H45 PHASE II Bose Special Edition Wagon 5dr CVT 1sp 4x4 2.5i; $38,490* Price Guide (EGC) More Details * Price When New/Price Guide Total: Price shown is a price guide only based on information provided to us by the manufacturer. To the maximum extent permitted by law, GIS and carsguide exclude all liability for any direct, indirect, special or incidental loss, damage, expense or injury resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with your use of or reliance upon this information. * * Contact O414 331 831 * * * Address: 26 Parramatta Rd, Lidcombe 2141 NSW Trade Ins Welcome, Interstate Transport Options. Rispetto a offerte di modelli simili il prezzo per questo veicolo presenta un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. La valutazione del veicolo evidenzia in modo trasparente il rapporto qualità-prezzo di una determinata offerta rispetto a modelli simili. This video is unavailable. Renault left behind the Samsung-designed first-generation Koleos in September 2016 when it introduced the French-styled but still South Korean-built second-generation model. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Auto. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto 4x4 Well maintained, in very good condition Heated front seats, sun roof, GPS, front and rear sensors, Its a ..., 1263954628 Invitiamo il consumatore a leggere con attenzione il messaggio pubblicitario. Desideri essere informato automaticamente sui nuovi veicoli corrispondenti alla tua ricerca? Watch Queue Queue Disclaimer: Glass's Information Services (GIS) and Carsguide Autotrader Media Solutions Pty Ltd. (carsguide) provide this information based on data from a range of sources including third parties. funzioni quali i canali di contatto con i venditori, l’accesso o le modifiche ai veicoli in vendita. From e-bikes to Uber, EVs to public transport; your resource for reviews, news and advice focusing on urban lifestyle. 6 airbags and an ANCAP safety rating of 5. This car has ABS brakes, 17" alloy wheels, leather seats, remote central locking and bluetooth functionality. Cosa aspetti ad approfittarne? Se fai il login, AutoScout24 ha ancora più servizi per te. Off-road for beginners and the experienced, plus camper trailers, caravans and motorhomes, We make it easy to compare design, practicality, value and more, Buying used? Rispetto a offerte di modelli simili il prezzo per questo veicolo presenta un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo. The French brand’s wagon came from an alliance with Nissan. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition 4WD ... park assist sensors , heated front seats , 18 alloys , panoramic sun roof , cd player. Questo riguarda in particolare NSW Roadworthy Inspected, and Clear PPSR Report Sconti a partire dal 5% su auto nuove e usate, validi per max 30 giorni. Detailed advice for you - the tradie - on what car is right for you and your job, Looking for an answer? Il consumatore può valutare diverse forme di pagamento e/o di finanziamento rivolgendosi all’inserzionista o a istituti finanziari. Compare prices of all Renault Koleos's sold on CarsGuide over the last 6 months. Air conditioning with automatic temperature control. Odometer. Lauto è stata aggiunta alla tua lista dei preferiti. Compare prices of all Renault Koleos's sold on CarsGuide over the last 6 months. Use our free online car valuation tool to find out exactly how much your car is worth today. Questo prezzo è stato online per almeno 14 giorni prima di essere ribassato. Here's what to look out for and buy smart, Get to know the personalities behind the team every week, The most interesting hints of what's to come. Automatic. H45 PHASE II Bose Special Edition Wagon 5dr CVT 1sp 2.5i; $34,990* Price Guide (EGC) More Details . Body Type. H45 PHASE II Bose Special Edition Wagon 5dr CVT 1sp 4x4 2.5i; $38,490* Price Guide (EGC) More Details * Price When New/Price Guide Total: Price shown is a price guide only based on information provided to us by the manufacturer. Big on space and comfort, the 2013 Renault Koleos is a great family car. Renault’s best-selling model offers good value to go with plenty of interior space, but there’s much room for improvement in the way the Koleos Life drives. Messaggio pubblicitario a cura di Agos Ducato S.p.A. Modulo INFORMAZIONI EUROPEE DI BASE SUL CREDITO AI CONSUMATORI (SECCI) e copia del testo contrattuale sul sito agos.it. This Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition SUV has storage compartment in centre console. Select another model in this range. Packed with features including. In very Good condition. As the name suggests, the Koleos Bose special edition scores an upgraded audio system as well as a number of styling enhancements for just a $500 premium over the mid-spec Koleos Dynamique on which it’s based. Bose special edition. Our automotive experts are here to help, If you're wondering, we've probably got the answer. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto . You should not use or rely upon this information without conducting an independent assessment and valuation of the vehicle. Qui trovi le migliori offerte di Renault Koleos dal 2013 usate su AutoScout24, il più grande sito di annunci auto in Europa. Leather, Great sound system, Navigation, Reverse Sensors. Ricerca annunci per zona. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto . Whilst all care has been taken to ensure its accuracy and reliability, GIS and carsguide do not warrant or represent that the information is accurate, reliable, complete, current or suitable for any particular purpose. Audio di alta gamma. The Koleos fell into design line with its Clio and Megane siblings, though it is substantially larger than the original version having been engineered on a platform shared with the Nissan X-Trail. Any vehicle Inspection welcomed , with two conveniently based locations we have everyone sorted. Registrati ora con il tuo indirizzo e-mail per ricevere notifiche sulla tua auto preferita. Causa lavori di manutenzione attualmente la disponibilità di AutoScout24 è limitata. We've listed all relevant models here. Looking for tips on how to carry or travel with your family? © 2020 Carsguide Autotrader Media Solutions Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Engine. Sorry, there are no cars that match your search, Sorry, there are no models that match your search, Select engine & transmission configuration. THE FAMILY WILL LOVE THESE FEATURES Sat nav ensuring you get to your destination the first time. Our database has the answer, Everything you need to know to keep you and your family as safe as possible, Helpful advice before you finance your next car, Tips for getting the right insurance and how to make a claim, Everything you need to know when sizing up your new car. Salvo approvazione Agos Ducato S.p.A. Rispetto a offerte di modelli simili il prezzo per questo veicolo presenta il miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo. Unsure of your car's maximum towing capacity? Prices for the 2013 Renault Koleos Bose SE (4x2) range from $8,990 to $16,884. *Ai fini della valutazione non vengono presi in considerazione certificati di prova, veicoli incidentati, eventuali potenziamenti e modifiche costruttive né offerte di prezzo evidentemente non realistiche. | Il calcolo si avvale dei più recenti algoritmi dinamici di apprendimento automatico e di oltre 5 milioni di set dati nonché delle conoscenze specifiche dei nostri esperti. Find the widest range of used renault koleos 2013 sydney. Möchten Sie neue Suchergebnisse zu Ihrer Suche erhalten? 2013 renault koleos bose special edition silver auto l Detailed advice for you - the tradie - on what car is right for you and your job. Not just utes. Dopo il recente restyling il listino della Renault Koleos si amplia, la Casa francese ha infatti presentato una nuova edizione speciale del SUV, la Koleos Bose Edition.. La valutazione AutoScout24 confronta ciascun veicolo con offerte simili di privati e rivenditori attualmente presenti su AutoScout24 o inserite in passato. Build knowledge, gain experience and sharpen your skills with the ultimate adventure-travel resource. Based on thousands of real life sales we can give you the most accurate valuation of your vehicle. Features. Koleos 2.0 dci fap 4x4 bose edition, navi, perfetta le auto usata Renault su CuboAuto - annuncio a san giovanni in persiceto (bologna) auto usate e km 0 Offerta valida fino al 31/12/2020. Per trovare gli annunci vicino a te, inserisci il CAP o la città nella lingua del paese di ricerca (es: Milano, München, València). Per rata si intende l’importo mensile indicativo relativo all’esempio di finanziamento pubblicizzato. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Auto 4x4 $38,990* 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto 4x4 $40,990* Stock images - actual vehicle may differ How To, off-road tips and adventure travel destinations, Not just utes. Qui trovi le migliori offerte di Renault Koleos bose usate su AutoScout24, il più grande sito di annunci auto in Europa B5109 - 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto 4x4 Review - Duration: 9:41. BerwickMitsubishi 6,754 views. The latest and future car tech from around the world, We're here to help you with any car issues. Tutti i diritti riservati. Il TAEG include: interessi, imposta di bollo su finanziamento € 16,- e su rendiconto annuale e di fine rapporto € 2,- per importi superiori a € 77,47; spesa mensile gestione pratica € 2,75. This one owner top of the range koleos acute acute bose edition acute. Renault factory warranty until 23 12 2018. 132,078 km. Private Seller Car - Victoria View matching dealer cars ... seat - Remote central locking - Bluetooth - 17" alloy wheels - Leather seats - Front & rear power windows This Renault Koleos 2013 Bose Special Edition has storage compartment in centre console. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto 4x4. Offerta riferita ad un prestito personale richiesto e concluso tramite internet. What's been recalled and why. 144,000km. Graham Smith reviews the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 Renault Koleos as a used buy. Le offerte particolarmente interessanti sono contrassegnate con le diciture "Super prezzo" o "Ottimo prezzo". Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Only 144,000km - 2013 Renault Koleos AUTO Bose Special Edition - SEP 2021 REGO at the best online prices at eBay! Based on thousands of real life sales we can give you the most accurate valuation of your vehicle. View all 2013 Renault Koleos models and configurations, Auto Climate Control with Dual Temp Zones, Adjustable Steering Wheel - Tilt & Telescopic, Headlights - Coming/Leaving Home Function, Seatbelts - Height Adjustable Front Seats, Sunvisors with Vanity Mirrors & Illumination. H45 PHASE III Bose Wagon 5dr Spts Auto 6sp 2.0DT [Sep] $36,990* Price Guide (EGC) More Details . Family owned business , operating and servicing NSW for over 30 years. 131538 km on the clock only. SUV. $12,991 Based on 32 cars listed for sale in the last 6 months TodoEnSubastas es la empresa de las Oportunidades. Dann klicken Sie in der Abfrage, die folgt, auf "Zulassen", © Copyright a cura di AutoScout24 GmbH. Prices for the 2013 Renault Koleos range from $8,990 to $16,884. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto 4x4. 9:41. Renault Koleos - program motoryzacyjny ProfiAuto (Odc. Private Seller Car - New South Wales View matching dealer cars Have a similar car to sell? Auto Classifieds Create Account Classifieds Home Classic Cars Vintage & Veteran Daily Drives TV, Film Hire, Weddings Parts for Sale Automobilia Accessories Wrecking Wanted Car Manuals ... 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto . Sell it yourself. The front-wheel drive petrol variant is priced from $34,990, while the flagship all-wheel drive diesel costs from $39,490. 4cyl 2.5L Petrol. Family focused reviews and advice for everything family car related. Approximate value of a 2013 Renault Koleos is between 9300 and 10900 Buy this car with confidence. Si quieres ver mas de esta unidad visita: https://www.todoensubastas.com.mx. Realizzata in collaborazione con il noto produttore di impianti audio, è caratterizzata principalmente dal sistema Bose composto da ben sette altoparlanti, un subwoofer, lettore CD-Mp3 e prese USB/Aux. Tra i criteri di confronto rientrano per esempio la marca, il modello, l'anno di immatricolazione, la potenza, il cambio, il chilometraggio e le dotazioni. 2 Renault Koleos in Sydney from $10,990. 2013 Renault Koleos AUTO. Haz negocios a lo grande con nosotros. Watch Queue Queue. Renault Koleos (Midsize / Medium SUV): 4 out of 5 stars from 90 genuine reviews on Australia's largest opinion site ProductReview.com.au. Wondering how much air to put in your tyres? 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto 4x4. It will come with a roadworthy certificate so you don't have to do the running around. 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto. SEPTEMBER 2021 REGO. Le condizioni economiche, in particolare TAN e TAEG e importo delle rate mensili, potranno subire variazioni in funzione della valutazione del suo profilo finanziario effettuata da Agos in fase di istruttoria. Use our free online car valuation tool to find out exactly how much your car is worth today. This Renault Koleos 2013 has USB audio input, bluetooth, cruise control, subwoofer, side airbags and front fog lamps. Il margine di prezzo così risultante consente di esprimere un giudizio affidabile sul rapporto qualità-prezzo. Auto Classifieds Create Account Classifieds Home Classic Cars Vintage & Veteran Daily Drives TV, Film Hire, Weddings Parts for Sale Automobilia Accessories Wrecking Wanted Car Manuals ... 2013 Renault Koleos Bose Special Edition Auto 4x4 . Are you affected? Transmission. AutoScout24 Italia S.p.a. - P. IVA IT03384980284. 1 annunci di auto usate trovate per Valore renault koleos bose edition 2011 in Frosinone Lazio degli anni 2011 Renault Koleos 2013 Price and Specs The Renault Koleos 2013 is currently available from $6,250 for the Koleos Bose SE (4x2) up to $16,884 for the Koleos Bose SE (4x2). Rispetto a offerte di modelli simili il prezzo per questo veicolo presenta il miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo di una offerta! 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