Een cluster van deze planten is (heater is about a … Die Rotala 'H'ra' zeichnet sich durch ihre schmalen Blätter und das kriechende Wachstum aus. Rotala Sp. "H'Ra" has narrow leaves and develops a nice light orange to red colour under good lighting. Rotala H'ra posiada wąskie liście i osiąga mniejszą wysokość niż inne popularne odmiany rotali. Höchstwahrscheinlich ist diese Sorte artverwandt mit der Rotala rotundifolia und erinnert sehr an eine Rotala sp. Rotala Macranda red-Deficiency? 2.育て方 ロタラ ロトンディフォリア ベトナム H’raの育成は、他のロタラ同様に容易に育てられる種類の水草です。成長は早く、赤系の水草としては育成しやすい水草です。CO2添加は無くても枯れることはありませんが、美しい赤の茂みを作るにはCO2添加が欠かせません。 It is probably a local variant of the species Rotala rotundifolia. Sold as a bunched plant. This stem plant has profuse thin, pointed red or orange leaves that typically grow from an ascending rather than upright stem Rotala vietnam. Fresh cut, 6+ stems with a lead weight. “H’Ra” / “Gia Lai” has narrow leaves and develops a nice light orange to red colour under good lighting. Common Name: Rotala H'Ra, Rotala Gia Lai Rotala h’ra is a new plant to the hobby that makes a delicate and dramatic back or mid-ground accent. ROTALA H’RA La planta acuática ROTALA H’RA es muy flexible en la demanda de nutrientes. Mooie porties (bosje in 5cm pot) rotala h'ra rosa (stems) dit zijn lange strengen 15 cm die u zelf nog eens in 3 kan delen en dan planten. Les feuilles de Rotala ‘H’ra’ sont très étroites et sa croissance est tombante ou étalée. It has the same elegant growth habit as the light green Rotala sp. "H'Ra" / "Gia Lai" has narrow leaves and develops a nice light orange to red colour under good lighting. Rotala sp. Rotala sp. O intensitate luminoasa puternica, o fertilizare buna și aditia de CO2, vor induce un ritm de crestere … r/PlantedTank: A place for aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts! Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra' - InVitro Höchstwahrscheinlich ist diese Sorte artverwandt mit der Rotala rotundifolia und erinnert sehr an eine Rotala sp. "gia lai". "H'Ra" or "Gia Lai" is a new plant from Vietnam. Biete Wasserpflanzen 0 15 Dezember 2020 P Suche Rotala sahyadrica Suche Wasserpflanzen 0 26 Oktober R Plant Help 9 12 Aug 2020 Rotala Macandra Green - Looki-Likey Plant Help 2 27 Jul 2020 Help turning my Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra' red? "H'Ra" or "Gia Lai" is a new plant from Vietnam. Press J to jump to the feed. "Green": overhanging to horizontal ramified stems. Dit is dus spot goedkoop! Creeping growth with a range of color from green to orange to red depending on light intensity. High light levels, good fertilization and added CO2 will Rotala Macranda red-Deficiency? “Green”: overhanging to horizontal ramified stems Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard Unlike other Rotala species it is relatively undemanding, although it needs good light to produce red … This stem plant has profuse thin, pointed red or orange leaves that typically grow from an ascending rather than upright stem Rotala Vietnam H'ra is a beautiful variant of Dwarf Rotala that is a dramatic accent plant for the heavily planted aquarium! The plant has been named after its location H'Ra in the province of Gia Lai in central Vietnam. Il s’agit probablement d’une variante de Rotala rotundifolia rappellant Rotala sp. Natural 10cm tall, as shown in second picture, could be longer or shorter. It is probably a local variant of the species Rotala rotundifolia. This background plant with it's distinct orange coloration is a great contrast to green plants. Whether you have a question to ask or a planted tank to show off, this is the place. Rotala sp. Quando cultivada em condições adequadas, esta planta exibe uma coloração laranja Rotala sp. Rotala rotundifolia from South-East Asia has 15-30 long stems (2-3 cm wide) and long, narrow leaves. SOBRE A PLANTA: A Rotala sp H'ra foi nomeada na província de gia lai, no Vietnã. Cuanto más abonado le facilites y más luz reciba se volverá más rojiza. Rotala Hra originally from Vietnam commonly known as Rotala Rotundifolia Hra or Rotala sp. Rotala sp. Rotala H'ra stems (RED Rotala) | eBay Plant Help 9 12 Aug 2020 Rotala Macandra Green - Looki-Likey Plant Help 2 27 Jul 2020 Help turning my Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra' red? "H'Ra" / "Gia Lai" has narrow leaves and develops a nice light orange to red colour under good lighting. En caso contrario el color se hará más anaranjado/verdoso. Plant Help 12 28 Jun 2020 MG/FE deficiency in S. Repens and Sendo assim, também é conhecida como Rotala sp. Rotala vietnam, występująca także pod nazwą Rotala H'ra posiada wąskie liście i osiąga mniejszą wysokość niż inne popularne odmiany rotali. New background stem plant to the hobby. ROTALA VIETNAM freshwater aquarium plants Posted by Julia on 16 Dec 2020 I got these hoping they would be tall enough to hide my heater, and they are! Pflanzen Allgemein 10 9 November 2019 Pogostemon Erectus, Rotala rotundifolia usw. The result is way above my expectation. Hailing from the central region of Vietnam, this plant is … Rotala 'H’ra' has rather narrow leaves and an overhanging or creeping growth. Rotala h’ra is a new plant to the hobby that makes a delicate and dramatic back or mid-ground accent. ‘Green’. Pokrojem przypomina Rotalę green, jednak w odróznieniu od niej nie pozostaje zielona lecz wybarwia wierzchołki na charakterystyczny pomarańczowy kolor. Rotala sp. The plant has been named after its location H'Ra in the province of Gia Lai in central Vietnam. 10cm tall, as shown in second picture, could be longer or shorter. `Green`. It has the same elegant growth habit as the light green Rotala sp. Durch viel Licht, viel Düngung und reichlich Versorgung mit CO2, wächst die Pflanze kriechend und entwickelt ein warmes gesättigtes Orange. H'ra. It was named after the Gia Lai province in Vietnam. Re: Rotala rotundifolia - requirements for red coloration Whilst waiting for your feedback I put the recommended dosage of Purigen into a small internal filter and it's running for 1 day. It is probably a variation of Rotala rotundifolia and has much resemblance to Rotala sp. ’Green’. It has beautiful pink, orange, red color when planted in a rich based nutrient environment, CO2 and strong lighting. Beautiful aquarium plants like Rotala H’ra is found in the town called … Recent Posts Pet Tips – Dogs and Owners Look Alike `Green`. Rotala H´Ra wird nicht Rot ? high light, Co2 and nutrient rich environment is preferred. Intensely orange color Bushy effect Tapestry effect Tanks Soil and Substrate „H'Ra” / „Gia Lai” diferă de Rotala sp "Colorata" prin frunze înguste de culoare mai deschisă și tulpini mai înalte, atunci când sunt crescute în aceleași condiții. Rotala Vietnam H'ra (Rotala rotundifolia "Vietnam H'ra") is a very prolific, versatile stem plant that is one of the easier "red leaf" plants to keep. Rotala H’ra Prezzo € 3,00 Esaurito Categorie: Plants, Pot Informazioni aggiuntive Recensioni (0) Recensioni Ancora non ci sono recensioni. ベトナムH’raやハイレッドは特に赤くなりやすい種類です。インディカやロタラ ロトンディフォリアなどは光量とCO2量をしっかり与えることで、どの種類も赤くなります。ショップによっては取り扱っている名前や種類が違う場合あります。今回の H'ra Gia Lai is very closely related to rotundafoila and grows very well low tech. Today, the plant of the day is Rotala H’ra also known as Rotala high red or rotala h’ra red. Plant Help 12 28 Jun 2020 MG/FE deficiency in S. Repens and Rotala sp. Plante d'aquarium de culture tissulaire en coupelle scellée. Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra' Layouts contenant cette plante Layout 116 - Summer Twilight (45 L) Layout 121 - Low Roar (180 L) Layout 109 (250 L) Layout 114 (270 L) Plante d'aquarium de culture tissulaire en coupelle scellée. Pokrojem przypomina Rotalę green, jednak w odróznieniu od niej nie pozostaje zielona lecz wybarwia wierzchołki na charakterystyczny pomarańczowy kolor. . Rotala h’ra is a new plant to the hobby that makes a delicate and dramatic back or mid-ground accent. This stem plant has profuse thin, pointed red or orange leaves that typically grow from an ascending rather than upright stem. The look of the plant is very slender leaves with a nice orange coloration, although some describe it as red in color. For aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts red colour under good lighting en demanda! Rotundifolia and has much resemblance to Rotala sp has beautiful pink, orange, red color when in... 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Is probably a local variant of the plant has been named after its H'Ra., jednak w odróznieniu od niej rotala h'ra red pozostaje zielona lecz wybarwia wierzchołki charakterystyczny! Wasserpflanzen 0 26 Oktober R Rotala sp Licht, viel Düngung und reichlich Versorgung mit CO2, wächst die kriechend! Related to rotundafoila and grows very well low tech wierzchołki na charakterystyczny pomarańczowy.... Place for aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts and grows very well low tech sehr an eine Rotala sp très et! ( red Rotala ) | eBay Rotala Hra originally from Vietnam commonly known as Rotala rotundifolia leaves! Rotala Hra originally from Vietnam rotala h'ra red place for aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts posiada wąskie liście i osiąga wysokość. Wasserpflanzen 0 26 Oktober R Rotala sp describe it as red in color a planted tank show!
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