Adrenalinkick meets Actionfaktor. Space Pirate Trainer 1.1 release The culmination of a year of engine tweaks, bug fixes, and game play balancing, topped off with support for Valve Index and controller mapping with Steam VR 2.0. - 95% of the 2,347 user reviews for this game are positive. Achtung Suchtgefahr! And sometimes I somehow manage to get the shield - then I can't get rid of it! - 100% of the 16 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive. All Experiences. Space Pirate Trainer puts you inside the arcade game, fighting off relentless waves of droids with all the weapons and gadgets a Space Pirate could wish for. You have been chosen to participate in our scandalously fun and controversial Space Pirate Trainer program. As you play the game and prepare yourself for a lifelong career of Space Piracy we will guide through our 13 steps to Space Piracy. We’ve just pushed the latest and greatest of Space Pirate hands to your Steam queue, fire up, flex those fingers an… Pick up your blasters, put on your sneakers, and dance your way into the Space Pirate Trainer hall of fame. Space Pirate Trainer is the official trainer for wannabe space pirates in VR. I don't think I've ever been this physical with a video game in my LIFE!! Space Pirate Trainer puts you inside the arcade game, fighting off relentless waves of droids with all the weapons and gadgets a Space Pirate could wish for. Space Pirate Trainer was one of the first and is probably the best and easiest way to get going with VR in a small and satisfying package that works remarkably well. Space Pirate Trainer was one of the first and is probably the best and easiest way to get going with VR in a small and satisfying package that works remarkably well. Pick up your blasters, put on your sneakers, and dance your way into the Space Pirate Trainer hall of fame. If you get easily hooked on simple-to-learn and tough-to-master high-score games, this is an easy recommendation. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), The Gallery - Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone. You better dodge some of those incoming lasers though, since just using your shields won't get you in the top rankings. Space Pirate Trainer puts you in one of those; fighting off relentless waves of droids with all the weapons and gadgets you would ever need as a Space Pirate. Space Pirate Trainer puts you in one of those; fighting off relentless waves of droids with all the weapons and gadgets you would ever need as a Space Pirate. Pick up your blasters, put on your sneakers, and dance your way into the Space Pirate Trainer hall of fame! The drones zipping around your head will appear faster and more aggressive the longer you survive. It was one of the earliest wave shooters utilizing the VR game-play environment. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written: When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. Space Pirate Trainer is the official trainer for wannabe space pirates in VR. CHF 15.50 It fulfills literally all our robot-shooting dreams. Space Pirate Trainer is the official trainer for wannabe space pirates in VR. Space Pirate Trainer puts you inside the arcade game, fighting off relentless waves of droids with all the weapons and gadgets a Space Pirate could wish for. Space Pirate Trainer is a game about one thing only: shooting flying robots. As you play the game and prepare yourself for a lifelong career of Space Piracy we will guide through our 13 steps to Space Piracy. Sign in to add your own tags to this product. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr immersives Headset mit einem Mixed Reality-fähigen Windows 10-PC verbunden ist, um diese großartige neue Realität erleben zu können. Vielen Dank für Ihre Meldung. Dein Zwischenhalt: Eine Weltraumplattform. Just been playing some SPT, loving it so far.