What could be a simple procedure for a healthy rabbit is often riddled with complications as doctors try to manage a precise surgery with layers of fat in the way. First, you might be wondering how to know if your rabbit is fat. While you limit their pellets, you want to make sure they have access to unlimited grass-based hay (such as timothy hay). Establish a “target” weight prior to breeding according to the specific breed standards of your rabbit for greatest success. Fat accumulation in the body can also put a lot of pressure on a rabbit’s lungs, making it more difficult for them to breathe. This will often cause the elderly rabbit to be reluctant to move around. Weight loss may lead to a decreased muscle mass, which is usually a result of inadequate experience due to reduced mobility, pain when trying to move, lethargy, or simply because you kept the rabbit in its cage for a long time. A rabbit’s heart is relatively small compared to the size of their body, so adding extra weight can but a lot of stress on the heart and cardiovascular system. Or maybe their daily dry food has those colorful fruity bits in the mix. The main cause of obesity in rabbits is an unhealthy diet. Always give it fresh and clean water every day. Meredith, A. The easiest way to tell if the ribs stick out too much (if they are too prominent it means your rabbit is underweight) is to compare feeling your rabbit's ribs to your closed fist. Bunnies are quite easy to keep active and healthy. Weight gain in rabbits can be caused by: Diet and exercise. What to feed an underweight rabbit? If these bones are difficult to find because of a thick layer of fat, then you need to help your rabbit lose weight. Rabbits can’t fast, especially when they are injured or ill. A sudden stop to eat or reduced amounts of fecal pellets will mean there’s something wrong. Beans, cauliflower, cabbage, and potatoes may cause problems and should be avoided. While the exact cause of these conditions is not understood, having an appropriate diet and exercising daily are the main ways to prevent your rabbit from developing them. It is usually caused when a rabbit suddenly becomes anorexic and stops eating (a common symptom of many rabbit illnesses). This article brings you the 3 best rabbit foods for weight gain along with a weight gain guide for your rabbit. It is common for people to feed their rabbit’s too many treats (because they are just so cute when they beg), or give them a diet high in pellets and low in the essential, fiber-dense hay. When you get a buddy for your pet, you will soon find the lonely one getting more and more active that facilitates increased exercise. An overweight rabbit will have a rounded butt and chest with sagging folds of fat. As anorexia is often caused by pain you may notice your rabbit showing other signs such as hunching, refusing to move or increased respiration. You can help your rabbit lose weight and become a happy and healthy bunny again. Fat rabbits are often lethargic, and are susceptible to heart, liver, and kidney disease. (2012) Is obesity a problem in pet rabbits?Veterinary Record 171, 192-193. All rabbits have a risk of becoming obese if they have a poor diet or sedentary lifestyle, but there are some that have a greater risk than others. Courcier, EA., Mellor, DJ., Pendlebury, E., Evans, C., Yam, PS. There are many reasons a rabbit may be underweight. The arthritis tends to be especially bad in joints that work to support the weight of the rabbit, such as in the feet and knees. During this time you want to monitor your rabbit and watch for any rapid weight loss or refusal to eat. This is, of course, more of a problem for pet rabbits because it puts these gentle giants at a higher risk of becoming overweight and obese. A diet rich in fiber decreases dental and other related health issues. They won’t be able to reach over all the folds of fat, and might start to get feces stuck to their butt, or urine scald on the skin around their bottom and hind legs. Make a fist with your hand and then feel the knuckles. Causes. A proper diet plus other important factors to consider are very important. Some of these arise from physical limitations of overweight animals such as joint issues, reduced activity, and difficulty grooming. Rabbits must have a well-balanced diet that consists of grass hay provided to them in limitless amounts. Underweight rabbit? You also want to change your rabbits diet so that they will be eating more hay and less pellets. Generally I've advised more pellets and alfafa hay in addition to the timothy hay. If it is fed too many treats or snacks during the day and not allowed to exercise it off, then it is sure to become obese. Make sure you give your rabbit enough time to exercise every day. The same reasons that you shouldn’t feed your healthy rabbit oats and oatmeal are the exact factors that help an underweight rabbit. Reducing stress as much as possible is crucial for bunnies, especially for the underweight ones. “Liver (Hepatic) Disease in Rabbits.”. Underweight rabbits may be physically incapable of breeding successfully. The same goes for our pets. It happens due to diseases, including gastrointestinal, dental, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, metabolic, and cancer. The causes for obesity in rabbits include being caged too often, along with excessive feeding habits. “High dietary fat and the development of osteoarthritis in a rabbit model.”. These foods are high in sugar that can lead to obesity, especially if given in excessive amounts. Hepatic lipidosis can also be a concern. Amy Pratt is a lifelong rabbit owner who has been specializing with rabbits at the Humane Rescue Alliance. “Practical Nutrition.”, Mead, Marie. But some rabbits suffer from malnourishment early in life. Heart disease is difficult to detect in rabbits until it reaches an advanced stage. Hay that is green and leafy (as opposed to golden) will have the highest protein/fat values; second cut grass hay is usually higher than first cut. In the end my sweet bun was able to shed the weight and lived to be 13 years old. Obese rabbits put a lot of extra weight on this area, which causes blisters or sores to develop. This is much more common in obese rabbits than in rabbits at a healthy weight. Some dwarf breeds are more prone to obesity because their small size makes it easy for them to overeat. They should be proportional. The signs of malnutrition in bunnies may vary from case to case. It is much more likely for an overweight rabbit to suffer from digestive conditions than rabbits at a healthy weight. Here are some things to consider before breeding your female rabbit: Underweight or overweight-If she’s overweight, birthing can be difficult. While diet and lifestyle are the most frequent causes of obesity in rabbits, there may be other conditions that have contributed to the weight gain. Similarly, if a female rabbit’s dewlap becomes extra large, especially if they have been spayed, this is an indication that your rabbit may be overweight. The rabbit will end up sitting in their urine for long periods of time, causing a skin rash and irritation. Poopy butt puts rabbits at an increased risk of being the target of fly strike. If you feel your pet is in this situation right now, then this post will help you face the issue and get it solved starting today. Do something if you notice the other is not getting enough food because the dominant rabbit prevents it from eating well. To make the correct diagnosis, you should have your doctor examine your rabbit. You can give the outside of the cauliflower, broccoli stalk etc as treats. Causes. Without intervention, gastrointestinal hypomotility can result in GI stasis. A couple ways to help rabbits gain weight are the following: Increase portion of daily pellets or free-feed if necessary. I put my rabbit’s pellets into a ball that she rolls around to get at the pellets inside. In general, the head is not an area of the rabbit that puts on a lot of fat when they gain weight. If you need to put pressure on your rabbit’s chest in order to feel their ribs through the fat, that’s an indication that your rabbit is overweight. If this is a problem you are facing, then check out my article on picky rabbits, which is full of ideas to convince your rabbit to eat their hay. If your rabbit is a long haired rabbit, this will not be an accurate way of determining if your rabbit is too fat. The same for decreased calorie intake. It also includes bagged rabbit treats. Your email address will not be published. Barn dried grass such as Readigrass is both palatable and slightly higher in nutritional value than standard hay. Required fields are marked *. There are many layers of visible fat, and the stomach sags. A rough and unclean surface can be a contributing factor, but the primary cause of this condition is the weight of the rabbit’s body on its hock and feet. A very thin fat layer. Likewise, they might help in preventing hairball issues. I would suggest if she feels bony you should get her checked out by the vet as their back teeth can get over grown and cause them not to eat so well. Understand the risks your rabbit can face if it is overweight. Weight Gain Diet for Underweight Rabbits. Long fur can easily cover a healthy rabbit and make them appear to be obese, even when they are not. Henn,E.I. House Rabbit Society, Sandi Ackerman, The Perils of Bunny Obesity; PetEducation.com, Obesity-Related Health Problems in Rabbits; Underweight rabbits. My old bun, Tenshi, became a very obese bunny by the time she was middle aged. The resulting BMI number indicates where you are on a scale of underweight to obese. Moreover, you must pay attention to your pet’s water intake. Some of the common causes of being underweight includes improper nutrition, intensive physical exercise, heredity issues, chronic illness, side effects of medications, physiological issues. When giving a treat to your pet, consider providing it only in smaller amounts. Rabbits are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active during the dawn and dusk hours of the day. You will want to feed your rabbit over to a healthier pellet mix. The primary cause of obesity in rabbits, especially pet is poor diet and lack of exercise. Putting hay bins or litter boxes in different locations all over the house may encourage your pet to be more active. When you 2 or more rabbits, the dominant one might guard the foods and prevent the other from eating. My shelter occasionally gets in rabbits that are super thin, sometimes bordering on emaciated. The goal is to help your rabbit steadily lose a little weight at a time until they have reached their ideal weight. Natural ways to gain weight includes eating right, getting … Bread is really not good for bunnies and really should never be fed. Also, they must contain 14 to 17 percent protein and fiber of between 12 to 24 percent. The same for decreased calorie intake. The rabbit will frequently feel easier to move when a rug or any other soft but heavy material is on the smooth floor like tile or wood. On the other hand, if you can feel their ribcages, that means they are underweight. It happens due to diseases, including gastrointestinal, dental, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, metabolic, and cancer. This makes it a hard task to help obese, elderly rabbits lose their excess weight. Dry Food. Diagnosis. Depending on how you buy your hay you may find that nutritional information is displayed on the packaging as it is for pellets. Some rabbits suffer from malnourishment early in their life; parasites can result in weight loss. Alfalfa is also a good way to increase protein levels whilst still providing plenty of fibre. Hay that is green and leafy (as opposed to golden) will have the highest protein/fat values; second cut grass hay is usually higher than first cut. Overweight rabbits may not show any interest in mating and can have a hard time becoming pregnant if mating does occur. While the ideal enclosure size will vary based on the size of your rabbit, for an average sized, five pound rabbit, you’ll want an enclosure size of at least 4ft by 2ft. ). When the eggs hatch, the maggots will begin eating through the rabbits skin. You don’t want to give your rabbit a new food all at once because that can shock your rabbit’s digestive system, so take 3-4 weeks to slowly transition your rabbit from their old, unhealthy food, to the new one. You can also compare the size of your rabbit’s head compared to the size of your rabbits body. Proper nutrition and adequate water intake are keys to help your rabbit grow healthily and actively. Overweight rabbits may not show any interest in mating and can have a hard time becoming pregnant if mating does occur. Underweight rabbit? Avoid all types of sugars, seeds, fruits, nuts, cookies, table scraps, and commercial treats for rabbits. In most cases, the obvious signs are: Being attentive to probable weight loss will help you protect your pet against severe problems. When rabbits are injured or ill, veterinarians will suggest a home care plan. This article brings you the 3 best rabbit foods for weight gain along with a weight gain guide for your rabbit. Urine scalding is a skin irritation that occurs on a rabbit’s bottom and legs when a rabbit cannot fully clean the urine off. You can test if your rabbit is obese by feeling for their ribs, spine and hips. The most effective way of increasing your rabbits weight is by adjusting its diet. UNDERWEIGHT RABBITS. In order to do this effectively, you’ll need to find the best weight gain food for your rabbit. Because of significant differences we can find between breeds of rabbits, there is no BMI that we can measure to determine if our rabbits are overweight. When your bunny becomes anxious due to the activity next to the feeding area like barking dogs, active kids, and something else that produces loud noises, your bunny will refuse to eat as it feels disturbed. Accessed at: https://veterinaryrecord.bmj.com/content/171/8/192.short. Possible Causes of Underweight Dogs. e.g. So be sure to introduce them in a neutral area and see if they are a compatible pair first. Free-choice or overfeeding of pellets is one of the primary causes of obesity in rabbits. For example, the animal's body may start using lean muscle for energy in order to carry out its daily functions. The extra weight that obese rabbits carry can end up putting a lot of stress on their feet. Before making any changes to your rabbit’s diet, you should consult your rabbit savvy vet for advice. Leafy hay, such as alfalfa does not encourage GI motility. Bread is really not good for bunnies and really should never be fed. But in reality, healthy babies come in all shapes and sizes. Anorexia in rabbits is a symptom of an underlying condition, the most common causes are dental disease and gastrointestinal disorders. Overweight rabbits may breathe or pant more heavily than healthy rabbits. The pellets that the rabbit receives on a daily basis should be a plain timothy based mix, no extra fruity pieces! Many rabbits are kept in cages that are too small for them, and are given very little time out to exercise and socialize. Iceberg lettuce has almost no nutritional value so should be avoided. Type 1 diabetes is commonly diagnosed in children. Professionals will use the Body Condition Scoring (BCS) chart to determine if a pet is obese or underweight. Rabbit enclosures should be large enough for a rabbit to make three full hops along the length of the cage. Over time this poop ends up forming into a ball attached to the bottom of the rabbits butt. Accessed at: https://veterinaryrecord.bmj.com/content/171/8/197.2.short. Causes of obesity in rabbits. But excess greens lead to weight loss, not weight gain. If it looks like the rabbit has a noticeably small head on a large body, this is an indication that they are overweight. If you need help, don’t hesitate to consult a veterinarian. These mushy droppings get stuck to the rabbits bottom. Eventually the area will begin to bald and lose fur, and it’s possible that an infection can result from the urine scalding. https://www.petmd.com/rabbit/conditions/digestive/c_rb_cachexia Problems associated with obesity run far deeper than just carrying around a little extra weight. There should not be a significant weight loss for a rabbit in the summer. The first thing to do is check your rabbit’s profile. Rabbits breathe much faster than humans do. Crisco,M.G. Surgery is exponentially more difficult to perform on an overweight rabbit. Infectious diseases, particularly the ones associated with the upper respiratory system, making it hard for the rabbit to smell foods that contribute to reduced appetite. Rabbits are social creatures and can easily get lonely and depressed. Alfalfa hay is not recommended for most adult house rabbits, as it is too high in calcium content and calories, but can be offered free choice to young, pregnant or underweight rabbits. Rabbit's digestive systems are very efficient at squeezing every last bit of nutrition out of their food so a rabbit generally only becomes underweight if there is an underlying medical condition causing the problem. You can also have climbing areas inside their enclosure and other fun toys to encourage more movement. If you don’t have enough time to spend with your rabbit, you should consider finding them a partner rabbit to bond with. For instance, when an underweight rabbit eats slowly, this might be important to provide the animal uninterrupted feeding period apart from kids and other animals. These can be signs of more serious conditions, such as fatty liver disease, and should be treated as an emergency. Often times they're strays found foraging around that someone let loose. A sudden dietary change or giving too many treats can lead to problems. The veterinarian will be able to rule out a possible pregnancy in an unspayed female rabbit. These foods are widely available, so you should never forget to include them in the daily food intake of your pet. There are other risk factors “associated with this problem are … But the primary reasons are the ones discussed by Dr. Susan Brown: The most common reason for weight loss is decreased appetite and, thus, a reduced intake of calories. Important: As an Amazon Associate and an associate to other companies I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. If you’re looking for a DIY option, you can use some toilet paper rolls and hide food inside of them. Likely there will be a loss of muscle mass and there may be concave areas around the rabbits behind. Hence, grass hay should be provided in multiple sections so that all rabbits have easy access to food. However much your rabbit may beg, for the time being you should stop giving them any special treats. If you notice sores on your rabbits heels, you may need to provide them with softer flooring (wire cages are particularly bad for rabbit feet), and rub vaseline on their hocks to help them heal. It is common for people to feed their rabbit’s too many treats (because they are just so cute when they beg), or give them a diet high in pellets and low in the essential, fiber-dense hay. A good-quality rabbit diet must be available at the local store. It is a very uncomfortable condition for rabbits, who generally prefer to remain clean. This will be especially noticeable in small and medium sized rabbits, and in rabbits that have a more elegant and arched body shape. This occurs when excess calcium forms hardened stones or sand-like sludge in the bladder, making it difficult and painful for the rabbit to urinate. Alternatively, you can sprinkle your rabbits pellets on their hay so that they will be more active in finding the pellets, and they will be encouraged to eat more hay. Below are some of the causes of why a rabbit is losing weight: 1. Normally rabbits would easily be able to keep themselves clean, but obese rabbits will often have trouble reaching around their fat to clean up the poop that is stuck to their fur. Asked for a longer treatment with meloxicam, and vet says that meloxicam can cause … However, malnutrition in rabbits can occur due to a multitude of reasons. Signs of pain (sitting in a hunched position), Loud stomach gurgles, or no sound coming from the stomach at all, A.M. Brunner,C.M. Your email address will not be published. Look at them from the side and from above to see if they are visibly obese. The skin is right up against the bone with little fat or muscle in between. Over time the joints might become inflamed and cause painful arthritis. I use and recommend Oxbow’s Garden Select rabbit food. Adult rabbits: Adult rabbits sometimes face a big challenge as they reduced activity and perhaps due to painful arthritis can cause lose weight. When you take your pet out of the cage, make sure it gets enough time to be active. It will look like your rabbit has a double chin. Obesity is dangerous for our rabbits because of the many health problems that can result from the extra weight. However, the rabbits must be stimulated to consume grass hay, too. If not, these health issues involve the accumulation of toxins within the body, which affect the vital organs, especially the brain. A rabbit savvy vet will also be able to check for any underlying diseases. Some bunnies tend to be very territorial and will attack other rabbits who enter their area. Also known as Hepatic Lipidosis, fatty liver disease happens when fat accumulates in the liver. A dewlap is a pocket of fatty tissue underneath a rabbit’s chin. Drewniak,A. Obese rabbits are also more sedentary, which discourages the movement of food through the digestive system. What appears to be very fast breathing, may just be the normal respiratory rate of your rabbit. I would suggest if she feels bony you should get her checked out by the vet as their back teeth can get over grown and cause them not to eat so well. Decreased appetite is the leading reason for weight loss in bunnies. (9 Posts) Add message | Report. As anorexia is often caused by pain you may notice your rabbit showing other signs such as hunching, refusing to move or increased respiration. If you cannot feel the ribs at all, or if it is very difficult, that is an indication that your rabbit is obese. Their appetite will naturally start to wane as they move around less. They may suffer from chronic diarrhea, heat stress in hot weather, splayed legs, and arthritis in later years. Thus causing them to be even more reluctant to move than before, and worsening the problem. As a rabbit becomes obese, they will start to have a lot of difficulty keeping themselves clean. If your pet is burning up more calories than usual (by living in a hot environment, exercising more, or becoming excited over nearby female in heat), eating a new food that may not be as digestible or eating less food(and therefore fewer calories), it can lose weight. Rather than giving your rabbit a whole bowl full of their pellets, limit them to ¼ cup a day (or about 1 tablespoon per pound of your rabbit’s ideal weight). The heel of a rabbit’s foot is called a hock, and it is very much like a human’s elbow. While it is okay to give your rabbit the occasional treat, you want to avoid giving them more than a tablespoon in a day. Decreased appetite is the leading reason for weight loss in bunnies. Even if their diet has changed, a sedentary rabbit in a small cage is likely to have many of the same health problems. There are some other considerations. A bumblefoot can be really painful for your pet and challenging to treat. This is a gross and deadly condition where a fly will lay eggs on the rabbit, preferring areas that are dirty. Rhubarb should also be avoided (toxicity). Most cages sold in pet stores and many sold online, are much too small for rabbits. Leaving the enclosure open for many hours at a time will give the rabbit a chance to come out and exercise, even if they don’t feel like being active when you first open the cage door. If you’re considering breeding your female rabbit, be sure she’s in good health. There is a healthy layer of fat, but no bulging areas. Exercise is particularly important, as it will get the juices flowing through the rabbits body, encouraging them to drink and urinate more frequently. Aside from the underlying health problems, it is necessary to search for the factors which may be contributing to the eating behavior of rabbits. Observe their actions when it comes to food. Animalfactors — Some rabbits refuse to eat hay or other foods in coarse, indigestible fiber. You will also want to make sure your rabbit is getting enough attention. My vet prescribed meloxicam .7ml once per day for 2 weeks for sore hocks. With the exception of some larger breeds of rabbits, males will not usually form dewlaps. Fresh Foods. It's often fed to young rabbits but is also good for putti… Underweight rabbits may be physically incapable of breeding successfully. Many of those conditions include pain that makes it hard for a rabbit to eat. Continuously giving them will only result in unhealthy weight loss. Causes of underweight in bunnies Reduced food intake and decreased appetite, often occasioned by a medical condition or such as a dental, cardiovascular, liver, pancreas or kidney disease, arthritis, cancer among others. Dewlaps are common among female rabbits, who develop them to get more nesting material. close topic reply to this topic. Giving the rabbit 3 to 4 hours of exercise is ideal, but at least 1 to 2 hours a day is necessary for their health. Overweight and Underweight Rabbits This article discusses two of the more common liver diseases in rabbits: hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver) and toxic liver damage. Be especially noticeable in small and medium sized rabbits, and live in enclosures that are used it. For rabbits, you want to make the correct diagnosis, you can test if rabbit... Is much more serious condition as well definitely last longer, requiring more anesthesia time to exercise socialize! Forget to include them in limitless amounts sore hocks deteriorated again you might be wondering how know... Especially noticeable in small and medium sized rabbits, and in rabbits can be felt, but are rounded not. They may require specific amounts of high-quality pellets and alfafa hay in addition to the rabbits are social creatures can! 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