DeckTin - Yu-Gi-Oh! 10:03. This is the first edition of Renren’s Rarity Research, let’s dive right in! I think the most interesting thing about Trickstar right now is just where you can splash Candina and Reincarnation. That is a total of 5400damage when your opponent’s turn begins, leaving them with 2600 Lifepoints. Trickstar players will activate Trickstar Reincarnation or Disturbance Strategy after a search or draw effect resolves, then chain Droll & Lock Bird. My opponent banishes 6 cards and draws 6 cards. Overall, I think it's a really fun deck to play and it can perform better than people are expecting because they have no cards on side deck to counter your plays. Nyhmnim 8,197 views. Remember that Lycoris can dodge negates like veiler allowing your Candina to resolve. I also like the options with true dracos, Candina and reincarnation serve as a balance point for the dino matchup (banishing searches from oviraptor or chaining to Lithosaygm effect). In PvP when the combo is used against me, it seems to work just fine. Trickstar Candina X2. Trickstar Lycoris X3. 48 FREE Shipping Trickstar Reincarnation - BLRR-EN105 - Secret Rare 1st Edition is a Yugioh Single Card from the Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge Singles Yugioh set. Droll & Lock Bird's effect comes first in the chain, therefore it will stop them from searching/drawing anymore this turn, and the Trickstar Reincarnation will set off next, making them banish their entire hand without being able to draw after since Droll & Lock Bird's effect is active. Trickstar Light Stage Dragonic Diagram Union Hangar Divine Wind of Mist Valley Mystic Mine Infernity Launcher Brilliant Fusion Gateway of the Six Zoodiac Barrage Trickstar Reincarnation â ¦ Overall it's a decent budget Trickstar deck, but I would throw in a couple scapegoats, gofu, decode, link spiders, and also other cheap ED monsters for Eater fodder. Yu-Gi-Oh Customizable Trickstar Reincarnation Playmat - Trickstar Candina Playmat, TCG Playmat, Mouse Pad & Table Mat Size 23.7/8" x 13.1/2" $18.48 $ 18 . Star and Marco attend the birthday party of Marco's karate sensei, where he and the party guests are expecting a performance given by a famous stage magician named Preston Change-O. Find great deals on eBay for trickstar reincarnation and trickstar corobane. Terraforming. Lilybell can be summoned when bounce to hand by lycoris what allows you to push 1600 damage and recycle 2 cards. Banishing your opponent's entire and your opponent drawing the same number of cards do not happen simultaneously. (Revealing this card in the hand is the cost to activate this effect. Trickstar Black Catbat. When playing against Eldlich your goal is to banish all 3 golden lords. Trickstar Lycoris hits for 1200 burn damage if you draw three cards, and Trickstar Light Stage stacks on an extra 200. That target's ATK becomes half its current ATK until the end of this turn, also it can attack directly this turn. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. Lightray Daedalus. Secret Rares are usually the talk of the town for a majority of players. More Buying Choices $6.19 (15 used & new offers) Ages: 12 years and up. Mirror Force X2. The most important decisions are the non engine cards and how they relate to the new meta game. Shop with confidence. happened to me like 7 times today already and it happens so often too. As low as: $0.04. It has been working the same way for years. Try Prime All You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Trickstar" monster in your GY, Special Summon it. Raging Trickstar トリックスター・サディズム Romaji Torikkusutā Sadizumu Translated Trickstar Sadism Creator XBrain130 Card type Spell Card Property Quick-Play LoreIf your attacking "Trickstar " monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Inflict … Gold Sarcophagus (12) Traps: Trickstar Reincarnation X3. Necroface X2. Trickstar Bloom. Furthermore it even has a grave effect that can help revive your Trickstars from the Graveyard that can help with it’s burn strategy, or just be combined with a deck such as True Draco that can make use of the Trickstars as tribute fodder. A: If the number of cards remaining in your opponent's Deck is less than the number of cards in your opponent's hand, your opponent cannot draw the same number of cards that would be banished from their hand, so you cannot activate "Trickstar Reincarnation". Next during the Standby Phase, I activate my facedown Trickstar Reincarnation. Honest can be unfortunate sometimes but you will run out of resources earlier so you need a bit of extra damage to push for game faster. Your strong cards here are Crackdown and Reincarnation. There's nothing really new that this format promotes to the deck and because we don't have tournaments i'm going to explain how this deck is intended to work against the most played decks of the internet meta. This effect cannot be activated during the Damage Step.). Property: Text: Banish your opponent's entire hand, and if you do, they draw the same number of cards. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Against Adamatia you have hand traps like Ash, Veiler and Imperm to slow them down, but while an Ash on Granite can stop their turn sometimes normally it won't happen that way. This card can be paired up with " Droll & Lock Bird " or " Protector of the Sanctuary " (Only if "Protector of the Sanctuary" is Special Summoned or "Droll & Lock Bird" is activated in response to "Trickstar Reincarnation") in order to hinder your opponent from drawing more cards. i guess its not technically a ftk but no way im winning with 1 card vs their full field and set up. The chance of banishing an important piece to the Scapegoat Combo is 90%. I mentioned the Droll & Lock Brid combo yesterday, but still this can be disruptive and annoying for the opponent. TCG Advanced TCG …, This card's effect that banishes your opponent's entire hand and has them draw the same number of cards is the effect applied when this card's activation resolves. Terraforming X2. This card's effect that Special Summons a targeted "Trickstar" monster from your Graveyard activates in the Graveyard and starts a Chain. Gren Maju Da Eiza. | Trickstar Reincarnation - Duration: 10:03. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Trickstar" monster in your GY; Special Summon it. nice deck, 1 recommendation though: you can run a toon cyber dragon with toon table of contents to increase the chance of getting it, thus making the megafleet engine more reliable. Finally some people run Extravagance over Desires, but i don't think that's a good idea. Strategic Summary: While the Trickstar have a variety of plays at their disposal in the Extra Deck toolbox to unleash ridiculous amounts of burn damage, it is their combination with Dark Room of Nightmare that can result in absurd swings of damage, sometimes even on the first turn! Maximum Gold. For each of the 6 times my opponent draws, Lycoris will deal 200 damage 6 times, then Light Stage will deal 200 damage 6 times for the 6 times Lycoris inflicted damage, then DRoN will deal 300 damage 12 times for both Lycoris and Light Stage inflicting damage … But as his audience applauds, he appears to subtly dr… Banish Chimeratech and your Cyber Dragon is dead, Banish Borreload or Ningirsu and you don't have an out to certain cards. Either with Call by the Grave or Reincarnation. Their theme color is orange (#FF8B0B). Trickstar Reincarnation. 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack. OTS Tournament Pack 1. TCG sets OCG sets Card search categories Other card information Gallery Rulings Errata Tips Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names External links Yugioh-Card card database: 13107 ()YuGiOh Prices Trickstar Reincarnation | Yu-Gi-Oh! You can side in Sphere Mode, Nibiru and Summon limit to have a much more solid chance to win the second game. Banishing the hole hand can hurt a lot because the deck need a lot of engine cards in multiple copies. 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack. It doesn't start a chain so that's nothing to negate. Reincarnation on a six-card hand with two Lycoris and Light Stage on the field burns for a total of 2800 Life Points. 3 Trickstar Light Stage 1 Terraforming 1 Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor 1 Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones 1 Sky Striker Maneuver – Jamming Waves! Today we’ll be looking at cards that flopped in most levels of play and are generally undesirable. 2 Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! Trickstar Reincarnation: Trap Normal Banish your opponent's entire hand, and if you do, they draw the same number of cards. As low as: $0.20. Rarity Research 01, I Really Hate the January 2021 OCG Limit Regulations, Ally of Justice: Discover New Ways to Work with Unfavored Archetypes. While Extravagance will 100% banish your Extra Deck cards so you can't rely on them when needed. - COTD-JP068 - Yugioh! the ftk with droll lock and trickstar reincarnation(idk which order they do it but it just empties my hand completly). There are some exceptions to the rule of course, as a few of these cards are still expensive. Prohibition and Evenly Matched can very much win the game, or at least change for a Judgment or a Golden Land Forever! I'm not using Solemns because Lightning Storm is really popular this format and you don't want to set a lot of backrow. The win condition is take control of the game with hand traps and do your basic Trickstar plays. Let's go through the basic steps and then explain. You have a 50% chance of drawing a starter turn 1 while you have a 0.1% of banishing all of them with desires and a 2.9% chance of banishing all Lycoris or all Reincarnation. Trickstar Reincarnation is a Trap that when activated, makes your opponent banish their entire hand and draw cards equal to the cards banished. (It does not target, also it cannot be activated during the Damage Step.). Step 2: Immediately after the card is added, activate Trickstar Reincarnation. Step 1: Opponent adds card (s) from Deck to hand outside of their Draw Phase. As Preston makes a flashy entrance through the cooking grill, he starts entertaining the party guests with his tricks. 2 Scapegoat 1 Harpie’s Feather Duster 1 Monster Reborn. Take their rocks before they can summon more monsters can end the turn. Droll & Lock Bird not chaining to Trickstar Reincarnation - posted in Help Section: In the dueling-robot, I dont get promped to chain Droll to Reincarnation and cannot do it manually. Everything Wrong with Yugioh GX Season 2 - Duration: 20:33. 1 Sky Striker Maneuver – Afterburners! Going first you can Called by the Grave Block Dragon to avoid them to have follow up but is the type of card you will side out once it doesn't mean a threat to your opponent first turn. Honest X3 (19) Spells: Pot of Desires X3. yugioh trickstar - Yu-Gi-Oh! Trickstar overflows with a calming energy and genuine character, so their work in media focuses on appearing in variety shows, hosting official events, acting as radio personalities, and being the face of advertising campaigns in commercials. Trickstar Reincarnation. As low as: $0.05. This is either from collectors due to their value or players for their meta relevance. OCG Rulings This card's effect, that Special Summons itself and returns another "Trickstar" monster you control to the hand, is a Quick Effect that activates in the hand. which puts you in an advantageous  position once this deck can burn for 4000 much quicker and he will not be able to negate your cards. I think darklords are a decent pick. So, i don't recommend using Chain Summoning, this is not an FTK deck and that card is just a brick in most cases. Target 1 "Trickstar" monster you control; apply 1 of these effects. Star initially believes that Preston is a practitioner of actualmagic, but Marco explains that Preston is just an entertainer who does magic tricks. Android Deck Building Application, Secret Rares that Flopped! Trickstar Lightstage X3. The Cyber Dragon 1 card engine is really good to out your opponent's Apollousa and gives you a 2400 body. This effect cannot be activated during the Damage Step.) Trickstar is affiliated with Star Maker Production. Trickstar Bella Madonna. While Extravagance will 100% banish your Extra Deck cards so you can't rely on them when needed. That target's ATK becomes double its current ATK until the end of this turn, but it cannot attack directly this turn. Trickstar Reincarnation Trap Normal (1) Banish as many cards from your opponent’s hand as possible, and if they do, they draw the same amount of cards from their Deck. When building a control deck that's based on a popular engine i feel like there's no sense on explaining how the engine works. This play defers from the previous one by prioritising the summon of Trickstar Lycorissica over the search and activation of the second copy of Trickstar Reincarnation. Trickstar Reincarnation is an absolute beast of a card in here - esp against True Kings For Trickstar Reincarnation will allow you to disrupt your opponent’s plays easily by banishing your opponent’s entire hand and making them draw new cards. Trickstar Reincarnation triggers a total of [6 x 200 (+200)] x 3 = 4200damage. (It targets 1 "Trickstar" monster in your Graveyard. Banishing this card is the cost to activate this effect. Trickstar Reincarnation can be easily searched to hand, can disrupt your opponent’s plays and even has the potential to clear out their entire hand. There are a lot of Specific cards like Trisbanea that you would just use against backrow decks, but it doesn't mean they are not important. Step 3: Chain Droll & Lock Bird to the activation of Reincarnation. Ive tried all the different chain settings available (or I must have overlooked one) yet to no avail. While by no means i would affirm Trickstars can compete with meta decks, once this format is almost dominated by Adamatia and Eldlich there is always room for control decks to show their grace. So let's say you start with 5 cards. Enemy Controler and Crackdown are really good to bait your opponent's traps and take the Golden Lord so that his traps second effects are dead. This Card SHOULD NOT Still Be At 3!! Trickstar Narkiss. The deck also doesn't have a lot of cards on the field, so Evenly Matched doesn't do a lot against it. Dark Room of Nightmare X3. Even Going First Called by the Grave can negate Ash or other hand traps that bothers you. This logic apply to all the combo decks that the new master rule made possible. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Trickstar" monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You have a 50% chance of drawing a starter turn 1 while you have a 0.1% of banishing all of them with desires and a 2.9% chance of banishing all Lycoris or all Reincarnation. (2) You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 “Trickstar” monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. This is a . This page was last edited on 13 September 2020, at 17:33. 2018 Mega Tins Mega Pack. Tournament Eligibility. Skip to main content. Summon Candina to add Light Stage, get Lycoris. Scapegoat, Bouquet and Enemy Controller are also there to help you finishing the game. The Extra Deck cards are indeed not that much used but don't think they are not important. Burning out a full … $1.00 shipping. Almost all our backrow is chainable and you can go second and rely on hand traps dodging Storm. This card's effect that Special Summons the targeted monster can be activated the turn this card is sent to the Graveyard. Trickstar Lily Bell. Yugioh began back in the mid 90's as a weekly short in Shonen Jump by 1999 the TCG game had launched in Japan. Banish your opponent's entire hand, and if you do, they draw the same number of cards. Does n't have a much more solid chance to win the second game against it much... ( 19 ) Spells: Pot of Desires X3 years and up still this can be disruptive and annoying the! Leaving them with 2600 Lifepoints 2600 Lifepoints Trap Normal banish your Extra Deck cards are not... A six-card hand with two Lycoris and Light Stage, get Lycoris hand. Ages: 12 years and up monsters can end the turn this card from GY. To certain cards Preston makes a flashy entrance through the cooking grill, he appears subtly! 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