Talk to Cougar Gai and he will ask you to perform a task. The task is to deliver a message to certain Field Cat Joe in the city of Einbroch. In the second part, be careful not to fall into the holes in the room. To create this article, 16 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Do note it cost 2500 zeny to rent a Falcon and there are no shop NPCs in the Hunter's Guild. Here's a few basic tips: Because DEX is so useful, having at least 25 DEX no matter what your class is probably a good idea! Ragnarok Online Revo-Classic Guides. You are now very exhausted after your day of hunting. It affects how often you have critical attacks (basically yellow font for the amount of damage you do on a spiky orange/red background. He will ask you to either visit Father Rubalkabara, Mother Marthilda, or Father Yosuke (see below for details). What should you do? We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. You kill any monster that is not labelled "Job Change Monster". You simply have to start the quest at Geffen, the city of Mage/Wizard, by talking to the Expert Mage and he will give you a test. Back Revo-Classic Archer Guide Revo-Classic Archer Guide. How To Become A Merchant. How would you ask for a Heal? So you've decided on a place to hunt. Would it be possible to get a Heal, please? This page has been accessed 33,748 times. Now you are out of HP and a Priest happens to be around. Tip: Before leaving the area, exit the Hunter Guild and kill enough monsters to learn Falconry Mastery, then return to the Hunter Guild and rent a falcon from the Falcon Breeder in the right wing of the building. To start your job change quest, you need to reach Job Level 40 or higher, and you must be a Swordsman. When you are ready to hit your transcendent second job, go back to read the Book of Ymir to get up to Valkyrie. By using our site, you agree to our. So finally, I have made this Novice named: “Assassin Leveling Guide”. You simply have to start the quest inside the Pyramid basement by talking to the Thief Guide NPC and he will direct you to the mushroom farm test. From there on, you can level up your high novice and talk to your corresponding first job quest NPC to change you into your high first job. How to Complete the Thief Job Change Quest. Journey to the Assassin's Guild, found in moc_fild16 205 296, two maps South and two maps East of Morroc. What should you do? Although playing a game in Chinese is difficult for someone who know nothing about the language, the game itself is fun and very easy to play. To begin, simply talk to the Expert Mage inside the Mage Guild in Geffen (coordinates: geffen_in 164,124). We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Demon Hunter will request one of the following sets of items, chosen randomly: 4. The six target monsters are comprised of: The switch is located at the center of the maze, and can be activated by clicking it. Demon Hunter will tell you to either go to the Archer Village or the Payon Palace. Intelligence increases your magic defense, magic attack power, and your maximum SP (skillpoints-your 'mana'). in_hunter 99 99. to start the quest. So you finally arrive at the Sograt Desert. Depending on what class character you want to be, you'll want to raise different stats. How to Complete the Assassin Job Change Quest. Simply talk to Father Mareusis to signup for the acolyte quest. (Higher if your char is archer class or mainly a spellcaster.). Their range gives them an advantage over stationary or slow monsters. Crits do more damage than normal attacks) and the ability to do a "Perfect Dodge" Also, many Classes use luck as a modifier in determining if something will happen (Potion making poison brewing, weapon forging, cooking. You're going to hunt the monsters known as Hodes in the Sograt Desert. Note: click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location. I see you’ve decided to become a Thief. Go to the southeast building in Geffen 179 61 and talk to Guildsman Altiregan geffen_in 110 169. 7. You will also be able to find a lot of players whom… You will be able to change job to a Merchant upon completion of the test. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Dozens of classes, hundreds of weapons and armors, tons of different skill load outs to customize your character to your play-style and truly you are in control of your game destiny Need to know where best to train to get to your 2nd job class on Ragnarok Online (RO)? Once you speak to the designated NPC, go back to Father Mareusis and he will change you to an acolyte. Don't worry if you have Battleground Badges / Weapons, you can transcend with that on your inventory. Train until your job level is 10. Thieves follow no code when it comes to living. Job Change to Assassin: 1. Give the Necklace of Wisdom to Hunter Guildsman (Sherin) and she will make you a hunter. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 68,399 times. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. What should you do? You get a certain amount of stats points each time you level up, and as you gain more levels you get more stat points per level up. Talk to the Archer Guildsman (payon_in02 64,71). A Sage is a PvP-oriented class with the role of a caster and anti-mage. You are awarded a Necklace of Wisdom as proof of passing the final test. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. You are now entrusted with the powers and responsibilities of a disciple of Taekwondo. Walk … It’s June 29 2017, Official Launch of Ragnarok Online Classic in Philippines. 2. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/2\/2b\/Get-to-Your-First-Job-Class-on-Ragnarok-Online-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Get-to-Your-First-Job-Class-on-Ragnarok-Online-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/2b\/Get-to-Your-First-Job-Class-on-Ragnarok-Online-Step-1.jpg\/aid123956-v4-717px-Get-to-Your-First-Job-Class-on-Ragnarok-Online-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":275,"bigWidth":"717","bigHeight":"429","licensing":"

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\n<\/p><\/div>"}, How to Get to Your First Job Class on Ragnarok Online, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow, Acolyte and Mage Classes=> max out your INT. The job changes process can be confusing. Location of the Hunter Guild. Job change to Taekwon; 1 Guard; Completion [edit | edit source] "Very well. This means that you probably want to spend quite a few points in this particular stat. This page should give you some helpful advice! He will ask you to find Geschupenschte. Go in … Return to the Hunter Guild. Walk forward and the examiner will explain the test to you. If you successfully kill all the monsters with Job Change Target name, a portal will appear that will lead you to the second part of the test. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. First Job Change Guide [Swordsman/Archer/Thief /Mage/ Acolyte] RAGNAROK MOBILE is currently in Closed Beta Test in China. The element is neutral, and the weapon can be upgraded. Just not zeny, I’m poor like anyone else. This martial art is focused on skills using the fists and the feet. This is a Thief Job Quest Guide of Ragnarok Online. 5. Step 1: Begin the Mage Job Change Quest. Vitality increases your maximum HP (hit/health points...essentially how much "life" you have) and your defense. Talk with another Hunter Guildsman (Sherin) inside . 8. To create this article, 16 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. The first test is a personality assessment. Just then, you find that someone is attacking a boss! While you are waiting, someone is begging for items and Zeny. If you fall into them, you will have to start all over. Strength increases the amount of melee (physical) damage that you do. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. % of people told us that this article helped them. 11 Go to a job change NPC (if you are playing on certain Private servers) or find the corresponding NPC to what job class you want to be. Luck is your luck. But what's this!? As for now please use 99Poring’s Leveling Guides. For 60 Trunks, you will receive a Violin. Dexterity increases the speed at which you cast spells (you'll be able to do cast magic faster), how often you hit whatever you're attacking, and is another way (along with strength) to increase the amount of melee damage you do Also, if you are a Archer-style class, your Dexterity is the bow users version of Strength, it increases Damage . 2. Note: As a high novice, you will get 100 stat points to distribute freely. The Mage … So bring money beforehand. After your job change, the Bard will offer to give you a weapon if you have 60 Trunks. The following are the answers to the test: Wander around alone and search for a place. Archer Job Change Guide: Requirements: Base Level: None Job Level: 10 Item(s) (Consumed): Varies Rewards: Item(s): Bow, Arrows: Quest Reward(s): Jobchange to Archer: 1. "Taekwon" means "punching and kicking" and "do" means "art." You will be able to change job to a Mage upon completion of the test. What should you do with it? Blacksmith Job Quest. This article has been viewed 68,399 times. You simply have to start the quest at Alberta, by talking to Chief Mahnsoo and he will give you a test. Refer to 5a or 5b for locations. Ragnarok Online Revo-Classic Guides. Agility increases your attack speed and how often you dodge an attack successfully. Additionally, arrows have elemental properties which is a huge boost when dealing with monsters. Go to find the Hunter Guildsman on Payon Field 10. pay_fild10 148 251, which is situated 2 maps east, and 1 south of Payon. You are required to complete three objectives in order and within 3 minutes to pass the test: All of the monsters will die once the required number of target monsters have been killed. Job change to Hunter: Note: click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location. Kill any 4 of the monsters labelled "Job Change Monster". You must use the Kafra service, but you have no Zeny! By now, you decide to go to the Maze by yourself. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. A Mage class, for example, can level up to either a Wizard or Sage class. You are required to complete three objectives in order and within 3 minutes to pass the test: Kill any 4 of the monsters labelled "Job Change Monster". 1. This is a Mage Job Quest Guide of Ragnarok Online. The exit is located in the north. Blacksmith Job Change Guide(Classic) Requirements Base Level: None Job Level: 40 Job Class: Merchant: Item (s) (Consumed): Varies Rewards Item (s): 30 Steel (Job Level 50) -OR- 5 Steel (Job Level < 50) Quest Reward(s): Jobchange to Blacksmith: 1. Before you take the quest, keep in mind that your Job Level as a Novice should be 10. The entrance to the guild is located near the center on the upper portion of the island. 2. Talk with Hunter Guildsman (Sherin) again, who instructs you to meet another guild member in Payon to take the final test. This is your 'build'. Some AGI to help you dodge enemies is also pretty useful, regardless of class. But you realize that Hodes are a bit too strong for you to hunt alone. Talk to the corresponding NPC for your job, he/she will change you into … Trunks can be obtained from Willow and Elder Willow at Payon Field. So much research have gone into it that a triennial event known as the Magic Festival takes place in Geffenin order to advance its study. Phew! After meeting this lost person, you decide to get back to hunting. There are a variety of different characters you choose from - all of which can be leveled up to different classes. You are no longer a student. But you're in Payon!! Go to the Forge Shop located in the southeastern part of Geffen.By talking to "Altiregen " (the guildsman behind the desk), the job change quest will begin." (You might want to use a skill stimulator before actually spending your skill points if you chose a class with a complex skill tree, like mage or acolyte. 3 Zombies, each located in the east, west, and center respectively. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Ragnarok Online is a fast-paced, community driven fantasy MMORPG. Magicians have long studied elemental magic and how to utilize it to their advantage. Whether you're playing as a Thief or an Assassin, it's obvious that you’re eager to step up your adventure in Ragnarok Online.Assassins have full mastery of the killing arts. But on your way, you run into someone that is lost. If you ever see me in-game (Loki Server), feel free to ask help from me. You go out to sell the item, and there are many people with stores and chatrooms open. Ragnarok is a highly addictive game (as are most good-quality MMORPGs). Open the exit by activating a switch. You will be able to change job to a Thief when you pass the test. Please try again later. Archers are experts at long-range combat with Bows and Arrows. The gathering quest can be skipped if you bring a Chivalry Emblem and a Hand of … Use your hide skill. You can probably locate some much more thorough stat guides using an internet search engine, and probably skill guides as well. You must be at least a level 40 job merchant to start the quest. This time, you found a rare item while you were going through your inventory. 2. This is a Merchant Job Quest Guide of Ragnarok Online. Or you could follow ROPH’s Official Guides for Job Changing. The test area is a maze populated with Poring, Zombie, Archer Skeleton, and Mummie, and scattered with puddles of water. (Note that this article assumes that you've already registered for/downloaded RO and created your character.)., Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike.

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