bbls. New … Those labels are possibly for convenience, but are historically incorrect. BBG -- guided missile capital ship. Russian/Soviet Battleship Chronology. save. Many others have come into naval use. Common Ship Prefixes. BB -- battleship. BLM -- ballistic intercontinental missile. share. In many documents the ship name is introduced with a ship prefix being an abbreviation of the ship class, for example "MS" (motor ship) or "SV" (sailing vessel), making it easier to distinguish a ship name from other individual names in a text. BDE -- British escort ship. -- barrels. Gas turbine ship (GTS) – prefix for a jet-engine/turbine-propelled ship; Steamship (SS) – a steamship is a ship propelled by a steam engine or steam turbine. there is no anything like that in Russia. Cruise ships on the Volga River, Russia. hide. Prefix SN The Northern Parliament (北方連合) is the in-game name for Russian ships and equipments. BAK -- British cargo ship. A motor vessel or a motor ship is a ship which is propelled by an internal combustion engine like a diesel engine. Chapayev. b. Tashkent. -- beam. The name of steam ships are often prefixed with SS or S/S; Nothing official suggests the use of any prefix. 4 comments. Sovetskaya Rossiya. Lv 7. It started coming in use in the late 19th century and the early 20th century. The prefix for British ships is not RMS, instead is HMS - for His/Her Majesty's Ship. Some sources use the prefix "USSRS" for Soviet era ships, but not in official publications. Big enough ships are usually named in honor of famous Russians. 0 0. B -- The letter "B" used as a prefix to a hull number indicates that the ship was built by the United States for a British Commonwealth Navy. B.C, -- British Columbia. 8 years ago. Headquarters: Place des Nations 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Phone: +41 22 730 5111 Fax: +41 22 733 7256 Email: itumail[at] During WWII France, Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union did not utilise ship prefixes. report. While not all countries use the same naming conventions, US and UK ships often use many of these prefixes to determine their origins. A typical military ship article name has the following form: <(hull or pennant number or disambiguation)> Many military ships and boats were not named and are known only by their hull or pennant number (see §Ships with hull number only). Military ship articles should follow standard Wikipedia naming conventions.These rules apply to both named and unnamed vessels. Between military and commercial vessels, ship prefixes serve the use of indicating the purpose of a boat. The ship prefix MV stands for the Motor Vessel. Some writers and historians do allocate prefixes eg KM for Kriegsmarine, IJN or HIJNS for the Japanese navy, even USSR for Soviet ships. This thread is archived. Avrora. While possessing little in the way of ground-attack capability, its sixteen P-500 Bazalt anti-ship missiles and S-300F made the Moskva a potent flagship of Russia’s Mediterranean fleet. Ships names were simply stated as such. For example England has "HMS", the United States "USS" but I have been trying to find the Soviet Union's ship prefix and cannot find anything, did they simply not have a ship prefix? Current Russian navy ships are proceeded by RFS - for Russian Federation Ship. Some ship prefixes you may encounter are: Ships. 85% Upvoted. Oirdne.