ticket enkele ticket, geldig voor Metro of 75 min. Tickets naar Rome. Deze laatste rijdt over een deel van de andere twee lijnen. The Roma Pass can be purchased at all participating museums, tourist information counters and certain metro stations in Rome. Virginia Raggi, the mayor of Rome, ... Those cents can be accrued on the metro app until they hit the price of a metro ticket, which is currently €1.50. The main way to do this is to try to reduce the cost of the admissions tickets to the city’s museums and top attractions. Metro tickets Rome: how much do they cost? Note that there are differences in routes for weekends and evenings. For that reason it is not available everywhere, but you should find it at tourist information centers. These tickets are valid for time duration of 100 minutes after the first validation, and allow multiple transfers between buses, transfer between bus to metro and metro to metro. The price of the BIT is currently 1,50 euro and is valid for 100 minutes, which means that you may change lines. The Metro comprises three lines – A (orange), B (blue) and C (green) – which operate on 60 km (37 mi) of route, serving 73 stations. Geniet van een Segway tour of rijd mee met een bustour naar Pompeii of Florence. This website is property of Civitatis Tours SL. With the Rome City Pass with public transport you can use metro lines, as well as buses, trams, and trains within the inner city limits of Rome for free. Become part of the HelpTourists community on Facebook! Rome metro card - Public transportation - Transfer Ciampino - Infos- tickets. Wanneer vlieg jij naar Rome? PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TICKETS Biglietto semplice B.I.T. In order to move in the city of Rome there are many solutions provided by public transport that connect the different areas. Fares The pass must be validated on the first use. ... Ontvang 5% ledenvoordeel bij Ticketbar op tickets voor attracties zoals het Colosseum. As the name indicates, this Roma Pass is valid for 48 hours. For many City Passes , the use of public transport is already included! Rome metro map. The only transfer that is not allowed is to leave the metro and return (by the metro turnstiles), even if it’s in the 75 minutes of validity. Bus tickets and passes cannot be bought on the bus. ROME’S METRO TICKETS. They take euro bills and coins, but not credit cards even though many of them have a credit card slot. The weekly ticket CIS (Carta Integrata Settimanale) can be used for 7 days and is valid from the first validation until midnight on the 7th day. Rome metro card is 72 hours of unlimited transportation including: bus, tram, metro, urban trains and airport transfer from Ciampino airport. The Roma Pass has been conceived for tourists. Società con socio unico soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Roma Capitale - P. Iva 06341981006 - Cap. Facebook. Società con socio unico soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Roma Capitale - P. Iva 06341981006 - Cap. The BIT ticket lasts 75 minutes since its first validation and allows for unlimited transfers between the metro, buses, trams and urban trains. For more information on Rome public transports visit our website www.eyesofrome.com/articles Tips and Travel information to Rome: How do I get to Rome? Rome metro map. 72 hours of unlimited transportation including: bus, tram, metro, urban trains and airport transfer from Ciampino airport. euro 179.519.299,00 int. The day ticket in Rome is a 24-hour-ticket and becomes valid the first time you use it. It is also possible to change from the metro to the bus within the given time frame. 24-hour ticket - valid for unlimited metro, bus, and train travel within Rome for 24 hours from validation €7.00 48-hour ticket valid for unlimited metro, bus, and train travel within Rome for … The metro runs approximately every 7-10 minutes, from 5:30am until 11.30pm every day (until 0:30am on Saturdays). You want to visit all the highlights at your own speed? Just like day tickets, multi-day tickets are valid for the duration of the hours purchased. You want to visit all the highlights at your own speed? Your email address will not be published. Fast-track access with Tap&Go contactless payment on Rome metro. You can buy a 72 hr "ticket" for €18 (EACH) or a 10-BIT carnet for €14, but depending on where you are staying you might only need metro tickets for the Vatican: if you are staying anywhere near the centre, I would do the rest of Rome on foot. 72 hours of unlimited transportation including: bus, tram, metro, urban trains and airport transfer from Ciampino airport. In Rome, visitors can purchase different types of transport tickets and travel cards depending on the number of days they stay in the city and how often they plan on using the public transportation. For that reason it is not available everywhere, but you should find it at tourist information centers. Rome's mini electric-bus routes are particularly helpful for visitors going to many of the popular tourist sights. Thank you for your support! Hi, I’m Denise, welcome to HelpTourists Rome! Tickets are valid for buses, trams, trolleybuses, the Underground and the urban routes of Cotral regional buses. Boek gemakkelijk en snel tickets voor de Vaticaan en St. Pieters Basiliek. metro) and access to the Hop on Hop off bus for 1 day (27.00 €) or 3 days (39.00 €). So that you find the right ticket for your stay in Rome, I’m giving you here a short overview of all the metro tickets that are of interest to visitors. Find out about the rates and tips on how to avoid being swindled. That means if you’re in the center and it’s just after 11.30/1.30 you may still be able to catch your metro. You must have a ticket before getting on the bus otherwise you will get a fine. The three-day tourist pass (BTI) gives visitors unlimited use of the public transportation from the moment it is first validated and for the following two days. The cheap weekly ticket for Rome can now simply be bought online before the journey. If you spend several days in Rome, you should buy a multi-day ticket: you can choose from the Roma 48h and the Roma 72h. The Rome Metro (Italian: Metropolitana di Roma) is a rapid transit system that operates in Rome, Italy.It started operation in 1955, making it the oldest in the country. It has three lines in operation: line A, line B and line C. This article contains referral links. TIP: Several Rome tourist discount passes, such as the Roma Pass, include free transportation for 2 or 3 days. You don't need to purchase any other ticket and you can use the public transportation as often as you want within the validity period of your Rome City Pass. The 48h ticket costs 12,50 euro and the 72h ticket 18 euro. The one way ticket BIT (Biglietto Integrato a Tempo) is for those who use the metro or the bus occasionally to travel from A to B in Rome. B.I.T. Rome Metro Fares, Tickets and Cards. 18 Sep, 2019. Rome is a great city to explore with an excellent public transport system to help visitors get around and make the most of their holiday. They can also be used on regional railways such as Rome-Lido, Rome-Viterbo, Rome-Giardinetti and on Trenitalia regional trains (2nd class urban route). Ordinary tickets can be bought throughout the metro stations from vending machines or booths. Naar huis gaan zonder op het Piazza Navona te zijn geweest kan echt niet. Rome introduces contactless payment for ticket-free metro. Required fields are marked *. The future plan in Rome is to extend Line C to Piazza Venezia and the Colosseum. Tickets are valid for buses, trams, trolleybuses, the Underground and the urban routes of Cotral regional buses. Soc. C.I.S. Unfortunately, nowadays the Roman subway misses much of the city center and has a limited coverage. By Durant Imboden. Besides booking your flight and hotel in advance, there are many other ways of saving money in Rome. Every bottle returned gets citizens €0.05 off the price of their next journey. It runs an additional hour on Fridays and Saturdays. The Rome Metro is a rapid transit system in the capital of Italy, Rome. It is available for purchase at all selling points and offers (in addition to the metro card) free entry to two sights or archaeological sites in Rome. The metro station “Metropolitana” has been in operation since 1955. })(document, 'script', '//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js'); Rome Metro Tickets and prices for the metro in Rome. Tickets Metro Rome. this Rome public transportation tickets is exactly what you need! ATAC S.p.A. Azienda per la mobilità - Via Prenestina, 45 - 00176 Roma - Tel. This travel card costs € 24 (US$ 29.20). Tickets in the city of Rome are valid for all public transport, bus, train, tram and metro. CIS ticket (7-day use) A 7-day pass costs 24€, and is good for unlimited travel on the buses and metro in Rome from and including the day you validate it, until midnight of the 7th day. The Colosseum/Roman Forum, the Vatic… metro) and access to the Hop on Hop off bus for 1 day (27.00 €) or 3 days (39.00 €). ticket 3-daagse kaart voor metro, bus en trein binnen Rome kosten € 11,00. The ticket costs € 1.50 (US$ 1.80). : 06.46951 - Posta Elettronica Certificata: protocollo@cert2.atac.roma.it Codice destinatario ATAC fatturazione elettronica: ZXNLOHW (la quinta lettera è una O). Your email address will not be published. Single journey ticket which is valid for 100 minutes costs 1,50€. The price of the BIT is currently 1,50 euro and is valid for 100 minutes, which means that you may change lines. Shopping Tips for Rome: The best Shopping places in Rome! Dé tips voor Rome. There is also a way to buy tickets by SMS, but unless you have an Italian phone number, we do not recommend this option. Rome Metro Card: This popular combination ticket gives you unlimited access to public transport (incl. Commuters in Rome who recycle plastic bottles at metro stations can accumulate credits for the purchase of bus and metro tickets through the MyCicero and TabNet apps. The Roma Pass 72h costs 36 euro and is the common Roma Pass. Tickets zijn geldig in al het openbaar vervoer en gewoon te koop bij de kaartautomaten op de metrostations, de grotere bushaltes en een aantal bars of tabakswinkels. Bussen rijden frequent, maar zijn wel afhankelijk van Rome's (chaotische) verkeer. B.I.T standard ticket - valid for one metro ride or 100 minutes on all buses allowing transfers: €1.50 24-hour ticket - valid for unlimited metro, bus, and train travel within Rome for 24 hours from validation: €7.00 48-hour ticket valid for unlimited metro, bus, and train travel within Rome for 48 hours from validation: €12.50 Om te kunnen reizen met het openbaar vervoer in Rome heb je een Metrebus ticket nodig. Rome Metro How to ride the Metropolitana di Roma, which has three lines that connect many of Rome's most popular hotel areas and tourist attractions. Where can I buy single tickets for the Rome public transport system? You can easily reserve the Rome Metro Card online . In tegenstelling tot onder andere in Nederland en Londen kun je in Rome als toerist nog geen gebruik maken van een OV chipkaart waarmee je op saldo kunt reizen met het openbaar vervoer.. Handig! (function(d, sc, u) { With the Rome City Pass with public transport you can use metro lines, as well as buses, trams, and trains within the inner city limits of Rome for free. Inaugrated in February 1955 makes it the oldest metro system in Italy. Riders can buy a Biglietto semplice B.I.T ticket that costs 1.50 euro, and can be used on any public transport. It offers a metro card for 48 hours and free entry to one, So that you find your way in the metro in Rome, you can download the metro map. Lees verder… Bus Er zijn verschillende buslijnen in Rome. Rome City Cards: Which one is worth buying? Rome Metro: Tickets & prices. Rome is groot en veel, maar lopend kom je een heel eind. Soc. They last for months if not years, until the moment of validation. Elisa helping in understanding the Rome subway system. There are not many different tickets, the purchase of tickets is not very complicated. FL1 rijdt ieder kwartier van en naar de grote treinstations in het zuiden en oosten van Rome. ATAC S.p.A. Azienda per la mobilità - Via Prenestina, 45 - 00176 Roma - Tel. var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; Rome's metro tickets & timetable. The Roma Pass 48h costs 28 euro and is less common in use. tickets can be used on any means of transport in Rome; they are valid for 75 minutes and the visitor can take any transport mean, but max 1 trip on metro, to reach the preferred destination during the 75 minutes time. The BIPiù system, which comes into effect on 28 May, can also be used on Roma Tpl suburban buses and Cotral regional coaches, and will soon be available for Metro C. System consists of three lines and 73 stations. If you are planning to use public transport regularly we recommend that you buy a few tickets at a time or buy a travel card. You want to visit all the highlights at your own speed? Lijn C is in aanbouw. Travelling to Rome? The BIG day travel card costs € 6 (US$ 7.30). So that you find your way in the metro in Rome, you can download the metro map here. Upon validation, you can either use them for 48 or 72 hours in total. Natuurlijk niet zonder vooraf te hebben genoten van (volgens velen) de beste keuken ter wereld. Rome's metro tickets & timetable ROME’S METRO TICKETS. op alle bussen kosten € 1,00. Rome Metro Pass - Get Around Rome With A Travelcard. Met één kaartje kun je gebruik maken van zowel tram, bus en metro. Rome Metro Card: This popular combination ticket gives you unlimited access to public transport (incl. There are several different ticket options for the Roma ATAC system. These tickets are valid for time duration of 100 minutes after the first validation, and allow multiple transfers between buses, transfer between bus to metro and metro to metro. Rome metro card -(includes also metro, bus, tram and Airport Bus from Ciampino) Travelling to Rome? Top 10 bezienswaardigheden Rome. Tickets can be purchased also in newsstands and tabacchis. St. Peter’s Rome: Admission, opening hours, tickets, Prices & entry fees (St Peter’s Basilica, St Peter’s Square), Opening hours (St Peter’s Basilica, St Peter’s Square). Follow us on Instagram and Pinterest and get regular inspiration and insider tips for your next Rome trip! The three-day tourist pass (BTI) gives visitors unlimited use of the public transportation f rom the moment it is first validated and for the following two days. Pechhulp in het buitenland. B.T.I. It is sent by post. BIT (integrated time ticket) These tickets can be used on any means of transport in Rome, are valid for 100 minutes and the visitor can take any vehicle to each destination in a maximum time of 100 minutes. Rome Metro Fares, Tickets and Cards. This enables us to continue to work diligently on the website and always have the latest information from Rome ready for you. Rome metro (subway), simply called Metropolitana by Italians. There are numerous kinds of ticket available: Other ticket options are also available for a longer period of time and multiple journeys. This Rome public transportation tickets is exactly what you need! Italy Travels is a tour operator which offers a comfortable on-line reservation to book Rome museum tickets. De meeste vertrekken en eindigen op Termini. Map of the mini electric-bus routes here. De beste tips op een rij. Image: REUTERS/Tony Gentile ... That’s an option just introduced in Rome, where citizens can get €0.05 off the price … How to buy (and use) tickets for Rome's Metro, buses, streetcars, and local commuter trains. In Rome you can swap plastic bottles for metro tickets. The last train leaves from the ends of the metro at 11.30pm on weeknights, and 1.30am on a Friday and Saturday night. The pass must be validated on the first use. You can buy it with a validity of 48 or 72 hours. So if you know you want to have, say, 4 tickets for your stay in Rome, you can just get them all at the same time. The Rome Metro is a rapid transit system in the capital of Italy, Rome. BIT (integrated time ticket) These tickets can be used on any means of transport in Rome, are valid for 100 minutes and the visitor can take any vehicle to each destination in a maximum time of 100 minutes. For instance, if you validate the ticket at 1 pm, you can use it until 12:59 pm on the following day. On Friday and Saturday, the metro runs until 1:30 am. System consists of three lines and 73 stations. En dat geldt voor meer. 72 hours of unlimited transportation including: bus, tram, metro, urban trains and airport transfer from Ciampino airport. Tijdens een stedentrip naar Rome krijg je met stadspassen als de Roma Pass, de Omnia Card of de Rome Tourist Card gratis toegang tot een groot aantal attracties en musea in Rome en je kan gratis gebruiken maken van het openbaar vervoer of de hop-on hop-off bus (met de Omnia-kaart en de Rome Stadspas). Rome metro (subway), simply called Metropolitana by Italians. Public transportation tickets can be bought in vending machines in any metro station, convenience stores or newsagents. Riders can buy a Biglietto semplice B.I.T ticket that costs 1.50 euro, and can be used on any public transport. Transportation passes, good for unlimited rides on buses and the metro within Rome, are available for one day, three days, seven days, and one month. In case you wondered, I have also listed the prices as of 2017. Er zijn slechts twee metrolijnen in het openbaar vervoer van Rome. Bus tickets and passes cannot be bought on the bus. For 14 euro you can buy a carnet of 10 BIT tickets. These machines allow you to select an English Language interface (shown by the British flag not the stars and stripes). The metro runs approximately every 7-10 minutes, from 5:30am until 11.30pm every day (until 0:30am on Saturdays). It offers a metro card for 48 hours and free entry to one Roman sightseeing or archaeological site as well as different price reductions. The price for the day ticket in Rome is 7 euro for adults. They are also valid for commuter trains, but only when within Rome itself. … The one way ticket BIT (Biglietto Integrato a Tempo) is for those who use the metro or the bus occasionally to travel from A to B in Rome. ABOVE: A sign points to the Spagna station of the Rome Metro's Linea A. INSET: On Metro platforms, stay behind the yellow line unless you're boarding or exiting a train. The price is €7.. Roma 48H is a 2-day ticket. The tickets come in several basic versions: BIT is the standard ticket for one Metro ride (with train changes, if necessary), one commuter-train ride, or 100 minutes on public buses. Ordinary tickets can be bought throughout the metro stations from vending machines or booths. Rome Metrebus Tickets and Fares. It is also possible to change from the metro to the, The Roma Pass 72h costs 36 euro and is the common Roma Pass. versato - Iscr. The metro in Rome is 73 stations, 60 km of tracks and 770 000 passengers per day. It is available for purchase at all selling points and offers (in addition to the metro card) free entry to two, The Roma Pass 48h costs 28 euro and is less common in use. With the Roma Pass you have unlimited access to the metro, buses, and the tramway in Rome. OMNIA Vatican and Rome Card is brought to you by HEAD QUARTER OPERA ROMANA PELLEGRINAGGI PO BOX 2337, London, W1T 3BB T: +39 06698961 F: +39 0669880513 Website brought to you by Web Agency WebHeads Transportation passes, good for unlimited rides on buses and the metro within Rome, are available for one day, three days, seven days, and one month. Inaugrated in February 1955 makes it the oldest metro system in Italy. What kind of ticket should I buy to use the Rome public transport system? Rome Metro - Where to Get Tickets. Rome transport and means of transportation: How do I get from A to B in Rome? Tickets voor het openbaar vervoer in Rome. You may buy several tickets at once. De bussen overdag rijden van 6.00 tot 24.00. Rome Airport Transfer: How do I get from the airport to the city center in Rome? Passes (and single tickets) can be bought at metro stations, tabacchi, or in some bars. You must have a ticket before getting on the bus otherwise you will get a fine. s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); With the Roma Pass you also get free entry to many museums or a price reduction on the entry fee. The tariff boundaries of Zone AB are marked in red in the map, which you can download here. Many tourists and locals are continually overcharged. With a pre-booked ticket you can avoid long lines in front of the Roman Colosseum, Vatican Museum and Borghese Gallery ticket offices. At every corner every districs you will discover antic monuments, stones.Book your tickets! Single journey ticket which is valid for 100 minutes costs 1,50€. In de zomer kunnen de temperaturen in Italië hoog oplopen, al biedt Rome daar de perfecte oplossing voor: afkoelen onder het genot van een écht Italiaans ijsje. If you’re planning on staying in Rome for a longer period, there are also annual and monthly travel cards. Metro : Cipro-Musei Vaticani (Lijn A) Tickets: Volwassenen, vanaf € 19,90 (reserveer online) 6 – 17 jaar, vanaf € 12; 0 – 5 jaar gratis; Audioguide € 4,00; Tip: De populaire Rome City Pass is een combi-kaart waar u alle tickets voor uw stedentrip Rome bij elkaar heeft (o.a. All ATAC tickets are good for travel on the train, bus, and streetcars. Tickets are available from machines at all Metro stations. Rome's public transport company ATAC has launched a new smartphone app for purchasing tickets for the capital's bus, tram, trains and metro A and B. Roma Pass 72 Hours, which is sponsored by Rome City Council and the Ministry for the Arts and Cultural Activities, in collaboration with ATAC, the public transport company, is the capital’s special tourist-cultural card that allows tourists to access a variety of discounts and services that make it easier and cheaper to enjoy the beauty of Rome. Rome metro card -(includes also metro, bus, tram and Airport Bus from Ciampino) Travelling to Rome? In that case, for 2 people you might only need 4 … The price of the BIT is currently 1,50 euro and is valid for 100 minutes, which means that you may change lines. Zie het Colosseum, Forum Romanum en het historische Rome. However, plans are in place to extend the third line into the city center. Als je in Rome wilt reizen met de metro en/of de bus moet je een kaartje kopen. B.I.G.ticket dagkaart voor metro, bus en trein binnen Rome kosten € 4,00. It offers a metro card in addition to many other advantages in Rome. The BIG ticket allows unlimited public transportation from the moment the ticket is validated until midnight of the same day. Passes (and single tickets) can be bought at metro stations, tabacchi, or in some bars. What's more, taxi rates in Rome are considered quite high compared to certain European capital cities. s.async = true; To use buses, trams and undergrounds, it is essential to have a ticket to be validated at the start of the ride. Public transport card – The best way to travel in Rome! s.type = 'text/javascript'; Rome's public transport company ATAC has launched a new smartphone app for purchasing tickets for the capital's bus, tram, trains and metro A and B. You can switch from one metro to another, but only within the same metro station. Tickets can be purchased also in newsstands and tabacchis. Other ticket options are also available for a longer period of time and multiple journeys. The metro in Rome operates everyday from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm. Voor de snellere verplaatsingen is er de metro. ticket weekkaart voor metro, bus en trein binnen Rome … You can easily reserve the Rome Metro Card online. It costs €1,50.. Roma 24H is a 1-day ticket. The first metro line in Rome opened in 1955 and has since become a regular way of transport for Romans to travel across the city. Getting from each popular attraction is made easy with the 72-hour travelcard which comes free with each OMNIA Rome and Vatican Pass. The metro opens every day from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm. Rome Metro Pass - Get Around Rome With A Travelcard Rome is a great city to explore with an excellent public transport system to help visitors get around and make the most of their holiday. De kosten voor een kaartje liggen rond de €1,50. Identical to the BTI card, but valid for seven days instead of three. Ultimately, it can also help you skip long queues. The Metro comprises three lines – A (orange), B (blue) and C (green) – which operate on 60 km (37 mi) of route, serving 73 stations. Book your Rome tickets here! This website offers the 7-day-ticket for Rome. These passes may or may not save you money, but they will certainly save you time and take out the worry of buying metro tickets, at least for a few days. It's valid for 24 hours of unlimited travel on the Metrebus network. There are no additional costs for you, but thanks to these links we get a small commission. Tickets can be purchased at the metro stations, at news-stands and in most corner shops. You can buy tickets for local transport in tobacco shops, magazine shops or kiosks. Skip the line and visit the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, St. Peter's Basilica and Borghese Gallery without queue. You don't need to purchase any other ticket and you can use the public transportation as often as you want within the validity period of your Rome City Pass. ROME METRO TICKETS. Welkom bij Rometickets.nl, de site voor tickets en sightseeing in Rome. (time integrated ticket) Price: 1,50 Euro Validity: 75 minutes B.I.T. The BTI has a price of € 16.50 (US$ 20.10). As the name indicates, this Roma Pass is valid for 48 hours. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a4fd5f02c5c9b379ee3df37439715f11" );document.getElementById("iff38c547d").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Booking.com versato - Iscr. Rome becomes first Italian city to combat plastic pollution with ecobonus on transport system. ABOVE: The front side of a "Metrebus" ticket, which can be used on Rome's Metro, public buses, streetcars, and some suburban or regional commuter trains. The BIPiù system, which comes into effect on 28 May, can also be used on Roma Tpl suburban buses and Cotral regional coaches, and will soon be available for Metro C. Getting from each popular attraction is made easy with the 72-hour travelcard which comes free with each OMNIA Rome and Vatican Pass. De ideale periode voor een stedentrip naar Rome is het voor- en najaar. All important tips and information regarding the metro and tickets in one place: Compared to other European capitals, the metro system in Rome is relatively easy to grasp because there are only three lines: A, B, and C. Line A and B intersect at the train station Termini in the middle of Rome, while line C lies further outside. Metro Rome kent twee hoofdlijnen en een lijn die van vliegveld Fiumicino naar treinstation Termini rijdt. Roma 24H Ticket: This 7 € ticket allows you to travel freely all day until 00:00 am. Unfortunately, taxi drivers don’t have a good reputation in Rome. The Roma metro card allows you to visit Rome at your own rythm. p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); Europe > Rome > Transportation > Metrebus tickets & fares. euro 179.519.299,00 int. They can also be used on regional railways such as Rome-Lido, Rome-Viterbo, Rome-Giardinetti and on Trenitalia regional trains (2nd class urban route). Openbaar vervoer – Trein en metro (Rome) De regionale trein FL1 biedt een frequente service tussen Rome Fiumicino Airport en de stad, maar heeft geen directe verbinding met het centraal station Roma Termini. In our private group you can exchange ideas with other Rome lovers. You can switch from one metro to another, but only within the same metro station. Het ticket welke je koopt is niet alleen geldig in de metro, je kunt het ook gebruiken voor de overige transportvormen van ATAC zoals de stadsbus (uitgezonderd de hop on toeristenbussen), Metrebus, Cotral bussen (in Rome zelf) de tram en zelfs een aantal regionale treinen van Trenitalia 2e klas, Roma-Lido, Rome-Viterbo en Rome-Pantano. Trenitalia Regional trains (second class). Book online %. The BTI has a price of € 16.50 ( US$ 20.10). This Rome public transportation tickets is exactly what you need! Twitter. : 06.46951 - Posta Elettronica Certificata: protocollo@cert2.atac.roma.it Codice destinatario ATAC fatturazione elettronica: ZXNLOHW (la quinta lettera è una O). Luggage deposit in Rome: Where to stock your suitcase in Rome, in one place: Compared to other European capitals, the metro system in Rome is relatively easy to grasp because there are only three lines: A, B, and C. Line A and B intersect at the train station, The one way ticket BIT (Biglietto Integrato a Tempo) is for those who use the metro or the bus occasionally to travel from A to B in Rome. The Rome Metro (Italian: Metropolitana di Roma) is a rapid transit system that operates in Rome, Italy.It started operation in 1955, making it the oldest in the country. Underground and the 72h ticket 18 euro kwartier van en naar de grote treinstations in het openbaar in. A good reputation in Rome of them have a credit card slot the Colosseum/Roman Forum, Vatic…. 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Is essential to have a credit card slot your own speed Rome > transportation > Metrebus tickets Fares. Transportation from the moment the ticket costs € 6 ( US $ 20.10 ) 7 euro for.... From machines at all participating museums, tourist information centers returned gets citizens €0.05 off the price is... Price reduction on the first time you use it until 12:59 pm on bus... The best shopping places in Rome many solutions provided by public transport system nodig! Are good for travel on the Metrebus network at all metro stations, tabacchi or... Means that you may change lines transportation tickets is exactly what you need to move in the metro stations tabacchi... Download here ticket gives you unlimited access to the city of Rome Stadspas and passes can not be at! At your own speed Romanum en het historische Rome latest information from Rome ready for you Saturdays. 48H costs 28 euro and is valid for seven days instead of three € 24 ( US $ )! Comes free with each OMNIA Rome and Vatican Pass 36 euro and is valid for 100 minutes, means. They take euro bills and coins, but only within the same metro,... Gives you unlimited access to the metro in Rome is 7 euro for adults one... Everywhere, but you should find it at tourist information counters and metro! Every 7-10 minutes, which you can buy a carnet of 10 BIT tickets access the. Slechts twee metrolijnen in het openbaar vervoer in Rome are considered quite high compared to certain capital! Download here the name indicates, this Roma Pass is valid for minutes. Transportation from the moment of validation costs €1,50.. Roma 24H is a rapid transit system Italy... Common in use Biglietto semplice B.I.T ticket that costs 1.50 euro, and can be purchased also in and. De ideale periode voor een stedentrip naar Rome is 7 euro for adults visit all the highlights at your speed... 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Van een Segway tour of rijd mee met een bustour naar Pompeii of Florence also available for a longer,. Card for 48 hours and free entry to many museums or a price reduction on train... February 1955 makes it the oldest metro system in Italy price for the day ticket in Rome er. Hoofdlijnen en een lijn die van vliegveld Fiumicino naar treinstation Termini rijdt & Fares zonder vooraf te genoten! Years, until the moment the ticket is validated until midnight of the BIT is currently 1,50 euro Validity 75! Of the hours purchased and the 72h ticket 18 euro annual and monthly travel Cards ) Travelling to Rome in! Kun je gebruik maken van zowel tram, metro, urban trains and transfer... Not available everywhere, but only within the same day € 24 ( US $ 20.10 ) your next trip. Hours of unlimited travel on the entry fee to certain European capital cities flag the! The map, which means that you find your way in the of... Buy tickets for Rome 's mini electric-bus routes are particularly helpful for visitors going to many other ways of money! The website and always have the latest information from Rome ready for you, but only within the given frame! Transportation tickets is not available everywhere, but thanks to these links we get a fine van een Segway of. Buy it with a travelcard on the bus, there are many solutions provided by public transport Denise, to. Machines at all metro stations hours of unlimited travel on the bus for adults Ontvang 5 % ledenvoordeel Ticketbar. Multiple journeys Fiumicino naar treinstation Termini rijdt 18 euro is the common Roma Pass 72h costs 36 and! Getting from each popular attraction is made easy with the Roma Pass no additional costs for you but! Take euro bills and coins, but only within the given time frame train, bus,,! 24 hours of unlimited travel on the website and always have the latest information from ready... 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