Navy A School … I went submarines, had fun, worked REALLY hard, and saw the world. Yes. By enlisting in one of the following jobs, we can help pay off up to $65,000 of your Stafford, Perkins, PLUS, and other Title 4 loans. I'm honestly not to stressed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the newtothenavy community. Those who generally perform the best in school are those with little advanced computer knowledge that are willing to learn. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. CTN is an “A” School (JCAC) required rating. There weren't any CTs at my previous shore based comman, FRCNW. Hell, you could even knock out your CEH in most cases. I get that you want to be home but you're an adult now, it's time act like it. We joined for the training and experience. Anyway, if you're picked up for the program, it's another 3 months of specialized training and if successfully completed, you are granted the NEC 9308. For example, you can have them dropped if you sign another contract before you hit those two years. Career Road-map as of MAY 2015, Note about the Career Road Map: If you dig around you'll see that the Navy is willing to pay for all kinds of Certs for you. card. What They Do . My questions are. User account menu. The Navy's crucially important work of deciphering encrypted communications and monitoring electronic networks for top-secret intelligence information is the responsibility of cryptology technicians. A lot of positions between GS-11 to GS-14 depending on skills, degree, and leadership experience. Those seeking a Cryptologic Technician position must be U.S. citizens who can meet eligibility requirements for a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Log In Sign Up. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. Either you were a marginal (at best) CTN and you get offered the obligatory gov/contractor gig after you get out, or you're a good CTN and you most likely leave the gov altogether and go work for private industry where you'll actually be expected to know your shit and do work (don't worry you'll still get your gov and contractor offers as well). A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. Also from some research about the A school is that the school is difficult to pass, certainly not impossible, but difficult. yet otherwise, good luck with the path you have chosen. They aren’t even MA staff they just run the compound. I am looking for information about CTN or CTR School. AMA Mod Approved. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! controlling and operating communications … Hot New Top. However, last I knew, it was still a 6 year contract, and you would get the automatic E4 advancement (ATF program, Advanced Technical Field). Anyway, if you are interested in taking that route, I would encourage some studying ahead of time (again, NET+/SEC+). Online. CTN/ Intel roles in NSW. I am uncertain what a CTN person does besides work with networks and use a computer, so I am unable to answer the jobs and travel. Overall responsibilities include monitoring and identifying sensitive information. General Testing info: From my CTN post 6 months ago, here, I learned that failing on tests is a 75, but you really want to get above an 80 on your tests. Associated Navy Documents/ Webpages regarding CTN. CTN's perform a variety of duties associated with computer network operations across global networks. The ATF program and any bonus money WILL be on your contract. Student Loan Repayment Program. Posted by /u/mikegymnastics, JCAC/CTN study tips Posted by /u/hessian_peel, What's an average day as a CTN like? Rising. I wanted to be a YNS too, but I will try to become a Navy CT's community member. Sorry if this post made you so upset you had to comment. A school sucks and it's supposed to suck. As a Cryptologic Technician Networks, you fight in the battlespace of the future. US Navy r/ navy. So, I hope this helps, and if I left anything out, message me (looking at you /u/NotAnNSAGuyPromise and /u/CTNope)! I heard CTN is the better CT job. 38.0k. Associated Navy Documents/ Webpages regarding CTN. The Whole thing about JCAC is that you can't party much, because you need to be studying. I had a 6 year contract, with the 2 year obliserve, and re-enlisted for 6 (for the bonus money) and so now my total time served is 10 years instead of 12. That may have changed due to an increased need in operators. Navy A School does not have as many restrictions as boot camp, but does not have as many freedoms as a sailor will once they complete training. I enlisted 20151105, and I ship on the 17th this month. CTN is an “A” School (JCAC) required rating. Individuals will attend Navy A School after they have completed boot camp. Home; reviews; navy ctn reddit ; Rated 3.9 /5 based on 14 customer reviews 7 May, 2017. purdue owl transition words pelli chupulu meaning in english mass effect 3 minos wasteland science article with summary what is an appendix? I leave 20160217. Mostly because of the speed. The length and location of training depends on the specific rating. r/navy: For anything Navy related, not limited to US Navy. Don't sign it unless they are both there. I finished a school but as a MA have to stay for a new c school program. A Navy CTN is responsible for analyzing collected information and conducting computer network operations, all while protecting the vulnerability of those networks. I’m not mad about the training, everything else is terrible. Duties include Network Target Development, Indications and Warning (I&W), Attack Sensing and Warning (AS&W), … They are always angry , … Also from some research about the A school is that the school is difficult to pass, certainly not impossible, but difficult. CTN ION Operator Information. I think the minimum is 4 year re-enlistment to have the obliserve dropped. User account menu. Yes, anything that starts with a C(x) or I(x) generally has very good prospects after service. Top security clearance is a plus with ctn though, I believe that is why there is additional job possibilities after the navy. As always, you're an adult, so use your best judgment. Hey all, I wanted to compile all the CTN information I could find on and off of Reddit into one post, hope this helps you, as my research has helped me. share. But people could just search for CTN info. I’ve never been this depressed before in my life. Navy CTN - Global Network Operations Technician. If you're interested in further specialization within the field (computer network exploitation), then it will require you take a proficiency test at the conclusion of JCAC. Cryptologic Technician; Rating insignia. Just made a Reddit prior to this post to ask about it. Yes, it is a rough course. Note: Information was stolen from many users on Reddit, credit will be given when credit is due! A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program … Press J to jump to the feed. Fucking great, if you dig being in an office with A/C. Just remember, there are other rates and communities if you are not offered CTN. That means that the 2 years are not "permanent". The Navy can help you pay off your student loans. 2 1 12. comments. HM “C” SCHOOL PACKAGES ARE TO BE SUBMITTED NO LESS THAN 13 MONTHS PRIOR TO PRD. /u/freshdolphin wrote a fantastic thread on ION Operators that I encourage you to check out. So, as far as studying prior to JCAC, I wouldn't say it's required at all... but it has helped me quite a bit. Are there job possibilities from working this job in the Navy after the navy? So you can get the bonus money for reenlisting for 4 years, but only serve an extra 2. How is the life of a CTN? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Career Road-map as of MAY 2015, Note about the Career Road Map: If you dig around you'll see that the Navy is … It goes one of two ways. Join . Use the damned search bar. ***** Hey all, I wanted to compile all the CTN information I could find on and off of Reddit into one post, hope this helps you, as my research has helped me. I'm currently in CTN A School here in Pensacola so I can give some info about what to expect/how to get ready. Luckily this is what my rate is. 3. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the newtothenavy community. If you're looking to be on a boat ever in your career, or do any "real Navy" things, you're boned. 157. CTN is a REALLY small group, I think there's only like 650, in the entire Navy. I can't really find out some basic things about the program, like if it's a 6 or 4 year contract, if they get auto E4 like AECF does, and I'd like to know if there's anything I can do to prepare myself for the horror that is CTN A school. As a side note, "16 points (94% upvoted)" what did I do wrong, I was trying to help, lol. Created Sep 13, 2012. I'm 23, have lived on my own and have been 1200 miles away from my family, so I'm not worried about that. Monitor, Collect, and Report information and conduct actions in direct support of Computer Network Operations worldwide in support of Navy, National Security Agency, and Department of Defense, national and theater level missions. I have a bit of experience with computers so it hasn't been too bad so far. CTN is probably the most asked about rate in this Sub. I know that in the Army, they make you take the test regardless. They claim the attrition rate for new accessions (straight from boot), is 30%. Navy News Service Updated October 20, 2019 A U.S. Navy Cryptologic Technician Networks (CTN) rating performs a host of duties associated with computer operations across global networks, according to the U.S. Navy. Now, there are a specialized group of CTNs called interactive operators. Posted by 7 days ago. Navy A School is the first stage of technical training for your specific rating. I had a few E-5 AF guys in my class who said we were lucky to get this training right off the get go. Training is conducted at the Defense Language Institute (DLI) in Monterey, California. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. Hot. I know that CT's advance pretty quickly, much quicker than IT's. hide. Stickied post. I have my study habit pattern down to a science now... and honestly I still have a LOT of free time, even if I go to voluntary study. If you feel like you can, get through it all and see the Navy for what it can really be. Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone here is a CTN. As sailors gradually move through A School and complete different phases, their restrictions are slowly lifted and liberties are increased. Only 1 sticky at a time so rip me. I only went to A school, so I didn't get any specialized training, outside of the generic IT training the Navy has. I dont think money should be your motivation for the ctn, well at least not all motivation, because you will need more determination when A school begins, which i think is after boot camp. Archived. Posted by /u/JayHerlth, Note about ATF/ CTN written by /u/jakizely December of 2014, Talk with the recruiter. Navy ctn reddit The staff don’t give a shit about you. I do quite abit of research, anyways, most likely there is job possibilities after the navy, but that is if you keep your head up and do not lie. I'm definitely of the school of thought that you shouldn't prepare for JCAC in most cases. Press J to jump to the feed. The 6 year contract is broken down into two parts. Studying the very basics of hardware and networking will help you out greatly, and also looking up programming/coding. Is this true? The CT community performs a wide range of tasks in support of the national intelligence -gathering effort, with an emphasis on cryptology and signal intelligence related products. card classic compact. No posts encouraging you to lie to your recruiter. I'm almost half-way through. Within that field are several specialized ratings, including Also, to all those CTNs that have just graduated or are about to graduate JCAC: GET YOUR NET+/SEC+ ASAP. I'm ready to get my life started, that is why I chose the Navy. Press J to jump to the feed. Also, I might edit the post and create sections like 'studying for JCAC', 'Advancement Opportunities', etc. Six years as a CTN combined with the clearance, training, and free certs, will get you much further than the same time working for a random IT department. They will have all of the current information. Note: Information was stolen from many users on Reddit, credit will be given when credit is due! CTN ION Operator Information. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. CTN E1-3 SEA E1-3 121% 246 121% INVENTORY INV +WIP / FY21 EPA INV +WIP / FY22 EPA 102% 2388 102% 67← E-3 and Below WIP Total 89.0% 210 236 106.8% 1911 1789 TOTAL INV TOTAL BA 78 440 802 436 275 68 22 54 418 747 455 264 65 22 2121 2025 144.4% 105.3% 107.4% 95.8% 104.2% 104.6% 100.0% SEA + SHORE 104.7% All-Navy 10yr Avg TIR 34.9% 22.1% 13.9% 22.0% 11.6% 13.1% EPA by … They say you can work for the government after the navy making a lot of money. r/newtothenavy Rules . By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press J to jump to the feed. The chaplains know the stress us enlisted are going through--Navy officers are trained by Marine Corps drill instructors. Do NOT wait until you've forgotten everything. Filter by flair. Sailors designated as CTN prior to 2009 are designated 0000 and not required to attend JCAC. Hot New Top Rising. 1 1 11. Members. 2. Posts Wiki. You can go to your RDCs, too, to some extent; some RDCs are crap RDCs, and some are wholly committed to their job of turning you into a Sailor. Note about studying for JCAC: I feel like there are two schools of thought here. Navy A School Phase I is anywhere from 27-64 weeks long depending on the language the CTI is assigned (Spanish is nine months long, Persian-Farsi, Russian, and Hebrew are twelve months long, and Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, and Korean are eighteen months long). For E4, all you have to do it wait the time in rate for it. The girl I spoke about above has been stuck at e-5 for many many years despite perfect evals and knowing her job inside and out. OP has posted it above. It's a little late at this point considering you leave in eight days. The duties performed by CTOs include: providing telecommunications support to the fleet (air, surface, and shore); information processing using computer terminals observing all applicable security measures; administrative duties, which include maintaining files and updating communications publications via automated methods. Working with the squadrons was by far my favorite part, but I missed the whole shipboard part of the Navy because of it. The CTN rating was established February 2004 and the first CTN selectees were rated October 1st2004. That being said, JCAC is really just a NET+/SEC+ course, so studying those materials will get you through the majority of the content that is presented. A Navy CTN must mitigate the risk of networks and determine vulnerabilities. CTN Career Path. You may be in the Navy but you're not "in" the Navy yet. *Enlistment Bonus Source Rates (EBSR) vary based on jobs. CTN is an Advanced Technical Field (ATF) and requires an active duty obligation of six years. The “A” school JCAC was established in Oct 2009. If I fail any of those school, can I choose any job that I will desire, or they push me on other job that they wanted?. Cryptologic Technicians (Networks) (CTN) provide computer (network and infrastructure) analysis and technical solutions to produce Computer Network Operations (CNO) … Bring a bag with a dollar sign on it. Think of it as six years in the Navy to skip 15 years civilian. Navy CTN Rating Sheet. Learn a ton more about CTN but checking out my thread on the sidebar and searching this sub for the several dozen threads we have on the subject. Don't let A school be your deciding factor. I'm on the 2nd part of Mod 7/Windows which is considered one of the hardest parts of the course and I'm doing fine. [What CTNs do, deployment information, some A-School information, Duty Stations, and a tad bit of information on the ION pipeline] ( FAQ Written by /u/freshdolphin, other great responses by/u/NotAnNSAGuyPromise, What does a CTN do when attached to NSW commands? A 4 year contract and a 2 year obliserve. Job, travel, etc. E-4 - E6 Cycle 248 Advancement Results. Close. However, the Navy will pay for certs while you're in, and I really advice you take advantage of those. At the time that I went through, the prerequisites to take the test were that you never failed a test and had an overall grade above 90%. report. Having an interest in this stuff is definitely a huge factor, some of the guys in my class that don't like computers all that much are having a hard time. Once Sailors are in 12 month PRD window they are assets of the rating detailer and will be … It will mainly be an office job with limited travel. The Navy is a large organization that needs talent all across the fleet, locking your self into one rate that isn't always offered is a mistake. ***** Hey all, I wanted to compile all the CTN information I could find on and off of Reddit into one post, hope this helps you, as my research has helped me. CTN Overview from Also, CTN's go through JCAC (6 month A-school) right after boot. The easiest way to do this is just watch some YouTube videos, that's it! NEWS. Navy CTN - any around? Posted by 7 years ago. The Cryptologic Technician - Networks branch offers a career in computer Networks. I think the most important thing for hopeful CTNs is when you get to JCAC,is to STUDY your butt off. We started with 18 and have lost 7 already. EDIT: What kind of person fails out of JCAC, EDIT: CTN Duty Stations right outta A school. Log In Sign Up. 54. It's all up to you and how you retain information but I think overstudying can burden some people. A high school diploma or equivalent is required to become an Enlisted Sailor in the cryptology field in the Navy. But if for some reason, God help me, I fail on School, can I switch to become a YNS?. how long ago did you enlist before you got shipped. Cryptologic Technician (CT) is a United States Navy enlisted rating or job specialty. You're looking at government or cyber security I guess. I am uncertain what a CTN person does besides work with networks and use a computer, so I am unable to answer the jobs and travel. If you do it right. save. We all have to move away at some point in our life. Top security clearance is a plus with ctn though, I believe that is why there is additional job possibilities after the navy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. AF cyber guys REALLY want to go to the school, and they have to request/apply to go. Many of the students in my JCAC (CTN A School) had 4 year degrees, myself included. Also feel free to post up questions that I could add to the FAQ, and if things get too cluttered, I'll remake the post. Note: Information was stolen from many users on Reddit, credit will be given when credit is due! Schooling is the same. EBSR is earned and payable upon graduation from A or C school. 1. Either you prep alittle bit, on what some CTNs that recently went through the pipeline said, or just be ready to be hit with schoolwork. Could even knock out your CEH in most cases you should n't prepare for JCAC: I feel you... If anyone here is a REALLY small group, I fail on,! `` in '' the Navy the obliserve dropped the very basics of hardware networking! Knock out your CEH in most cases Enlistment bonus Source Rates ( )... You hit those two years ( 6 month A-school ) right after boot clicking I agree you! It as six years rate for new accessions ( straight from boot ), is 30 % 's to! 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