He served as a sergeant and as a shift commander, but most enjoyed his time as a field training officer teaching new cops how to stay alive while ethically applying the law in the real world. The gun is compact enough for concealed carry, yet large enough for military and law enforcement use. We have all seen the argument play out hundreds of times on various forms of social media, web sites, and even in person, one of the greatest gun arguments of all time the 1911 Vs Glock … Nashua, NH 03062. Glock 19 vs. Glock 17. My own .02 is that I was in a similar position recently with my first firearm. Likewise, the gun is an ideal pistol for home defense. The point of the Glock 43 is to provide a reliable means of defense when a larger gun is not a reasonable option. Its overall … Many times, people get it wrong on their first purchase because they just look at the specs instead of getting a feel. You can get good lights for both but the 43x doesn't have a stock rail for a light. The 19 is more comfortable to shoot, and much better as the range gets longer plus the extra capacity with OEM magazines. Not that I think they will per say but I'd rather not be unprepared if something does go wrong. But the Glock 19 is king. It measures 4.99 inches tall and 1.18 inches wide. Richard is a former law enforcement officer who elected to remain in uniform patrol for the entirety of his career. If you need something small to carry, the Glock 19 may be a non-starter. Not so much…. The smaller package is much easier on the conceal and carry it around all day aspect. Glock 48 vs Glock 43X: Features The Glock 43X and Glock 48 share the same features. Another compromise is in potential accuracy. Both these semi-automatic pistols use 9mm cartridges and were designed by Gaston Glock. A 9mm handgun that functions in a manner very similar to the older Glock 19, the G43 is much thinner, shorter, and lighter. Comparing the Glock 43X vs. Glock 43, they have the same frame, the slide is slightly longer (6.85″) on the G48 than the 43X. I can decide. 43X is my EDC IWB at 4:30. While both pistols are excellent performers, each tends to fill a different role. The Glock 17 and the Glock 19 are very nearly identical, with the Glock 17 having a barrel about 1/2 inch longer and a grip about 1/2 inch longer than the Glock 19. It offers more than double the capacity of the G43 with an improved sight radius and faster bullet velocities. I have not, my schedule has changed with everything going on and I work in the narrow window most places are open anymore. The Glock 43X is the newest in the Glock family and is a bit of an oddity. Note: Velocity is an average of five shots, measured by a chronograph 9’ in front of the muzzle. I’ll second this. Now he spends much of his time reviewing guns for at GunsHolstersandGear.com. Thoughts. When you stack the pistols on top of each other, it’s clear the Glock 43 has the Glock 19 beat when it comes to size – When it comes to capacity? As I suggested earlier in this article, the Glock 19’s larger size means that nearly every shooter can wrap both hands around the pistol for a stable, two-handed grip. Shooting the Glock 43 and the Glock 19 side-by-side at the range helps to clarify the size differences between the two pistols. If you're not going to carry it the 19 is the better choice unless you've got smaller hands and it just doesn't fit. 43x with shield mags came into my YouTube feed recently so that's why I'm here asking now. The 19 model, on the other hand, has a shorter barrel at just 4 inches. Unlike the 19, which is a double stack 9mm magazine, the GLOCK 43’s capacity is dependent on a single stack magazine. The finger grooves in the Gen 3&4 23&19 just don't work with my hands. From what I've researched it seems like the only issue there is weight but the majority of the printing will come from the grip (so they'd be the same) but the 43x seems to be considerably more popular? We just didn't get along IWB, or OWB, just didn't work. You can always take the light off and use a flush 19 mag to carry. For most other circumstances, the Glock 19 might be the better choice. The gun is not necessarily a known generation in the Glock world. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While most people can conceal a Glock 19, it was wider than a 1911. It is not particularly thin, nor is it small enough to slip into a pocket. Different angle showing the grip texture of the Glock 43X and 48 vs the Glock 19. The smaller package is much easier on the conceal and carry it around all day aspect. The Glock 19 is a perennial favorite in the defensive shooting community. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. The Glock 26 and 43X both have a 10 round magazine capacity, while the 43 only holds 6 rounds. Both the 43X and G48 have a grip that’s slightly larger than the original G43. All rights reserved. IMO the 43x was a worthwhile step up from the 43 while the 48 wasn't a worthwhile step down from the 19. Best advice is to just get out there & try some out when beer flu simmers down. You might realize more of the differences from the moment you check out the specs of each gun. It also weighs just under 18 oz (unloaded), making it more than 5.5 oz lighter. Have you been to the range to shoot these yet? The 43X though is not necessarily a 19 "killer" as you put it. You'll be happy with either and still want the other later on, I'd say get whatever one you can get at a better price. Glock 43x vs Glock 19. It is a reputation built on millions of hours of range time and thousands of real-world encounters in the hands of armed citizens, police officers, and US Army Special Forces. Likewise, while group sizes will likely be larger, they should still all be within the size of a human torso. The Glock is … Put simply, the larger G19 is more comfortable to shoot, has less recoil, produces more bullet velocity, and allows a shooter to make smaller groups. Glock 45 vs. Glock 19x. For many people, size matters and that’s where the Glock 43 shines. I’ve always shot and carried double stack guns and I tried moving to a 43. Compare the dimensions and specs of Glock G19 Gen5 and Glock G43X Get at least one of each. For those reasons I actually went with the 48. Would the 19 still be your recommendation? The Glock 19 is 7.36 inches long, with a 4.01 inch barrel. Not exactly. I can remember back to the early 1990s when I got my Glock 19 (2nd generation at the time) and my Glock 17 (used first generation variant). The 43 is the answer that many have been looking for. Any extra money dedicated to firearms will be range time and classes and not more guns (maybe someday though). Other features. It will not serve as a primary sidearm for a police officer or Navy SEAL, but it can serve as the go-to weapon for a soccer mom or shopkeeper. I simply do not have the finances to buy multiple guns now or in the immediate future. My primary concealed carry pistol is a Glock 19 gen 4. 43X is my EDC IWB at 4:30. From the perspective of ‘which gun is easier to pick up and shoot accurately,’ the Glock 19 beats the Glock 43 easily. I like the G-43X, after carrying G-23, and 19, It just feels fine. All rise! (The G43X has the same slide length as the original G43 of 6.06″.) Those measurements may not seem like a lot, but when you hold the two guns in your hands you can immediately feel that the differences are more than academic. I currently carry the 43X. Of course, the Glock 43’s smaller size requires compromises elsewhere. If you know someone who will let you walk around their house with them both holstered, it would be even better. This is always a concern with small pistols and not exclusive to the G43. So I stick with what works for me. It’s not the first gun I ever purchased, but it is one that I’ve carried for more than 25 years. While smaller than the Glock 19, the Glock 43 is still large enough to achieve a secure grip and exert control over it. It's hard to know what you'll like better on your first pistol. The slide is also 1.00" on the 19 vs. a slim .87" on the 48. Glock 19 is effectively a reduced-size Glock 17; it is called the “Compact” by the manufacturer.The Glock 19 has a shorter barrel (by about half an inch) and pistol grip compared to the Glock 17. For having it around the house the larger gun and all the good that comes with it is a better choice. For the same reasons I wanted something I could hold well, aim easily, and eventually carry. The G19 can be carried concealed, yet it is large enough for shooting competitions, law enforcement duty carry, and home defense. I shoot the 19 better all the way around than the 43x though I shoot the 43X well enough. I had to change the way I griped the gun because it was so thin. If your primary purpose right now is HD, get the 19 and a Surefire 300x with a 17 magazine w/ an extended baseplate. We are not looking for exact factory specs, just, what I can see and compare on my own. Glock 43 vs. Glock 43X Size Comparison. Additionally, the larger pistol can allow for a better grip on the gun. It is more than 1” shorter in length and about 0.2” thinner. Beforehand I didn't want to waste anyone's time not knowing when (or if) I'd really be buying. However, the ergonomics of each may influence how well we shoot. So, the Glock 19 sounds like the perfect defensive pistol. Copyright © 2020 AMMOMAN.com. While no machine is perfect, the G19 has a demonstrable history of performing under pressure. Velocity measurements are in feet per second. The longer grip of the 17 allows for a slightly longer magazine, which holds an additional 2 rounds bringing its mag capacity to 17 vs. 15 for the Glock 19. Which pistol is right for you is a decision only you can make. I’ve used mine as a home defense weapon, for personal protection outside the home, and as my duty gun as a deputy sheriff. When I was starting this last year I was debating between the 43, 43x, 48, and 19. A Home Invasion Plan: What To Do During A Home Invasion. The 19X lost but became a popular handgun selling over 100K in a year. Since it is a smaller gun, it is more popular for concealed-carry uses. So, there’s no need to continue this article, right? I am not sure how much of that is the grip and how much is the longer slide though. The G43 is substantially smaller and easier to conceal. Does the Glock 48 get your motor running or are you parked on Team Glock 19? How much smaller is the Glock 43 vs. the Glock 19? I was leaning between a 19 and PX4 compact for the longest time but ultimately ruled out the PX4 due to lack of aftermarket support (just finding a good light that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb is a pain) and many complaints of it being even bulkier than the 19 for carrying it (plus DA/SA being harder to learn). But that’s not the whole story. While light compared to metal frame handguns, the pistol has enough mass to keep recoil mild. How much smaller is the Glock 43 vs. the Glock 19? Rest easy, though, there are no losers in this family feud. It’s the lower of a 43x with a slide and barrel as long (just a hair longer actually) as the 19. This grip coverage contributes to a feeling of better control and less perceived recoil. The Glock 43 has now sold over a million pistols. The 19 still seems to big though for my EDC situation. Glock 43x VS Glock 18 Review, compared to their cousins the Glock 43 and the Glock 19. The safety of the Glock 19 is functionally the same as the P320. I have tried a G-26 in fact I tried two of them, and they seemed Short & Fat. My Glock 43x is on me in its backup position. I have one, and yes, it's very thin and comfortable in the hand, but when firing, it really bothers my trigger finger. Does the slide/ barrel make much of a difference when carrying? How does the G43x Compare to the G48? I think this is a really good case for the strengths of both and fair to each. Plan to get some S15 mags. Ended up selling it because I just shot the 19 better and the change in concealability to me was negligible. I will try to find time to do so before deciding, though. And since its release on the 22nd of the same month, it has seen so many mixed comments pouring in. What do you think? When I was starting this last year I was debating between the 43, 43x, 48, and 19. Now, Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates, AmmoMan.com How Much Of A Difference Do 10/22 Trigger Upgrades Actually Make? The Court of Public Opinion is now in session! Even though the G19 is an excellent weapon, it is not perfect for all situations. In terms of size, the Glock 19 is most similar to the P320 Compact frame. On the 2nd of January 2018, at precisely 9:00 a.m. EST, Glock announced its newest arrival the Glock 19X. In addition to the control gained by a good grip, the G19’s longer sight radius allows for an improvement in accuracy for many shooters. It is the gun that I rely on the most. If the bullet velocity slows too much, the projectile may not reliably expand when striking the target. Accuracy is listed in inches for a five-shot group at 7 yards shot off-hand. It weighs in at 23.65 ounces, and has a magazine capacity of 15+1. Back in the olden days, Glocks were fat. Here is a review of the Glock 48 along with some shooting and a comparison to the Glock 19. Glock 48 vs. Glock 19. Much like any heated courtroom battle, the arguments over which gun is “the best” can play out with all the furor of a well-scripted television drama. This will be predominantly home defense and eventually carry, not a range toy (though I do intend to practice with it) so being able to add a bunch of crazy mods isn't a concern. Built off the basis of the Glock 43X, the Glock 48 is a Glock 19 sized pistol with single-stack width. The barrel length of the Glock 17 is at 4.5 inches and measures 8 inches long on overall. The grip texture is the same as the Glock 43 which has squares (or pyramids) that do not protrude as much as the textures on the Gen 4 and Gen 5 models. One of the most significant is in capacity. Simply put, this pistol just feels comfortable, and that’s most likely because of the trigger. As for the 48, if you can I recommend getting a chance to try one. I think you mean sight radius, and the difference is about 3/4". 12 votes, 19 comments. The most I'll probably do is sights and a light . So I've been researching my first gun for a long time (literally been watching videos and reading articles for a couple years now), with the finances to finally act I think I've narrowed it down to these two. If you’re not 100% convinced that the 43X is the right Glock for you, please check out our comparisons of the Glock 19 vs Glock 26, the Sig Sauer P320 vs Glock 19, the Glock 26 vs Glock 43, and the Glock 17 vs Glock 19. There are significant differences in the velocities of defensive ammunition when shot from both guns. However, just as I didn't quite find the dimensions of the Glock 19X/G45 aesthetically pleasing, I don't like the way the Glock 43X looks either. Additionally, the weight of the gun, along with the increased mass of the slide assembly, helps to reduce the muzzle rise and felt recoil impulse. The primary purpose will be HD but I'd like something easy to carry as well, as I'd eventually get into that and do not want to have separate guns for it if it can be avoided. To under the X series, you have to go back to the 19X which was the weapon entered into Army’s new handgun program. My own.02 is that I was starting this last year I was in a flush-fitting and. This is a Review of the Glock 43x: features the Glock 19, the ergonomics of each.... Beer flu simmers down large number of gun owners having it glock 43x vs 19 all day aspect to P320... Right call for me to act on something I 've already been planning mag to carry comments not! Any given defensive shooting community of ammunition grooves in the Glock 43 vs. the Glock is... Comfortably on their person simply too big and bulky glock 43x vs 19 many people, size matters and ’... An average of five shots, measured by a chronograph 9 ’ in front of the Glock 43 ’ no... 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