The grip shape and thickness once it is in hand will tell if it replaces my CZ P10C. This is a Glock 43X, 48 10-round magazine. Add to wishlist . This is a Glock 43X, 48 10-round magazine. Designed for comfort, the Glock 43X for sale at Omaha Outdoors delivers flawless performance as a concealed carry pistol. I was un-moved by it’s announcement when I first heard about it, then I shot the 19X. I didn’t like the trigger. If I buy a 48 (likely) I can have a 43, 43X, 48 and longslide 43 by just buying one gun. This, too, will prove to be an excellent addition to the commercial pistol industry. The slides on the 43 and the 43X or 48 … But I have large/extra-large hands and can shoot either pistol quite well. What do the guns have in common? What are other commenters using? That’s a pretty fuckin’ Goldilocks combination of attributes if you ask me, especially if you have smaller hands or wear more fitted attire. We aren’t here to body-shame any firearms, so whatever term you prefer to use, it’s a double-stack pistol. It’s just right. All swapped configurations worked flawlessly. I’m tending towards wanting a G48 more than a G43X, though the grip of the latter does look like it would help tame muzzle flip. While the two pistols share the same size frame, they each have different slide lengths. Most likely I’ll wind up keeping the G43, but putting a V43 on top, though (alas) neither will happen before I finish restoring my old man’s truck. But when we’re talking measurable performance, is there any real difference. Chambered in 9X19, both pistols feature a compact, and a 10-round magazine capacity. The 43x and 48 tell me the Glock should build the 43/8. I am sure the G48 and the 43X will carry Glocks “boring” reliability and I really like the finish. However the grip length is virtually the same. At this point, we have literally hundreds of guns to choose from. No reason to wait for Glock to bestow that gift on you. More importantly, James, Brannon, and Ryan test these three compact Glocks against each and I have to say the 48 fills the summertime carry t-shirt/deep concealment role just as perfect as the 43 did with much better balance. 0. After all, at that range and speed, all I’m seeing is the front sight, and the grip is the same between both guns. The grip, trigger, and other controls are all in the same areas as they are on the G43X. No reason for these 2 confused glocks. GLOCK 43X & 48. Here are more details of the Glock 43X vs 48. The optic-ready Slimline models are now available with an MOS cutout in the slide and slim GLOCK mounting rail system. I also did the same swap using my friends G43 and everything worked. That leaves the shooter the ability to keep the handle short for deep concealment or a little longer to get a better grip around the gun and increase capacity. As we highlighted in our Glock 43x vs. Glock 43 review, the new Glock 48 features an nPVD coated slide while the 19 features a standard Glock Gen 5 nDLC coating. Even then, the difference was tiny. I think the Glock I shot was a G17, it held a lot of bulits I know that. I like to carry with the top of the slide right on the back of my right hip. 9. And sell the heck out of two almost identical pistols. I,was thinking about buying a P365 but wanted something to give a full grip and allow easy mag changes. After measuring the 43 and 48 slides, I was confident they were compatible. It is the gun that I rely on the most. A:  The G26 is still better for ankle carry. Another difference is there are four slide serrations near the muzzle due to the slightly expanded real estate. Goerlich, the Great Glock Colluder of Cleveland, has had his long, blanched dick-skinners on a Glock 43X and Glock 48 for a while now, likely in order to develop holsters for them. GLOCK announced this week that the Slimline GLOCK 43X and GLOCK 48 are now available in the Modular Optic System (MOS) configuration. One thing is certain – they now have a gun for just about every size. All of the advantages of the MCK for your Glock 43, 43X and 48: Comes standard with the aluminum top picatinny rail. Stocky? So I believe we should support any reputable gun manufacturer for bring in a new model even if it does not suit our needs at the moment. With an extensive history of reliability and durability, GLOCK has expanded the product line by introducing two compact slimline pistols; ideal for everyday carry. Q: Will the 43X put the G26 out of the mix? The Glock 48 is an interesting combination of earlier Glocks. They are made in the USA and are ruggedized for combat duty. 9. Not … Sorry if I’m not catching your groove on the quote above. we never know what the future holds and I am old enough to have learned to never say never. Your email address will not be published. As a Glock 43 owner, the first thing I noticed about the Glock 43X was the size difference. CZ Shadow 2. The G43X will fit in all existing RCS holsters for the standard G43, including: • the Morrigan (our IWB holster, pictured here). If these were the triggers GLOCK had come out with back then, there would have never been a GLOCK aftermarket trigger industry. Shooting off bags at 25 yards, I was getting a lot of 2″ five-round groups with both the G48 and G43X. Considering the size of the guns, that’s impressive. [ED: Some owners have reported that they are, in fact, able to mount a G43 slide on a G43X or G48 frame. I imagine magazine extensions on the G43 … Your email address will not be published. Posted by 5 months ago. Published 03/04/19. Again, the gun still has the same capacity at 10+1, but the slightly longer sight radius should help with a little more accuracy. With guns this small, that doesn’t really happen much with either of them. The 48 has the same frame as the 43X, but has a longer four inch barrel. The two new Slimline models are so similar that you really have to wonder what was going on in the design department at GLOCK. There were compliments, declamations, criticisms, and pontifications of every kind. The G26 is short and…well, what’s the socially acceptable term? Can’t do that with any of the short single stacks and I don’t like the Kahr mags. For me, the GLOCK 43X is the winner. The fact that he had the same “hell yeah” reaction to the G48 as @waypoint_shooting (who has significantly smaller hands) did is a testament to how “Goldilocks-perfect” the size of the G48 is. I do hate it when I hear people saying things like Glock missed the point by making a certain gun. The 43X has the 43 slide on a slightly longer grip frame than the original 43. The Glock 43X basically puts a Glock 43 slide with a silver PVD finish (and forward cocking serrations) on a different frame. For myself, I would never buy a gun I hadn’t had the opportunity to shoot, and (if it’s one I might have to stake my life on) never before talking to folks far more knowledgable than myself. I set up a target at 7 yards with an 8″ circle. Nyní může tedy zvolit 43X, což je zbraň se závěrem z 43, ale se zvětšeným rámem. That’s my 2 cents on the 48, a friendly word of advice…hide it from your wife. It is now my favorite and once I get a hold of a G45 I will be carrying it on duty instead of my 19. In my opinion, the G48 is the most exciting product Glock has released since RCS has been in business.”eval(ez_write_tag([[970,250],'breachbangclear_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])); Asked about the seemingly minor difference in size, Goerlich responded, He’s right, of course. It’s incredibly easy to conceal in good Glock 43X holsters. Video: Here’s what a former SEAL operator thinks of the new Glock 48 and Glock 43X. Glock 43 VS 43X: Side By Side Comparison. And then, in the sheer genius that remains GLOCK, Inc., they realized they could release both, give gun buyers a choice and capitalize on both the similarities and the differences. On the right is a Glock 19. I stake my life on my Gen 5 19 every day at work. With a non-standard … In fact, it fits a tremendous range of hand sizes. Reply. Again, I’m very pleased with the performance of the Slimline Series GLOCKs. 17 +1 (9mm Luger) 19 +1 (9mm Luger) 24 +1 (9mm Luger) 31 +1 (9mm Luger) 33 +1 (9mm Luger) WEIGHT: 18.7 oz. 1 year ago. Unlike most ‘little’ guns, the G48 is incredibly shootable by people that can palm a basketball. You’re welcome. Drawing from concealment and firing the full 10 rounds with both hands standing at a 19″ silhouette at 25 yards, my time with the G48 was 6.46 seconds as an average over 5 shot strings. You’re a pallid shyster. Note: this article originally ran in early February of 2019. Maybe next shot show. The average time for the G48, 1.59 seconds. A longer slide tends to get bumped when I sit down, pressing the gun upward. *sigh*. Oct 25, 2020 #1 . Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Sep 16, 2019 #1 ... Get the 48 and then you can swap slides and make a 43x. The stock 43 with pinkie extension is still the easiest to carry, the 48 is the Glock PolyCommander, but I’m with you on the longer barrel being a little harder upon sitting down, I’ve got a gluteus bruise from sitting down too fast in a straight back wooden chair a the Mexican restaurant Sun night (IWB carry). Reviews are overwhelmingly positive. The overall length is where we see a big difference and the Glock 43X is 6.5 inches compared to the P365’s much shorter 5.8 inches. I admit I wasn’t sold on the silver finish, but it’s growing on me and seems to be extremely durable and forgiving. SERRATED MAGAZINE CATCH FOR GLOCK 43X/48. I forgot to mention that the 48 slide worked on my G43 frame. If you would like more information about the two weapons check out Breach Bang Clear’s Thoughts on the Glock 48 and Glock 43X. eval(ez_write_tag([[970,250],'breachbangclear_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',103,'0','0']));Because I haven’t put hands on either of the Slimline Glocks yet (prob’ly ‘cuz I look better in cowboy boots than Josh Dorsey), I compiled a bunch of what MG had to say and put it in one place. G19 Gen4,Vicker's Tactical G19, G26 gen 4. The 48 has the same frame as the 43X, but has a longer four inch barrel. We recruited @waypoint_shooting to help illustrate the difference the G48 grip size makes for average-size hands. Showing 1–12 of 34 results. I had one first round failure to feed using a simple 115gr FMJ with the G48 where it didn’t quite go into battery at about round 100. The Glock 43, 43X, 48 and 44? One of those involved in the discussions was Michael Goerlich (MG), of Raven Concealment Systems. Two, you can get a firm grip on the pistol faster than you can with the Glock 43 because it's longer and more comfortable to hold onto when it's tucked deep inside your … I carry a Glock 43 regularly, and I like it a lot. At first glance, you might fail to notice the … So, thank you Glock. Small, concealable, and controllable, the G43 makes an ideal everyday carry firearm. Archived. Somebody noted they could just put the same frame on the G43. Glock 43X je něco jako větší bráška subkompaktu Glock 43, tedy jedné z nejmenších zbraní na náboj 9 mm Luger. Released with the Glock 48 is the Glock 43X. Wish the mags were interchangeable with the regular ol’ vanilla 43, but can’t have everything I suppose. The average total time for the G43X was 1.57 seconds. Q: Is the grip on on a gun the hardest thing to conceal? Here you see two 9x19mm semi-automatic handguns with 10+1round ammunition capacity. When the timer went off, I drew from my KMFJ holster and fired 2 rounds into the circle. Sights too right. The Glock 26 and 43X both have a 10 round magazine capacity, while the 43 only holds 6 rounds. Looking at the two pistols side by side, they appear to have comparable dimensions, except that the G43X is slightly wider (G43 1.06″ vs. G43X 1.10″ Wide) and taller (G43 4.25″ vs.G43X 5.04″ Tall) with … My very first hand gun purchase was a Glock 19. I look forward to getting my hands on a 48 as soon as possible. To me that is the most important thing, it goes bang when I want it. The G43X and G48 were introduced in July 2019 and feature a compact, Slimline frame with a 10-round magazine capacity. A weapon a little larger than a pocket pistol with a higher capacity, and a larger grip that’s easier to handle. I trust this weapon with my life daily…as I said, I’m not replacing it as my EDC. 1; … I have been waiting for a single stack 19 for years and as much as I like my 43 and 19 I sure hope the 48 is the Goldilocks version in the middle. I should be getting my first firearm next week and looking at Glock 43x and Glock 48. I have both a Glock 43x and Glock 48. Got email yesterday, Gun mag warehouse has mags in stock. Glock 43x vs 48 (first firearm) Guns & Ammo. A: RCS was as silent as a church mouse about the G42, G43, G19M, G19X, G45, etc. OldUSN Well-Known Member. The new Glock M̶&̶P̶ ̶S̶h̶i̶e̶l̶d̶ 43X, for those who wanted a shield but didn’t want to set aside their fanaticism. Plus de détails . Evidently I’m going to be required to purchase a Glock , there certainly appears to be a lot of Glock talk and I have no idea what G string fits best. Our Glock 43X holster overview is coming soon! Had the opportunity to shoot the 43X a few weeks ago – was very impressed…it won’t replace my P-365 (however, that said, I am saving up to add one to the stable…just because). My 43 rotates in and out with my 26 occasionaly. 43 side on 48 frame shot best (basically a 43x in black), the 48 slide on the 43 frame is an answer to a question nobody has asked, but It looks interesting, something like a 19 slide on a 26 frame. And I’ll ask Dan to put some kind of note or edit to make it clear this was my experience but maybe not others. not so much. Both of the new two-tone models I tried came with the same polymer sights, and that’s about the only thing I’d replace on these guns. There are a lot of aftermarket solution for +1 and +2 pads for the G43, especially if you want them for your reload mags and don’t care about concealability. With SHOT Show 2020 coming up fast, and the recent release of the Glock … Not that the 43 was a bad shooter at all, I just like the “feel” of the 48 in my hand better. Now they only go out to the range with me. The G48’s silver slide is a whopping 20mm longer. I’ll keep my Shield and look strongly at the G48. Nov 12, 2020 #1. Think of the 48 as a single-stack version of the Glock 19. The 48 is interesting though. It’s some of the best features of the G19, G26, and G43, all rolled into one. However, when compared to the Glock 43X the Glock 48 is longer and heavier. I have seen some people hating on the G48 already because it’s “the same size as a … Here’s a look at the new Perun holster for the Glock 48, which will make their public debut next week at SHOT Show. The barrel remains the same at 3.41 inches, overall length is 6.5 inches, and the slightly wider and taller frame brings width to 1.1 inches and height to 5.04 inches. They don’t have the benefit of being used by the police or military. I think you’ll love the 365 and it’s a great little gun. The Glock 43X has a slightly longer 3.41-inch barrel compared to SIG’s 3.1-inch long barrel. 659,00 € TTC. The width of the single stack grip makes it conceal well, laying flat against my belt or on my ankle inside my boot. But the G48 solves problems that the G26 just can’t touch, and vice versa.” MG. Now, here’s a bit about holsters. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Nov 12, 2020 #1. ©COPYRIGHT 2020, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SELECT GENERATION: GEN3, GEN4, GEN4 MOS, GEN3 SF. Go forth and conquer. Initially released as two-tone models then full block versions, these have slim rails as well, allowing for the mounting of other weapons accessories such as weaponlight or laser. The big difference between the two new pistols? In the meantime, go follow Raven Concealment on Instagram (@ravenconcealment) to watch for more of the Pale Man’s pontification. [VIDEO] Glock 43x vs Glock 26 TheFireArmGuy. CONSTRUCTION: Black-Nitride steel slide, Polymer frame SIGHTS: Plastic TRIGGER: Striker Fired \PRICE: $1,299 MANUFACTURER: Glock. Hey all, I’m hoping this is the right place to ask! I just like the way the G43X feelz in my hands…figured that I’d try one out long-term…my daughter can have it if I find out that I really don’t like it after all. This subcompact series focuses on the evolution of engineering concealed carry handguns to increase their capacity and performance. Just bought a G48(really like it … (Or trust them). I swapped the slides on the grip frames and they appeared to feed and function with snap caps. I think you’ll love the 365 and it’s a great little gun. It shares the slim grip and 10 round magazine with the 48, except it has a much shorter barrel and slide. THICC? Different angle showing the grip texture of the Glock 43X and 48 vs the Glock 19. Required fields are marked *, “…I can tell you quite often [that] 1/4” difference makes a, “The new “Slimline” series is the closest thing Glock has ever made to Legos – you can swap frames and slides between your G43, G43X, and G48.” (Michael Goerlich). The Smell of Gunpowder. Reviews (0) Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave … The 43 and 48 from GLOCK’s booth during Industry Day on the Range, SHOT Show 2019. People's republic of Boulder, CO. For any of you lucky enough to have both the 43X or 48..AND the Shield Arms 15R magazine..Did you change out the OEM release catch for a metal one? There’s obviously some self-service here because, well, RCS builds holsters, but there’s still some info to be gleaned. That just came out recently um it’s, got your front cocking serrations, on both the 43x and the 48 right there. GLOCK shook things up at SHOT Show 2019 with their news of the 43x and the 48. OATH KEEPER, Pingback: Shooting the new Glock 48 and 43X | Active Response Training, Pingback: Shot Show Roundup 2019 | Active Response Training. Posted by. But the 43X doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, given that mag extensions exist for the 43. Glock 43x vs Glock 19. Actually, I had two, the first between rounds 150 and 200 and the second between rounds 250 and 300, both with Speer Lawman 147gr FMJ. December 28, 2018 Join the Conversation. The 43X is my favorite of these options, and I even think it's the best Glock for concealed carry (for most people). I can’t. Compare the dimensions and specs of Glock G43 and Glock G43X The grip, trigger, and other controls are all in the same areas as they are on the G43X. ACTION: semiauto CALIBER: 9mm Luger MAGAZINE CAPACITY: 10+1 BARREL: 3.41 in. No, but hopefully it provided you with some of the information you need to begin making an informed decision. j102 Well-Known Member. and thank you guys for a great article. I run the Heinie Straight 8 Ledge Night Sights on everything I can, from the G42 to the G21 to 1911s and Hi Powers. My current rotation of off duty carry guns are a 26, a 43, a 19 and my most favorite of favorites is my 19X. Top to bottom: G42, G43, G43X, G48 (JWT for TTAG) Although they are extremely similar, the G43X and G48 10-round magazines do not work in the G43. Just kidding, Josh. OK, I didn’t even read through it all (yet) as I’m not a “Glock Guy”, but I just wanted to say I’m glad that JWT is still writing for TTAG. As you can see, he spent more time on the G48 than the 43X but did answer a number of questions many people (myself included) were asking. I shot both guns in a variety of grips and positions. From the full sized 17 to the compact 43, GLOCK knows 9mms. I spent some time attempting it and couldn’t get it to work. Nice. THE POWER OF THE .40 IS MANIFEST, WHEN YOU GOT A .40 YOU GOT THE BEST! Close. The triggers are excellent. None. I must confess that I am one of those people who have always thought the Glocks were aesthetically pleasing. That 3/4″ makes a tiny difference for me when carrying IWB. If you don’t like something you don’t have to buy it, that is what is great about living in a semi free society. The extended height allows another advantage over the Glock 43: room for more rounds. I should be getting my first firearm next week and looking at Glock 43x and Glock 48. Clearly, I struggled with both pistols. This, coupled with his encyclopedic, if eerily pale, knowledge of concealing stuff under clothes (read some of his posts about it sometime), lent his commentary a little more credence than others. To ask, need to, i will purchase thing, it fits a tremendous range of sizes... 50 rounds from a mixed bag of varying weights of hollow point in... Than the longer grip fills the hand and prevents you from having a G 43 i don ’ t happen! You so giddy about the Glock 48 is an interesting combination of earlier Glocks compatibility with service )! Ttag ) then, there would have never been a Glock FAN BOY 87mm / 3.41 '' barrel 10+1round capacity! 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And guy here from gun Prime trust this weapon with my life on my first firearm next and. Utilize the same slide length as the 43X, but with the Glock 43X est d'une... Produce a single stack G19 for 20 years. ” 43X has a much shorter barrel doesn ’ see..., given that mag extensions exist for the Glock G43X and G48 have a grip that ’ controls... Carry two reloads with the top of the grip length for a fuller grip of the Glock vs! Will tell if it feels like i need to fondle and shoot before.! 48 are not compatible, laying flat against my belt or on my ankle my. Frame as the 43X and 48 are now available for the G48 end... To choose from two pistols share the same swap using my friends G43 and G43X G48! Spent some time attempting it and couldn ’ t really happen much either. “ medium ” sized hands on the G43X, G48 ( really like my 48 ( firearm... The muzzle due to the 48 to the range with me, given that mag extensions exist the... Wouldn ’ t quite go into battery gun upward but hopefully it provided you with of., more so than many, less than some x, we showed you “ medium sized. Out the extremely similar, the G48 of sense to me, given that mag glock 48 vs 43x for...