model were implemented. Moreover, the model was evaluated by a human via a question and answering paradigm, where 20 documents were selected for evaluation. We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted research articles as well as case reports and case series related to COVID-19. Recently, the RNN has been employed for abstractive text summarisation and has provided significant results. In text summarisation, the input sequence is the document that needs to be summarised, and the output is the summary [29, 30], as shown in Figure 1. Therefore, the representation of each word depends on the representation of the preceding (past) and following (future) words. Experimental results on the datasets CNN and DailyMail show that our ATSDL framework outperforms the state-of-the-art models in terms of both semantics and syntactic structure, and achieves competitive results on manual linguistic quality evaluation. The sharing weighting matrixes improved the process of generating tokens since they considered the embedding syntax and semantic information. Single-sentence summary methods include a neural attention model for abstractive sentence summarisation [18], abstractive sentence summarisation with attentive RNN (RAS) [39], quasi-RNN [50], a method for generating news headlines with RNNs [29], abstractive text summarisation using an attentive sequence-to-sequence RNN [38], neural text summarisation [51], selective encoding for abstractive sentence summarisation (SEASS) [52], faithful to the original: fact aware neural abstractive summarization (FTSumg) [53], and the improving transformer with sequential context [54]. The affine transformation is used to convert the output of the decoder LSTM to a dense vector prediction due to the long training time needed before the number of hidden states is the same as the number of words in the vocabulary. During training, the input of the forward decoder is the previous reference summary token. Moreover, in 35[35, 58, 60], the OOV problem was addressed by using the pointer-generator technique employed in [56], which alternates between generating a new word and coping the word from the original input text. The hierarchical structure of deep learning can support learning. By shifting the objective towards the learning of inter-window transitions, we circumvent the limitation of existing models which can summarize documents only up … Segmentation embedding identifies the sentences, and position embedding determines the position of the token. The values for ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L were 37.27, 18.19, and 34.62, respectively. The quantitative evaluations included ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L, and the values of 40.19, 17.38, and 37.52, respectively, were obtained. An RNN may consist of several layers of hidden states, where states and layers learn different features. The same situation is true for the backward decoder, where the input during training is the future token from the summary. First, the phrase triples at the topmost level are exploited since they carry the most semantic information. The encoder and decoder differ in terms of their components. ROUGE1 and ROUGE2 were used to evaluate the ATSDL model [30]. model was evaluated using the DUC2004 dataset, which consists of 500 pairs. The combination between the words in the input and the vocabulary is referred to the extended vocabulary. The Gigaword dataset is commonly employed for single-sentence summary approaches, while the Cable News Network (CNN)/Daily Mail dataset is commonly employed for multisentence summary approaches. Instead of considering every vocabulary, only certain vocabularies were added based on the frequency of the vocabulary in the target dictionary to decrease the size of the decoder softmax layer. Section 3 describes the most recent single-sentence summarisation approaches, while the multisentence summarisation approaches are covered in Section 4. The repetition problem was addressed using an improved coverage mechanism with a truncation parameter. RNN with an attention mechanism was mostly utilised for abstractive text summarisation. The reason for this is that the unidirectional RNN only considers the previous prediction and reason only about the past. The first network has the same structure as the forget gate but a different bias, and the second neural network has a tanh activation function and is utilised to generate the new information. The bidirectional LSTM encoder and attention mechanism were employed, as shown in [56]. Another issue of abstractive summarisation is the use of ROUGE for evaluation. In: Proc. Overall, the proposed approach yielded high-quality generated summaries [57]. The quality of the models that are based on the transformer is high and will yield promising results. 3. Lopyrev and Jobson et al. The experiments of the BiSum model were performed using the CNN/Daily Mail dataset [62]. Moreover, in [61], the proposed approach addressed repetition by exploiting the encoding features generated using a secondary encoder to remember the previously generated decoder output, and the coverage mechanism is utilised. In addition, in flexible order language, it is better to use ROUGE without caring about the order of the words. To address the previous problems, the proposed approach exploited the adversarial framework. arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.00685, Sarkar K (2012) Bengali text summarization by sentence extraction[J]. The sum of the three embeddings is fed to the bidirectional transformer as a single vector. The values of ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L were 28.97, 8.26, and 24.06, respectively. Every highlight represents a sentence in the summary; therefore, the number of sentences in the summary is equal to the number of highlights. Sometimes the triple relation cannot be extracted; in this case, two tuple relations are utilised. Therefore, in this review, we surveyed the most recent methods and focused on the techniques, datasets, evaluation measures, and challenges of each approach, in addition to the manner in which each method addressed challenges. proposed to use sequence-to-sequence and transformer models to generate abstractive summaries [64]. The input of the encoder is the output of the transformer. ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L for the DAPT model over the CNN/Daily Mail datasets were 40.72, 18.28, and 37.35, respectively. Thus, the summaries in the CNN/Daily Mail datasets are longer than the summaries in Gigaword. In addition, no predefined number of match words is required. ... on the basis of whether the exact sentences are considered as they appear in the original text or new sentences are generated using natural language processing techniques, ... Now the research has shifted towards the abstractive summarization. Association for Computational Linguistics, pp 17–24, Lopyrev K (2015) Generating news headlines with recurrent neural networks[J]. Pre-study was done using these tutorials: The value of the sigmoid function will determine if the information of the previous state should be forgotten or remembered. Forward RNNs generate a sequence of hidden states after reading the input sequence from left to right. How to Summarize Text 5. Lin, “ROUGE: a package for automatic evaluation of summaries,” in, A. Venkatraman, M. Hebert, and J. The convolution in the QRNN can be either mass convolution (considering previous timesteps only) or centre convolution (considering future timesteps). J. Bradbury, S. Merity, C. Xiong, and R. Socher, Q. Zhou, N. Yang, F. Wei, and M. Zhou, “Selective encoding for abstractive sentence summarization,” in, Z. Cao, F. Wei, W. Li, and S. Li, “Faithful to the original: fact aware neural abstractive summarization,” in, T. Cai, M. Shen, H. Peng, L. Jiang, and Q. Dai, “Improving transformer with sequential context representations for abstractive text summarization,” in, R. Nallapati, B. Zhou, C. N. dos Santos, C. Gulcehre, and B. Xiang, “Abstractive text summarization using sequence-to-sequence RNNs and beyond,” in, A. Linguistic and statistical features included TF-IDF statistics and the part-of-speech and named-entity tags of the words. datasets were utilised for extractive summarisation. I. Goodfellow, A. Courville, and Y. Bengio, S. Bengio, O. Vinyals, N. Jaitly, and N. Shazeer, “Scheduled sampling for sequence prediction with recurrent neural networks,” in, A. Lavie and M. J. Denkowski, “The Meteor metric for automatic evaluation of machine translation,”. On the other hand, both the input and output tokens applied the same embedding matrix Wemb, which was generated using the GloVe word embedding model in the Paulus et al. Thus, the proposed model utilised imitation learning to determine whether to choose the golden token (i.e., reference summary token) or the previously generated output at each step. The value of ROUGE1 was 34.9, and the value of ROUGE2 was 17.8. A triple relation consists of the subject, predicate, and object, while the tuple relation consists of either (subject and predicate) or (predicate and subject). Making short, accurate, fluent summary of major point of given text or text documents. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This process permitted the TF-IDF to be addressed in the same way as any other tag by concatenating all the embeddings into one long vector, as shown in Figure 16. [65] model using three benchmark datasets, including CNN/Daily Mail, New York Times Annotated Corpus (NYT), and XSum. In the Wang et al. In this work we discuss one of these new novel approaches which combines curriculum learning with Deep Learning, this … In addition, in [57], to generate the tokens on the decoder side, the decoder utilised the switch function at each timestep to switch between generating the token using the softmax layer and using the pointer mechanism to point to the input sequence position for unseen tokens to copy them. A novel abstractive summarisation method was proposed in [56]; it generated a multisentence summary and addressed sentence repetition and inaccurate information. The resultant text consists of tokens, where each token is assigned three types of embeddings: token, segmentation, and position embeddings. BERT creates a single large transformer by combining the representations of the words and sentences. Additionally, the hidden states had 400 dimensions in both the encoder and the decoder. The same difference was seen on the decoder side: in the simple attention mechanism, the last layer was divided into two parts (one part was passed to the softmax layer, and the other part was applied to calculate the attention weight), while in the complex attention mechanism, no such division was made. CNN/Daily Mail datasets that are applied in abstractive summarisation were presented by Nallapati et al. When n-best beam search is employed, the top b most relevant target words are selected from the distribution and fed to the next decoder state. However, in the complex attention mechanism, the last layer was employed to calculate the attention weight vector and context vector without fragmentation, as shown in Figure 5(b). The output layer will produce an output by nonlinearly transforming the input from the input layer. Deep learning attempts to imitate what the human brain can achieve by extracting features at different levels of abstraction. The encoder reads the input words and their representations. In addition, the probability of trigram p (yt) was proposed to address repetition in the generated summary, where yt is the trigram sequence. The QRNN was applied to address the limitation of parallelisation, which aimed to obtain the dependencies of the words in previous steps via convolution and “fo-pooling,” which were performed in parallel, as shown in Figure 6. The use of deep learning architectures in natural language processing entered a new era after the appearance of the sequence to sequence models in the recent decade. Recently deep learning methods have proven effective at the abstractive approach to text summarization. The experiments of DEATS were conducted using the CNN/Daily Mail dataset and DUC2004 corpus [61]. With fake facts, there may be a mismatch between the subject and the object of the predicates. Five human evaluators evaluated the relevance and readability of 100 randomly selected test examples, where two values are utilised: 1 and 10. Text summarization can be categorized into two distinct classes: abstractive and extractive. To summarize text using deep learning, there are two ways, one is Extractive Summarization where we rank the sentences based on their weight to the entire text and return the best ones, and the other is Abstractive Summarization where the model generates a completely new text that summarizes the given text. The proposed approach considered past and future context on the decoder side when making a prediction as it employed a bidirectional RNN. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp 4172---4182 Google Scholar Digital Library In search engines, previews are produced as snippets, and news websites generate headlines to describe the news to facilitate knowledge retrieval [3, 4]. Copyright © 2020 Dima Suleiman and Arafat Awajan. BERT is employed to represent the sentences of the document to express its semantic [65]. A word embedding is a word distributional vector representation that represents the syntax and semantic features of words [40]. Correspondence to For example, the first layer and its state can be employed for part-of-speech tagging, while the second layer learns to create phrases. Additionally, a novel score related to the n-gram was employed to measure the level of abstraction in the summary. The weight can be calculated using the hidden states hpj and the content representations cp and cd. Normalization and tokenization, using the “#” to replace digits, convert the words to lower case, and “UNK” to replace the least frequent words. It can be clearly seen that the best model in the single-sentence summary and multisentence summary is the models that employed BERT word embedding and were based on transformers. The Gigaword dataset from the Stanford University Linguistics Department was the most common dataset for model training in 2015 and 2016. The experiments were conducted using simple and complex attention mechanisms. Recently, two groups have worked on abstractive text summarization using deep neural networks The main issue of the abstractive text summarisation dataset is the quality of the reference summary (Golden summary). Furthermore, a pointer network was introduced to alternate between copying the output from the source document and selecting it from the vocabulary. The attention-based encoder was utilised to exploit the learned soft alignment to weight the input based on the context to construct a representation of the output. (1) LSTM-RNN. The representation of the input sequence is the concatenation of the forward and backward RNNs [33]. In text summarisation, the input for the RNN is the embedding of words, phrases, or sentences, and the output is the word embedding of the summary [5]. Recently deep learning methods have proven effective at the abstractive approach to text summarization. The memory gate controls the effect of the remembered information on the new information. To form sentence-summary pairs, each headline of the article was paired with the first sentence of the article. Review articles are excluded from this waiver policy. (a) Simple attention and (b) complex attention [, Comparison of the CNN, LSTM, and QRNN models [, Selective encoding for abstractive sentence summarisation (SEASS) [, Baseline sequence-to-sequence model with attention mechanism [, Decoder decomposed into a contextual model and a language model [, Abstractive document summarisation via bidirectional decoder (BiSum) [, Word-level and sentence-level bidirectional GRU-RNN [, Word embedding concatenated with discretized TF-IDF, POS, and NER one-embedding vectors [. The seq2seq model based on the RNN has achieved good results in machine translation , video subtitle , … © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. (3) Memory Gate. model was the best in terms of ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L. Liu et al. The training process consists of pretraining and full training phases. Furthermore, the pointer-generator technique is applied to point to input words to copy them. While the first method that comes to our mind is deep learning, there are actually a lot more different ways to model the abstract representation of the text. Two participants evaluated the summaries of 50 test examples that were selected randomly from the datasets. However, our approach will be the second type, called Abstractive Summarization. ∙ 7 ∙ share . Summarization of news articles using Transformers Moreover, the words in the articles and their headlines were converted to lowercase words, and the data points were split into short, medium, and long sentences, based on the lengths of the sentences, to avoid extra padding. and Li et al. Abstractive text summarization using LSTM-CNN based deep learning @article{Song2018AbstractiveTS, title={Abstractive text summarization using LSTM-CNN based deep learning}, author={Shengli Song and H. Huang and Tongxiao Ruan}, journal={Multimedia Tools and Applications}, year={2018}, volume={78}, pages={857-875} } DOI: 10.1155/2020/9365340 Corpus ID: 221701867. [65] model were evaluated using ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L, where the best model, which is referred to as BERTSUMEXT (large), achieved the values of 43.85, 20.34, and 39.90 for ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L, respectively, over the CNN/Daily Mail datasets. In the second step, the discriminator, which acts as a binary classifier, classified the summary as either a ground-truth summary or a machine-generated summary. (4) Output Gate. In Egonmwan et al. Next, dependency parsing was performed to create a binary tree by determining the root of the tree, which represents the relational phrase. Furthermore, datasets with multisentence summaries were utilised in the experiments. The soft switch determines whether to copy the target from the original text or generate it from the vocabulary of the target, as shown in Figure 11. model, which obtained values of 39.92, 17.65, and 36.71, respectively [58]. Both the encoder and decoder have the same number of hidden states. The most common challenges faced during the summarisation process were the unavailability of a golden token at testing time, the presence of OOV words, summary sentence repetition, sentence inaccuracy, and the presence of fake facts. In [35, 56], repetition was addressed by using the coverage model to create the coverage vector by aggregating the attention over all previous timesteps. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Section 2 introduces a background of several deep learning models and techniques, such as the recurrent neural network (RNN), bidirectional RNN, attention mechanisms, long short-term memory (LSTM), gated recurrent unit (GRU), and sequence-to-sequence models. Words must be converted to vectors to handle various NLP challenges such that the semantic similarity between words can be calculated using cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, etc. Deep Learning for Text Summarization (3) Others. In the recent past, deep-learning based mod-els that map an input sequence into another out-put sequence, called sequence-to-sequence mod-els, have been successful in many problems such meaning, here comes the use of Deep Learningbased architectures (Abstractive Methods), which effectively tries to understand the meaning of sentences to build meaningful summaries. This model consists of two submodels: abstractive agents and extractive agents, which are bridged using RL. The transformer shows an advantage in parallel computing in addition to retrieving the global context semantic relationships. We can conclude that quantitative evaluations, which include ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L, are not enough for evaluating the generated summary of abstractive text summarisation, especially when measuring readability, relevance, and fluency. Deep learning is applied in several NLP tasks since it facilitates the learning of multilevel hierarchal representations of data using several data processing layers of nonlinear units [24, 26–28]. For example, if we have the following input text “Sara ate a delicious pizza at dinner tonight,” in this case, assume that we want to predict the representation of the word “dinner,” using bidirectional RNN and the forward LSTMs represent “Sara ate a delicious pizza at” while the backward LSTM represents “tonight.” Considering the word “tonight” when representing the word “dinner” provides better results. Triple phrases without a verb in a relational phrase are deleted. Traditional summarization techniques have relied on manually designed features such as tf idf scores, or positional information, which is often an argument in favor of deep learning techniques since they learn which features are important automatically. In: 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), pp. The models were evaluated using various datasets. - Yousefi-Azar M, Text HL (2017) summarization using unsupervised deep learning{J}. The output gate is a neural network with a sigmoid activation function that considers the input vector, the previous hidden state, the new information, and the bias as input. As abstractive text summarisation requires an understanding of the document to generate the summary, advanced machine learning techniques and extensive natural language processing (NLP) are required. The selective encoding for the abstractive sentence summarisation (SEASS) approach includes a selective encoding model that consists of an encoder for sentences, a selective gate network, and a decoder with an attention mechanism, as shown in Figure 7. Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp 3075–3081, Ribeiro R, Marujo L, Martins de Matos D et al (2013) Self reinforcement for important passage retrieval[C]. Furthermore, the value of Pvocab was equal to zero for OOV words. In the simple attention mechanism, the last layer after processing the input in the encoding was divided into two parts: one part for calculating the attention weight vector, and one part for calculating the context vector, as shown in Figure 5(a). For example, in a sentence, the meaning of a word is closely related to the meaning of the previous words. Deep Learning is getting there. Various datasets were selected for abstractive text summarisation, including DUC2003, DUC2004 [69], Gigaword [70], and CNN/Daily Mail [71]. Thus, the intradecoder attention mechanism was proposed to allow the decoder to consider more previously generated words. An RCT is an RNN-based abstractive text summarisation model that is composed of two encoders (RC encoder and transformer encoder) and one decoder. The evaluation metrics ROUGE1, ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L, with values of 39.53, 17.28, and 36.38, respectively, were applied to measure the performance of the See et al. The last state of each layer represents the whole inputs of the layer since it accumulates the values of all previous states [5]. At the decoder side, a beam search was performed; however, the coverage and copy mechanisms were not employed since these two mechanisms need additional tuning of the hyperparameters. Extractive summarization creates a summary by selecting a subset of the existing text. Moreover, the process of generating the summary was improved by proposing KIGN, which considers as input the keywords extracted using the TextRank algorithm. Two models—generative and discriminative models—were trained simultaneously to generate abstractive summary text using the adversarial process [58]. A Two-stage Chinese text summarization algorithm using keyword information ... the development of deep learning in recent years has provided another feasible solution for the development of automatic summarization, and automatic summarization has also become a research hotspot. Due to the evolution and growth of automatic text summarisation methods, which have provided significant results in many languages, these methods need to be reviewed and summarised. A. Bagnell, “Improving multi-step prediction of learned time series models,” in. Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation 1 (ROUGE1), ROUGE2, and ROUGE-L were utilised to evaluate the Rush et al. The encoder consists of two bidirectional GRU-RNNs—a GRU-RNN for the word level and a GRU-RNN for the sentence level—while the decoder uses a unidirectional GRU-RNN, as shown in Figure 15. Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, Deep Learning. The contextual representations of language are learned from large corpora. EMNLP, pp 1556–1567, Bing L, Li P, Liao Y et al (2015) Abstractive multi-document summarization via phrase selection and merging[J]. Furthermore, a novel metric was employed to generate an abstractive summary by including words that are not in the source document. In this case, we propose to use METEOR which was used recently in evaluating machine translation and automatic summarisation models [77]. Think of it as a pen—which produces novel sentences that may not be part of the source document. The second stage of the ATSDL model was phrase extraction, which included the acquisition, refinement and combination of phrases. FastText extends the skip-gram of the Word2Vec model by using the subword internal information to address the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) terms [46]. Moreover, the mass convolution of the QRNN is applied in [50] since the dependency of words generated in the future is difficult to determine. Currently, there are vast quantities of textual data available, including online documents, articles, news, and reviews that contain long strings of text that need to be summarised [1]. Each row in the QRNN model [ 56 ] summarisation based on deep.... Datasets consist of several deep learning techniques have provided excellent results and been! To perform text summarization and the new York Times dataset consisted of 92,000 sources... On this issue, which outperformed previous approaches is addressed are longer than the in! Validation had been performed a valuable resource for extracting and analysing information Newsroom dataset consists of a product which. 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