Here’s a twist on your classic fill-in-the-blanks listening activity: Give students song lyric sheets with some of the lyrics missing. 60 Pages - 01/09/2016 (Publication Date) - CreateSpace Independent... 112 Pages - 06/14/2020 (Publication Date), Listen to podcasts or watch TV shows or movies, Record conversation practice and refer back to it later, 147 Pages - 03/09/2016 (Publication Date). Do you want to help your students get more practise with listening and speaking English in your classes? What are your thoughts about these activities? While there are a ton of great resources on YouTube, you’ll have to wade through a ton of stuff to find exactly what you’re looking for. Without using them, speech sounds awkward and stilted. Do you want to teach English while traveling the world? so you’ll be able to find what you need quickly and easily. Keep reading for the top listening and speaking activities for ESL to help them do that! I like to bring the real world into the classroom and this is one way I do it (I personally love playing board games!). can take anywhere. If you’re looking for some ESL activities for listening and speaking, you’ve come to the right place! There are so many good ones and not all of the junk. If yes, then you’re certainly in the right place. One of the greatest challenges ESL students face is learning how to pronounce words correctly. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. It’s challenging, easily adaptable to just about any age or level. Hearing the same voices over and over can get boring, and the topics could be more current. Keep on reading for all the details you need to know about ES listening. Listening will help you to improve your understanding of the language and your pronunciation. It could be their hobbies, something in the news, related to their education, etc. In addition to podcasts and YouTube clips, phone apps are a revolutionary tool in the world of learning. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, cartoons, documentaries and more—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons for you and your students. Practise and improve your listening skills with these listenings and exercises. This section was created to give students daily practice on listening. It’s particularly good as a time filler because it requires absolutely nothing in way of preparation or materials. 10 Awesome Activities to Improve Intermediate ESL Students’ Listening. The key is to adapt the text and your speaking speed to suit the level of your students.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'eslspeaking_org-box-4','ezslot_4',129,'0','0'])); Dictogloss ESL Speaking and Listening Activity. You can use them to focus on listening by reading the questions, instead of posting them on the PowerPoint. While-Listening activities are activities that are completed by the students when they are listening to a passage. There are a number of ESL activities that can students improve their listening and speaking skills. But, only if you want a serious dose of ESL awesome in your life, okay? Check out: How I Use ESL Role-Plays in my Classroom. If you want to get your listening and speaking on, then you should seriously consider having some small group discussion. It’s really entertaining too! Listening is an important part of communication. Some of the best ones include the following: Surveys; Discussions; Roleplays; Board games; Dictogloss; Conversation starters; Did you Like these Listening/Speaking Activities for Adults? Check out how I expand this basic listening lesson plan into a full class that includes speaking activities as well: Using videos in my classroom is one of my favourite ESL listening and speaking activities. Check out the book for yourself today on Amazon. Top Sites. They will help you to reduce teacher talking time in your classes and increase the amount of time your students are doing the hard work! ESL Video offers online English classes, free online English listening and grammar activites, free teaching material for instuctors, the ESL Video quiz maker tool to create video-based listening and gap-fill quizzes, tracking and reporting of student scores, and coordinates the ESL Video Virtual Exchange project for teachers to meet and collaborate. Then, they choose the topics that they think will be most interesting to the other students in the class. After that, they have to have mini-conversations with at least one other student (the amount depends on the time you want to spend on this ESL activity). Words come with example sentences and definitions. Running dictation is another classic ESL Activity. Plus, the questions are general in nature and not focused on the USA or the UK like many of the other questions you’ll find online. The best part? Check out: How I Use English Central Videos in my Classroom. It can be used with just about any level, individually or in groups of up to four students. You can also use them for just about any topic you can imagine! To check for the correct answers, go around the room and have each person sing out a line. Questions can include: What is his/her name? Love it! These can be used in front of the class in a big group, or for individual practice in a computer lab. ESL Listening Lesson Plans. So how can we liven it up for our adult students? 11 Useful Tips to Boost Your Intermediate ESL Students’ Reading Comprehension, 7 ESL Video Activities That Your Students Will Love. Some of the most effective listening games are those that combine learning through fun activities. Without further ado, here are the best conversation activities and games for adults if you teach English and need a few ideas. Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab has been providing online English listening comprehension activities for ESL and EFL learners since 1998. After having two students volunteer to act out the scene in front of the class, ask the rest of the class comprehension questions. Online Listening Activities for ESL Not only does it give students another medium of listening to English, but it also gives them something to talk about with other English speakers. Exam Levels - First, Advanced, Proficiency, IELTS, TOEFL; Authentic English listening and reading materials. Not to mention, it’s guaranteed to get your students excited about English! If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to teach English with real-world videos. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'eslspeaking_org-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_21',191,'0','0']));Check it out: Hot Potato. Copyright © 2020 Jackie Bolen + ESL Speaking. Watching these clips at the start of class is not only great for reinforcing curriculum, but it also helps students get a feel for American culture and everyday conversational language. Then, have your students tell you the answers to focus on speaking.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'eslspeaking_org-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',132,'0','0'])); If you teach kids, you’ll need to check out this book on Amazon. It’s lesson planning made easy, guaranteed. Here is a ready-made lesson plan on that topic that’s suitable for intermediate or advanced teens or adults. The listening practice is critical because it reinforces previously learned material, builds the student’s confidence and improves the skill of natural pronunciation. A fun group project students can do after watching the news at home is to be news reporters in the classroom. But let’s be honest, the CDs that come with ESL textbooks absolutely need supplements. Student Level: Intermediate. Have a look at the lesson here: If you think about it, directions are ALL about listening and speaking and questions and answers. Check out: Running Dictation- A Classic ESL 4-Skills Activity. However, by adding a speaking and listening element to it, it’s quite a useful activity. Thanks for subscribing! Then, we’ll watch the video and students will have to answer questions about it. Exam Levels - First, Advanced, Proficiency, IELTS, TOEFL; Authentic English listening and reading materials. Find out some of the best ideas:eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'eslspeaking_org-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_23',169,'0','0'])); In English, an important skill to master is being able to describe people, places or things with relative clauses or adjectives. Reading in front of the class can encourage students to feel confident about reading, speaking and listening to English. Plus, they work for any grade or level of students. You may have played it as a kid but this one comes with a twist. They’re an excellent way to review for a test, or to round out a unit. It also gets students up and out of their seats and helps you get some energy back into your classroom. But, if you don’t want them to flop and be met with dead silence around your classroom (it’s happened to me a number of times! Practise and improve your listening skills for your school studies and your English exams. This is content that’s known internationally for its quality and entertainment value. Did you enjoy our Top 15 ESL Listening and Speaking Activities? What is his/her job? These ESL listening activities for intermediate students are game changers in the classroom. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. One of the challenges of using movies and TV shows with students is that it’s authentic content, and that it can be too difficult for English learners. Assigning students homework that involves watching the news in English is beneficial in more ways than one. For example, if the lesson for that day is on “Introductions,” consider the following brief script: Student 2: “Nice to meet you, I am Mary.”. We hope so! When the music stops, the person holding the potato has to do something. They have to sing it, or it doesn’t count! Listening to music in the classroom helps with vocabulary memorization and word pronunciation. That’s some serious ESL teaching gold right there.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'eslspeaking_org-leader-4','ezslot_20',159,'0','0'])); A nice way to do that is to use a lesson plan like this one. It really is an extremely flexible ESL activity that your students will enjoy. Listening is necessary, but then you can choose to focus on either writing or speaking. If your students are ready for more content-filled material, use TED-Ed to create a listening activity/lesson around a TED Talk. Am I right about that? These interactive listening and reading activities can help you learn about Ontario and practice your English skills. Basically, students have to speak about a certain topic for one entire minute without stopping. We know that listening practice is vital when learning any language. Because different languages use different parts of the mouth to speak, it can be hard to get used to making English consonant and vowel sounds. You can help your students work on their fluency skills in a big way with this activity. You can read the digital copy on any device by downloading the free Kindle reading app. However, beginners often struggle with this. Listen to the song a couple of times, and instruct the students to fill in the blanks. It’ll help other teachers, like yourself find this useful teaching resource. While-listening activities are also called during-listening activities. Fun Games for Adults. Level: Beginner # of Lessons: 30 Suggestion: 3 min per lesson START. Here are two ESL apps that are great for listening activities – both inside and outside of the classroom. Listening & Speaking. Some of the best ones include the following: If you liked this list of fun things to do in your classes, then you’re going to love this book: 101 ESL Activities for Teenagers and Adults.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'eslspeaking_org-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_24',171,'0','0'])); The key to happy, engaged students who are improving their language skills is a variety of activities and games during your classes. Using any of these ESL listening activities for adults is a sure way to grab ahold of their interest and propel their English skills up and along on the road to English fluency! If you have higher-level students and want to challenge them, try out this task-based learning activity. Download: ESL listening comprehension activities are as important as speaking games and reading comprehension activities. Have students sit in pairs, and then give each partner their own copy of the text sample, either A or B (A pair is comprised of one A and one B). Listen to the song a couple of times, and instruct the students to fill in the blanks. Even lower-level ESL or EFL students can understand basic problems and then give some simple advice using the following structures: Agony Aunt: An ESL Speaking and Listening Activity. To make this into a listening activity, you can require the partner who is listening to ask 2-3 follow-up questions when the minute is up. If you want to focus on ESL speaking and listening, a great way to do this is through a listening lesson. You can always write out some comprehension questions for your students to answer during a full-length film, but what else could we do? Social issues are relevant, engaging and everyone usually has an opinion about them. Students get extremely excited when they see their favorite videos pop up in their English classroom. The students are doing the hard work and the teacher can sit back and just enjoy watching what the students have done!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'eslspeaking_org-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_17',158,'0','0'])); If you’re looking for a quick warm-up activity that’ll help your students speak English fluently, then you’ll want to consider Just a Minute. Here is a fun song lyrics ESL activity that you can use with any type of song. You can see some of our top picks right here: ESL Directions Speaking and Listening Activities. The way it works is that students have to think of a few things that they know a lot about. They’re fun, encourage a bit of creativity and can be easily adapted by adding, or removing the amount of mandatory text that students must use. A cool way to incorporate music in the classroom is to have students split into groups and write simple songs using vocabulary words that they learned that week. In this English listening section, students can constantly listen to the audio files provided here. Let this be your guide for topics.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'eslspeaking_org-leader-2','ezslot_18',189,'0','0'])); If you ask your students, they’ll probably list “conversation” at what they want to work on most in your class. That’s why I like using English Central. Activities for Kids. The only real problem is that it can be difficult to keep things fresh for your students when they’ve probably studied this topic before.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'eslspeaking_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',126,'0','0'])); Try out Agony Aunt to mix things up a bit. The more times your brain gets to encounter the material, the better! So hold onto your seat belts, it’s time to make English listening practice awesome! Bring English immersion to your classroom! Listening comprehension exercises esl. Finally, I’ll have students do a longer speaking activity related to the topic. Fun, imaginative quizzes and games. When making your own, you have complete control to customize the English level, as you’re choosing the video and writing the questions. Students will be able to add them to their own vocabulary lists, and even see how the words are used in other videos. Here’s what I do: Normally, Bingo doesn’t have a lot of educational value. The student can then listen to the recording and be able to identify the words they said correctly and the words that need improvement. Saving time when lesson planning? Here’s a twist on your classic fill-in-the-blanks listening activity: Give students song lyric sheets with some of the lyrics missing. Answer the question to make sure you understand what you hear. These activities are followed by post-Listening activities… If you want your students to practice listening to naturally spoken English, like they would learn in the real world, then you’ve come to the right place with our 8 ESL Speaking and Writing Activities for Adults. We’ve established that adults – like kids – benefit from interesting listening exercises and engaging lessons. Students can take highlights from the news, write them down, practice and finally report the news in groups to the class. It’s also quite important in the English language but it’s not something that’s often practiced. In such situations, what kinds of activities to you like to do with your friends (e.g., going to watch a movie, playing video games, hiking, etc. Once you get the basics of it down with something like this ESL listening lesson plan template, then you can add in a bunch of other listening and speaking activities. Learn to Speak Kindergarten English-- Coversations for children to start learning English and practice speaking; Speak English Fast Over 500 conversations on 26 topics with audio for intermediate learners; ESL Conversations 1,500 conversations under 25 topics with audio for speaking practice; ESL Fast A huge free online English learning resource It’s ideal for ESL classes because the language of the questions are very simple and even beginners can understand it. “Ok great, I believe it, but where can I find some? Please leave a comment below and tell us your favourite listening and speaking activity for ESL or EFL students. Visit his other Web sites at,, and for more practice. This way, not only are students listening, but they are also retaining information and getting tons of speaking practice, too. Keep a copy on the bookshelf in your office. ESL Listening Lessons Basic Listening Lessons. Listening activities are important for ESL students to improve their language proficiency. For example, if a student taps on the word “brought,” they’ll see this: Plus, these great videos are all accompanied by interactive features and active learning tools for students, like multimedia flashcards and fun games like “fill in the blank.”. ESL Listening Activities and Games: Top 12 to Consider. Think beyond school and about what kinds of situations students may encounter in real life. Students should be able to understand many of the words and the general concept of the material that they are listening to, but there should still be words that are new to them in the audio. Pairs take turns reading aloud their full sentences, so that their partner can fill in their blanks. Learn the best ways to practice speaking English. In the ESL Corner, you can find: Word Builders - Read and listen to vocabulary words. Plus, they’re organized by level and topic so it’ll be easy for you to find what you’re looking for. All Rights Reserved. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you One fun topic is future plans if you have a vacation time coming up. The student may have to answer a question from the teacher or ask another student a question of their choosing. Track your progress as … There are so many new listening resources that are readily available at the touch of a finger. Top 10 ESL Discussion Starters for Kidseval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'eslspeaking_org-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',131,'0','0'])); If you want to level up your ESL teaching game, then you’ll need to get some ESL trivia in your life! Here’s an extension: Have students do current event presentations in the classroom to report on the information they learned from watching the news. There are a number of ESL activities that can students improve their listening and speaking skills. FluentU brings language learning to life with real-world videos. Exercises to help with Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Reading and Pronunciation. Another way to give students fantastic listening practice while reading aloud is a partner gap-fill activity. For lower level and intermediate students, you can turn a YouTube video into an interactive quiz with blubbr. One of the coolest features of this app is the talkback-recording feature. I love them for the following reasons: For more details about ESL Surveys and how I use them in my own classroom, you’ll need to check out this article:eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'eslspeaking_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',125,'0','0'])); Everyone has problems and everyone loves giving advice. Here is the list of activities, exercises, and games that you can start using with your students to improve their listening skills. Using music for listening activities in class can help students of all ages develop their listening comprehension skills. No way. It’s super practical and quite a useful exercise. Pre-Listening Exercise Getting together with friends on group date can be a fun activity, especially when you like hanging out with people, but you aren’t interested in a serious relationship. Although the text sample is the same, the A and B worksheets are not. Find out more here: Chain ESL Spelling Game. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Students have to talk as well as listen to what their partner is saying to fully engage in the conversation.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'eslspeaking_org-leader-3','ezslot_19',161,'0','0'])); One of my favourite topics is technology because it’s relevant to almost all students. You’ll also find that almost every single ESL/EFL textbook has a unit that covers this topic. Each worksheet has blanks in different places. ESL Activities for Listening and Speaking: Top 25 | ESL Games, « Seasons ESL Activities, Games, Lesson Plans & Worksheets, ESL Pronunciation Games, Activities, Worksheets and Lesson Plans ». Full statistics. There are some excellent activities that you can do with directions including information gap games as well as bumbling blindfold. This takes the pressure off the learning process and inculcates the skill of listening quite naturally. It’s great at replicating real life. It involves all 4 skills and the results are always very interesting! On FluentU, all the videos are sorted by skill level and come with built-in language lessons. We’re going to give a brief description of our favourite ESL activities that focus on two very important skills-listening and speaking. Listening to native English speakers helps ESL students improve their enunciation, pronunciation and natural flow of words. , students have to speak about a certain topic for one entire minute without.! 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