If you want planes in World of Tanks, you’ll have to play the aptly named World of Warplanes. It was then approved for production and 150 of them were to be built. The vehicle can actually turn pretty fast once at Gear 6, which is better than the Jagdtiger and some other Rank V heavy counterparts. War Thunder began as a flight combat simulator and tanks were added in a later patch. The second prototype called V2 by Alkett again had the first produced Maus turret attached with the 128 mm gun, coaxial 75 mm gun, and coaxial machine gun. The name changed in December 1942 to Mäuschen (Little Mouse), then once more to the Maus (Mouse) in February 1943, which stayed as its designation (and perhaps proving that Germany does have a sense of humour). Cant snipe, always get given huge maps to work with your x1 zoom 7.0 - APDS, HEATFS, ammo racked even with less than 10 … 4 ... See more of War Thunder on Facebook. It was introduced in Update 1.47 "Big Guns" as a main tree vehicle, however as of Update 1.91 "Night Vision" it was shifted to become a gift vehicle for players who previously owned it. If you want planes in World of Tanks, you’ll have to play the aptly named World of Warplanes. However, the HEAT shell can be used to harass the enemy, lure them out/in of cover, or just damage medium tank's sides (T-54 and M46 do not exceed 80 mm of armour) tracks and even hull break some lightly armoured vehicles such as the BMP 1. Outmanoeuvred by every other tank. And in the case we are thrown into a higher battle, we often have a surprise effect! This site uses We recommend the following browsers Select Language Site search Donate Site search Donate Versus medium tanks, the Panzerkampfwagen VIII can fight in CQC with its great turret rotation speed, but at the cost of exposing the side armour and getting flanked, this should be kept as one's last and or only option. Gerne nehme ich auch Preisvorschläge Entgegen. Sry to contradict you, but Maus became an event vehicle. The first trial run of the Type 205/1 tank was conducted on December 24, 1943. MAUS has been ruined by War Thunder Team. Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle, Forward and backward movement is possible at the same maximum speed. and turn it almost invincible heat shells can still penetrate the angled turret, be advised. The overwhelming design was approximated to weight 100 tons. The first tank was assembled at the Alkett factory in Berlin on August 1, 1943. Pff, that's for normal tanks (But it is there anyway). It was made available again in War Thunder's 5th Anniversary tournaments, then again in the War Thunder's 6th Birthday tournaments. I'm a pilot irl holding a private pilot certificate, I played college football at Western Carolina University VIII Maus is a rank V German heavy tank Two prototypes of the Maus were made in 1943 and 1944. As the Soviet troops were approaching in 1945 both prototypes were blown up. In War Thunder, these vehicle types are either not found on the battlefield or as latter only on certain maps. Maus is only problematic due to how BR system works,1.0 difference in MM just too much after 4.7 to have a fair game. Просьба добавить мой канал в белый лист расширения AdBlock, если оно у вас установлено. The Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus was a German super-heavy tank completed in late 1944. The Pz.Kpfw. 9, the largest half-track vehicles produced by Germany, to move the 55-ton turret to the hull. War Thunder. IV. Buongiorno a tutti, è il primo topic che apro sul Forum, pertanto spero di non avere fatto errori (chiedo cortesemente agli Admin di rimuoverlo nel caso fosse nella sezione sbagliata). So what are you waiting for? View Mobile Site The purpose of this line is to have about 20% of all Realistic Ground Battles in War Thunder with the ‘Maus’ as a top-tier tank in order to be able to deal nicely with enemy teams with early models of the T-54 or T-44 and Stalin tanks. Here they determine the Maus was definitely too heavy for any bridges in existence so the Maus would ford rivers with a snorkel. The maus really does struggle alot. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to … See more ideas about German tanks, Armored vehicles, Ww2 tanks. https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Maus&oldid=85893, Armour on the Maus is quite complex, and definitely does not end with the above-mentioned values, Gun mantlet is 240 mm thick and nicely rounded, right around both guns the armour is 300 mm thick, Tracks at the front are protected by 100+60 mm plates (100mm basic plate + attached tracks), Behind the frontal upper plate on deck armour, there are many 60mm highly sloped plates of armour, protecting the engine vents and turret ring from HEAT/HE shells and some small-calibre fire, Frontal part of the belly is also 100 mm thick (Would be probably good against mines/other explosives), the rest is 50mm, Deck armour in front of these plates is also strengthened to an impressive 100 mm, Side armour is split to two parts, top with 180 mm and bottom with 100 mm + tracks, Even inside the tank there is armour - there are many 20 mm plates inside the tank, separating crew compartments from various modules, and partially protecting the interior from shrapnel that penetrated the tank from other areas, One plate is at the rear of the tank, between the enormous transmission and the fighting compartment, Second one is more to the front, separating fighting compartment from the middle-mounted Engine and its radiators, Third is in the front between the driver's compartment and the Engine, Around the driver there are many more 20 mm plates, adding some protection to Fuel Tanks located there, Capable of soaking a large amount of damage, Nigh invulnerable to arty and large HE shells, Surprisingly good off-road manoeuvrability, Secondary 75 mm coaxial cannon to use when 128 mm is not necessary, Turns pretty well in high gear movement or in neutral steer, Turret sides are strong as, if not stronger than, the front of the turret, Very slow, though still faster than the T28/95, Requires good teamwork to perform adequately, The sides of the Maus is littered with ammo racks, Very loud engine, players with 3D sound will be able to locate the Maus just by listening for the engine, Vulnerable at all ranges to end rank American and Russian tanks using Sabot and HEAT rounds, Extremely heavy, makes towing near impossible unless it is another Maus, Resilient to bombs, but a large bomb will still have a high chance to destroy the Maus, Optics have little zoom capability, difficult hitting long range targets. Once this is done, the prototype was sent to Kubinka Tank museum where it lays today on display for the public. The first prototype was to be completed by 1943 and the project vehicle was designated the Mammut (Mammoth). The Maus is the definitive tank of heavy armour in Rank V and is the largest ground vehicle in game. ... (10,5 cm Kwk) и возможность докачать Maus). Its slow speed makes it vulnerable to bombs and flanking manoeuvres, but with a skilled commander, this Maus truly can scare some elephants! Whether or not experimental firing was conducted is also unknown. This channel mainly focuses around War Thunder, World Of Warships, Star Wars Battlefront and any other wargame to come out! The armour was perhaps the most defining feature at 220 mm thick at the hull front, the sides and rear were 190 mm thick. The wooden model of the tank was presented on May 1943 to Hitler. Join now and take part in major battles on land, in the air, and at sea, fighting with millions of players from … Safe and fast delivery. The second prototype had the entire hull damaged as there was ammunition still in the tank when the charges went off, but the turret was mostly intact. After World War II, the Soviet Commander of Armoured and Mechanized troops ordered for the V1 hull to be attached with the turret from the V2 prototype. The project was developed by Ferdinand Porsche. So as my first upload here i proudly present you my tank skin for the famous Girls und Panzer Kuromorimine Maus! Vorrei chiedervi (senza causare polemiche inutili) se foste a conoscenza di qualche nerf strano del Maus … The Tier 3 American Maus, M6A1. You know what would fix this, Decompressing the BR ratings, and actually having the maus not directly compete against Cold War vehicles. The 128 mm is a great gun in-game, very accurate and perfect for mid to long range engagements. World of Tanks has always been about just tanks from release. videogame_asset My games. with a battle rating of 8.0 (AB) and 7.7 (RB/SB). Skins and camouflages for the Maus from live.warthunder.com. I’m looking at you, British AP. 205) era un carro armato superpesante tedesco della seconda guerra mondiale, spesso indicato anche come Panzer VIII, sebbene nel 1945 non venisse più usata ufficialmente la numerazione progressiva dei carri. Safe and fast delivery. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The Maus can be a menace in the battlefield and conversely also a bullet magnet, a double-edged sword that must be played correctly or else fall victim to heavy enemy fire. Il Panzer VIII Maus (in tedesco letteralmente "topo") indicato dall'Ispettorato Armamenti come Sonderkraftfahrzeug 205 (Sd. Now, Gaijin is trying to stop that. 0. Get the best deals for war thunder account at eBay.com. The turret was even thicker at 240 mm on the front and 200 mm on the sides and rear. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. With the final design finished, it was estimated to weight 188 tons now. It was introduced in Update 1.47 "Big Guns" as a main tree vehicle, however as of Update 1.91 "Night Vision" it was shifted to become a gift vehicle for players who previously owned it. VIII Maus is a rank V German heavy tank with a battle rating of 8.0 (AB) and 7.7 (RB/SB). It was later reopened to research for a limited time during War Thunder's 8th anniversary. The Pz.Kpfw. The more fighter planes an account has unlocked, the higher the price it’ll fetch, and the more you’re going to want to purchase it! close. Many people including me, maybe even you started playing the German tech tree to get the maus in the end. Preferable used at long range and choke points. And we must act now! In battleratings of 8.0 to 8.7 it meets alot of vehicles that can easily pen it and its large size makes it slow unwiealy and easy to hit. ... Also some that u cant get anmyore Like the maus or Panther 2. Try angling the front drive wheel at the enemy tank and turn the turret so that the armour is at ~45 degrees to the enemy fire. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to … It was originally named the IS-10, but after Iosif Stalin's death in 1953 and the general sentiment surrounding that event, it was renamed to simply T-10. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! An experimental super-heavy tank built in Germany towards the end of the war. Comment by War Thunder staff, Stona: To be sure you will be able to start research Maus, just check if you can research any Rank V German ground vehicle. 1 July 2020. Join now and take part in major battles on land, in the air, and at sea, fighting with millions of players from … Another bonus for the develops, Gaj and the marketing team is, you won't have to worry about people complaining like they do with the IS-6 since the Maus is a already established tank. War Thunder. The cannon's designation was later changed to 12.8 cm KwK 82. Soviet specialists were able to reconstruct one Maus from the wreckage. Q. Toward the end of the war, bodies and turrets had begun to be produced in addition to the prototypes that had been built. According to those who had the opportunity to drive the tank, the Maus was easier to drive than the Pz.Kpfw. Only one full tank was ever produced. There will ALWAYS be an enemy that can just as easily take you down as you them. Keep that in mind and use it as an advantage in CQC. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It's not a case of "hard to balance" it's Gajin not wanting to fix the issue sensibly. Over the years the game has become a global encyclopedia of military vehicles and battles from the last 100 years and gives the player the opportunity of choices that you cannot find anywhere else! Let's check the vehicle out in our video. Though Hitler and his peers saw it with much favour, Heinz Guderian criticised the Maus design because there was a lack of machine guns, thus it was extremely vulnerable to infantry attacks at close-quarters for the same reason as the Ferdinand tank destroyer. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Values in the range of 1.0 are only average and below are already reveal too weak vehicles. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Up tiering it to have to face object279 and t55am-1. While slower it can make up for this in close combat thanks to the good turn rate of both tracks and turret. Such a chonkers. Have all the vehicles you want in the best MMO military game by trading War Thunder Accounts in our War Thunder Marketplace! Hello there, I have spoted yesterday that Maus will be removed from German Tech tree. The T-10M is a rank VI Soviet heavy tank with a battle rating of 8.3 (AB/RB/SB). It's the MAUS, but better. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Dec 19, 2018 - Explore m w's board "Maus" on Pinterest. War Thunder has the most comprehensive list of authentic war planes for players to enjoy. War Thunder: Plattform: PC: Herausgeber: Rare: War Thunder Account With Maus, Panther 2 And FP - 341 , 862 Vehicle. The production plan was to have the prototype completed by mid-1943 and for 10 vehicles per month after the prototype delivery. However, the Maus was never fully produced because it was the only tank that seized production because of a strategic bombing campaign that would ruin its production facilities. Kfz. In July 1944, Krupp was producing four more hulls, but these were scrapped and the whole project stopped on August 1944, though tests with the V2 continued. With this, you have the option to choose from over 1,000 vehicles and shoot down enemy planes with a firestorm. War Thunder is the most comprehensive free-to-play MMO military game dedicated to aviation, armoured vehicles, and naval craft from World War II and the Cold War. chevron_left. It weighed in at 188 tons, making it the heaviest fully-enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built. Versus heavy tanks, the Maus has all the advantages. The "Maus" lives up to its reputation as a mobile bunker. Adding to this, by 1944, the Red Army was advancing deeper and deeper into what was previously German-controlled territory. Do you have any plans to plug the significant gap in the Italian Ground tree between Br 4.3/7 and 6.0? You will take part in many of the major combat battles fought during World War 2 and the Korean War… The turret still wasn't ready, so a load equal to the weight of the turret was placed on top of the tank. The Russians captured the damaged prototypes and held them until the end of the war. War Thunder is a cross-platform MMO combat game for PC, PS4, Mac and Linux, dedicated to World War II military aviation, armoured vehicles, and fleets. The reload is very good too for its calibre (23-second stock) that is a big advantage versus IS-4s, because the Maus has three seconds for an extra shot. We apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced in your favorite game and … War Thunder also has combined arms — tanks and planes fight in the same battlefield! From War Thunder Wiki. It comes without question that the 75 mm should be used against AAA, trucks and SPAA. In the market for War Thunder Equipment? It was available to get only while this event and the "research it" was part of the event. GoonyGooGoo. The turret was installed on the 205/1 prototype on July 6, 1944, and on October 3, 1944 the armament was installed and the fully-outfitted tank was tested at the training ground in Kummersdorf. So far, therefore, in accordance with the kill/loss ratio the following vehicles (with an indication of the Battle Rating = BR) are the most effective ones in Realistic Land Battles.. "War Thunder Maus Tank Ace - The Mighty Mouse in RB - guerra Thunder Serbatoi 1.47"byBaronVonGamez. We will specify the time of the event on the 2nd of November and will inform you about it in our news!. The dual guns do great damage, however, against high-rank tanks it is best to use the 128 mm main gun. War Thunder Tanks – Mini Maus? Pages Other Brand Video Game War Thunder Videos Thunder Show: Just Maus … Coaxial LMG? This monster of a tank started development in 1942 on the suggestion of Ferdinand Porsche to Hitler, which was approved. Just For Fun. Marketplace to Buy and Sell War Thunder Accounts. Currently, there are over 350 planes spread among 5 nations. The vision that the Red Army might capture the testing grounds of the Maus prototypes and the prototypes themselves seem to come closer to reality. 128mm gun is not competitive in matches above 8.0. Home Forums > Main Marketplaces > War Thunder Accounts - Buy Sell Trade > WarThunder Accounts for Sale. Located in Russia; the map consists of paved roads and a multitude of factory buildings all around, the later of which can prove useful as cover. In War Thunder, the Maus is a full-blown heavy tank with strong armour and powerful armament. The Maus has a suspension design with 24 wheels on each side, 2 per bogie with two bogies side by side and six bogies lining up from front and back. Some War Thunder related Youtubers have even picked this idea up, and unofficially endorsed the idea. But the cold war and modern tank era is. See more ideas about German tanks, Ww2 tanks, Tanks military. The short 75 mounted alongside the main 128 originally served as anti-infantry and soft target weapon of choice. The weight of the tank meant that the power-to-weight ratio was extremely poor, resulting in the Maus' ideal speed of about 8 miles per hour maximum in ideal conditions. ... War Thunder Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Germans were forced to destroy the prototypes to prevent their capture by the Soviets, placing charges onto the V2 prototype (the V1 was only a hull so it wasn't combat-effective). Its slow speed makes it vulnerable to bombs and flanking manoeuvres, but with a skilled commander, this Maus truly can scare some elephants! Get the best deals for war thunder account at eBay.com. The Maus is not problem for War Thunder. This page was last edited on 28 December 2020, at 09:35. Little more about myself.. Join our 1.5 million users and find great valued War Thunder Maus Accounts at PlayerAuctions! Distance is the ally of the Maus, which should be easy to do considering that the top speed is 20 kph. Просьба добавить мой канал в белый лист расширения AdBlock, если оно у вас установлено. War Thunder began as a flight combat simulator and tanks were added in a later patch. In patch 1.91 of Warthunder, Gaijin will remove many of the german vehicles, including the fearsome Maus tank. The Panzerkampfwagen Maus can currently be viewed on display at the tank museum in Kubinka. A. The War Thunder team would like to wish all our players, their family and their friends a very ‘Merry Christmas’ and a prosperous, peaceful and more importantly, a very … War Thunder is a cross-platform MMO combat game for PC, PS4, Mac and Linux, dedicated to World War II military aviation, armoured vehicles, and fleets. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. Too weak vehicles turret to the Soviet Union for testing and arrive on May 4, 1946 invincible HEAT of. Weapon was tested at the Meppen training ground in Kubinka ) and 7.7 ( RB/SB ) not wanting to the! Surpasses it Explore m w 's board `` Maus & E100 '' on Pinterest tank started development 1942! Make up for this in close combat thanks to the hull the lar… the Maus is the largest half-track produced! 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