity of low-income Westwood residents to become self-reliant by investing in the infrastructure needed to meet their food needs--the cooperative, market and hub. Climate Adaptation Tools for Wetland Conservation and Management Wetlands are natural ecosystems that are inherently vulnerable to climate change impacts. The USDA’s award of $292,940 to the co-op requires a 25% match of in-kind and cash valued at $73,235. May 11, 2012 - The Food Hub Resource Guide aims to help small-scale farmers reach a wider market base. The project is part of the startup’s goal of obtaining and marketing locally produced food to the Kodiak community. ESSEX, N.Y., Sept. 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — In response to the COVID-19 crisis and an attempt to address the triple threat of crop waste, rising food insecurity, and food industry lay-offs, a rural food hub and a local community organization joined forces to bring sustainable, locally grown food packages to households facing hunger in rural Northern New York State. Photo courtesy: Evergreen United Food Hub. The data from 2015 National Food Hub Survey is first ongoing national data set of its caliber on food hub operations. USDA continues to request that managers and owners of local food entities enter/update their business information in the directories. The goal of this project is to make food data more accessible to the world and to help users answer the question “What’s in my food?” and to assist them in making healthy choices about what to eat. Use this initiative to form teams around a problem and invite your community to participate. Reducing food loss in produce—when fruits and vegetables are not eaten by consumers—is a priority for the USDA and other national and international food and environmental entities. Potential USDA)ProgramstoSupport )Regional)Food)Hub)Development!! Goals / Objectives The project, titled "Common Market Food Hub: Restoring Urban and Rural Vitality through a Growing Regional Food System Infrastructure in the Delaware Valley" will allow an overall investment in the food hub infrastructure and our community partnerships. As a food hub, we have improved our bottom-line through improved efficiencies, helped farmers with their deliveries and pick-up of product along our emergency food routes, and grown a loyal customer base for locally grown produce - particularly in low income and reside in rural areas. In other words, whether or not food is grown in soil tells us little that’s useful about whether that food is ‘organic’ or not.” When I last wrote about this issue, the Boston Globe editorial board had just weighed in on the debate over hydroponics and organics. The Black Hills Food Hub coordinates the purchase and delivery of fresh food from local farmers to cafeterias and restaurants in the region. Post navigation. As the name implies, Food Hubs, work to bring together food collections. Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan introduced the new resource guide … USDA food files SR28 to SQLite. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has launched a hub designed to assist local and regional food producers as the USDA and its partners develop, share and assess resources on local and regional food system responses to COVID-19. Check out @USDA’s Local Food Hub Directory where you can search for local farms by inputting your zip code. Last updated June 9, 2011 ± prepared E\ 86'$¶V ³.QRZ